I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1835: Li Chunlan scrapped

When he came back, Kite sniffed his body and suddenly smirked.

"This perfume smells pretty good. It seems to use a very high-end brand, and it still has two different smells, eh, did I smell it wrong?"

Jiang Siming squeezed the Qiong nose of the kite and said with a smile: "You little dog nose is really good."

After speaking, he didn't conceal it, and he told the whole story.

Hearing the name Anne Hathaway, the kite wowed, and then he held Jiang Siming's arm, begging him to ask for Anne Hathaway's signature next time he met.

Jiang Siming was helpless and funny, but he didn't expect this girl to be a fan of Anne Hathaway.

"It's not just me, Hashimoto must be too. So is Sakura. Anne Hathaway's movie is super nice."

Kite lamented that if Anne Hathaway hadn't been too old and had given birth to a child, she probably wanted to persuade Jiang Siming to go to the house.

But although Annie can't make it, her sister is young.

And listening to Jiang Siming's narration, Jonah is more beautiful than Annie, this guy must be in the house.

But that night, Jonna moved into Jiang Siming's private villa, and she even started to help clean up in order not to live in vain.

After working all night, I took a bath with sweat, and prepared to go to sleep.

However, when she just fell asleep, there was movement outside the villa.

Not the normal footsteps, but the sneaky sound.

Jona immediately went to check the room monitoring, and there were a lot of people in black who were playing tricks outside the villa, as if they wanted to pry the door in.

Seeing this, Jonah got a cold back, quickly opened the bedroom door and ran to the room of Aunt Li Chunlan who was staying with her and knocked on the door.

She didn't know that Li Chunlan was just a robot. Seeing her knock on the door, Li Chunlan opened the door.

"Sister Li, there seems to be a thief underneath!"

Li Chunlan calmly walked downstairs.

As soon as he got down, the door downstairs was pried open, and a big man came in and was about to turn on the light when he was suddenly beaten out with an iron fist.

Immediately afterwards, Li Chunlan rushed out from the gate and fought with these dozen people.

These people also think that Li Chunlan is just an old lady, so naturally they are not afraid, and at the same time, they are also fierce, punching and kicking Li Chunlan.

However, they found that hitting Li Chunlan with their fists was like hitting an iron plate.

The siege by more than a dozen people failed to break Li Chunlan's defense.

On the contrary, Li Chunlan was knocked down by three punches and two kicks.

At this time, the people who had been waiting outside became impatient, walked in, and took out a bright pistol from his waist.

The gun was aimed at Li Chunlan, and he fired several shots.

The bullet hit Li Chunlan, tinkling.

These people did not relieve their anger. Someone even picked up a small rocket launcher and shot it at Li Chunlan.


The huge bombing sound alarmed the night sky of Tokyo.

Jiang Siming, who was sleeping with a kite, received a call from Jonah.

Just after answering, I heard Jona’s cry.

"Mr. Jiang, a lot of bad guys rushed into the villa. They still have guns and bazookas. Sister Li seems to have been shot. She seems to be out of order, oooooo...

Jiang Siming got up from the bed and disappeared into the hotel instantly.

On the other side, outside the villa where Jona lived, Li Chunlan finally fell to the ground.

It is just a driving robot, not a combat robot.

If it is a combat type, even a thousand people can be easily killed by it.

It's a pity that the driving robot does not have any attack methods or capabilities.

Li Chunlan, who was hit by a bullet in the eye socket, had a brain chip almost scrapped, and if it was blown up like this, it was already damaged everywhere.

No longer able to move.

Despite this, Li Chunlan climbed to the door and tried to block these people.

The task Jiang Siming gave it was to protect Jonah, and it must be done.

Jona upstairs saw this scene, already crying, holding the kitchen fruit knife in her hand, and determined that if someone came up, she would fight with him.

However, no one came in to catch him. The people outside had clearly defeated Li Chunlan, but they all seemed to have disappeared, and there was no sound at all.

Could it be that the police came and all ran away?

Jonah immediately ran downstairs thinking of this, and wanted to help Li Chunlan.

However, he suddenly sank his head and fainted with black eyes.

Before going into a coma, she only remembered that she fell into a warm embrace.

The smell of the owner in this embrace is very familiar.

Jiang Siming picked up the unconscious Jona and put it in the guest room first, then walked out.

When he came to the door, Li Chunlan was already in the semi-scrap stage, and the skin on her body was exploded to reveal the metal bones inside.

That's why Jona was unconscious.

It would be strange if Li Chunlan, who was seen like this by Jona, wasn't scared out of the shadows.

So Jiang Siming had to let Jona sleep first, and take advantage of this time to finish the matter.

Squatting, Jiang Siming checked Li Chunlan's condition and found that it was very bad.

"Can you hear me, Sister Li?" Jiang Siming shouted.

Getting used to calling it that way, Jiang Siming will soon treat it as an adult.

However, the other party did not respond, and the metal on his body was creaking.

Jiang Siming didn't know how to start.

If it is a normal person, Jiang Siming will give him a pill.

But the robot, he can't help it.

Jiang Siming thought of the robot battery, so he quickly took it out and wanted to install it.

However, the new battery is useless.

Jiang Siming guessed that other internal parts or chips were destroyed.

Is it really impossible to scrap it?

Jiang Siming also became irritable.

He thought that Li Chunlan's problem was easy to solve, but now he found that it was not, and it was more difficult than normal.

The irritability naturally needs to be vented. As for how to vent, Jiang Siming fixed his gaze at the twenty-odd people standing still at the door.

The Yamaguchi group, he guessed it was them.

Jiang Siming waved his hand, and the souls of these twenty-odd people were forcibly pulled out.

At this point, he was still puzzled, Jiang Siming asked them to line up and go out by themselves.

He didn't want to kill him in his villa, lest the police suspect it.

After going out, summon long-lost ghosts and leave all the souls and bodies of these people to them to enjoy slowly.

Then, Jiang Siming used the mind-reading technique to read the memory, and within an hour, the Japanese Yamaguchi team was removed from the world.

After returning to the villa, Jiang Siming looked at Li Chunlan again, she was completely scrapped and motionless.

Jiang Siming was a little upset. Although he was just a robot, Li Chunlan had really followed him for a long time.

She drives all the planes, yachts and cars at home.

Although there are several more driving robots behind, Jiang Siming still finds Li Chunlan to use the most comfortable.

Now that it's gone, Jiang Siming doesn't know how to go back and explain to his wives.

Wives always thought that Li Chunlan and the others were alive.

Jiang Siming sighed and stretched out his hand to put Li Chunlan's corpse in the ring first, and find a chance to return to China and bury it.


Second more~

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