But when he touched Li Chunlan's metal shell, there was a reminder sound in his head.

"A [scrapped robot] is detected and can be sent to the robot factory for repair."

Jiang Siming slapped his thigh, why didn't he expect this.

The robot factory, isn't it a special maintenance and production robot? I almost forgot this.

"Stay in my ring first, and when I gather the robot factory, I will repair you to a brand new look."

Jiang Siming put Li Chunlan into the ring. Living people can't enter the ring, but robots can.

After putting away the robot, Jiang Siming released a new robot, making it look like Li Chunlan.

He was afraid that Jonah would feel guilty. If she knew that Li Chunlan died to save herself, the girl would probably blame herself in her life.

When everything is done, there are already police sirens outside.

However, tonight is destined to be the most unsettling day in Japan.

The hundred-year-old gangster family were all killed overnight.

The death toll exceeds five thousand!

Especially at this Olympic moment, the eyes of the whole world are on Japan.

In order to save face, Japan immediately explained that it was to better maintain public order during the Olympics, so the Yamaguchi group was cleaned up.

They dared not report the dead, only that they were all arrested.

It is precisely because of their swollen faces and fat guys that Jiang Siming and them are completely out of the sight of responsibility and the police.

Jiang Siming was also happy to see this scene. He thought he would continue to use some means to get rid of the entanglement.

I didn't expect the Japanese police to cooperate so well, so you can take the credit if you want.

After a long sleep, Jonah woke up and looked up and found Jiang Siming sitting next to her bed, with'Li Chunlan' standing behind her.

Jonah couldn't hold back, her eyes flushed, crying and threw herself into Jiang Siming's arms, crying loudly.

The little girl was really scared just now.

"It's okay, it was the people in the restaurant who came to avenge today, but they were all taken care of by the police." Jiang Siming calmed Jona's emotions.

Pass her the news on the phone by the way.

Jonah felt relieved after reading it.

"Sister Li, are you okay? I just heard them shooting, and there are bazookas." Jonah asked Li Chunlan.

Li Chunlan smiled and said, "I'm fine, they didn't hit me."

Jonah felt relieved and thanked Li Chunlan again and again.

When Jiang Siming saw that she was okay, he planned to go back.

Unexpectedly, Jonah held his arm and would not let him go.

"Mr. Jiang, can you stay with me for a while, just for a while." Jonah begged, she was still a little scared.

Jiang Siming's presence by her side filled her with a sense of security. She didn't want to be so fast. This sense of security was gone.

Jiang Siming readily agreed, and said to Li Chunlan: "Sister Li, go to bed first, and take her to the Olympics site to watch the game tomorrow."

"Yes, boss."

‘Li Chunlan’ immediately agreed, and gave Jona a few more reassurances before leaving the room.

Jiang Siming sighed in his heart that the robot provided by this fragment was really easy to use, completely personified, without any mechanical stiffness.

After Li Chunlan left, she took the door to the room.

Suddenly, only Jiang Siming and Jonah were left in the room.

Jonah is like a poor, helpless and delicious little lamb. At this time, Jiang Siming can actually do anything to her.

But Jiang Siming didn't want to take advantage of others.

Putting Jona to sleep, Jiang Siming disappeared from the villa and returned to the Olympic Village.

The next day, everything went as usual.

Jiang Siming and Kite went to the competition site after breakfast.

In the third game today, the Huaxia team changed two players. Kite replaced the great god, and the smile replaced Ah Shou.

After knowing that, the Chinese audience didn't worry at all, as long as Jiang Siming didn't change it, anyone could change it.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Jiang Siming saw a beautiful figure waving at him over the auditorium.

Blond and blue-eyed, looks very similar to Anne Hathaway, even better than Anne.

Kite knew who she was as soon as she saw her.

"It's so beautiful, my husband, your eyes are really harsh."

Jiang Siming touched his nose, his brain emptied, and he made up a vocabulary response: "I...not the kind of person you think, I and her are just friends."

Kite gave him a roll of eyes, obviously, he didn't believe a punctuation mark.

Jiang Siming didn't want to explain, time will prove his innocence! He can use Ah Wei's sexual life as a guarantee.

Whenever he has a lie, Ah Wei will have a disharmonious **** life!


The Great God who was watching the game on the bench sneezed inexplicably. He wrapped his clothes and muttered:

"Why did you sneeze suddenly? It's obviously not cold. In this weather, did the air conditioner catch a cold yesterday?"

Jona waved to Jiang Siming, holding a red banner in her hand, just to cheer Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming had to wave his hand at her, and Li Chunlan was still standing behind Jona, the two came together.

As for the tickets, Jiang Siming asked Dayao to get them.

Two tickets for the front seat.

Jiang Siming simply greeted him, and then entered the contestant stand to prepare for the game.

He wants to use facts to prove that he and Jonah are innocent.

Then the third game began.

Desert map.

In this game, it is impossible for Jiang Siming to lose, because his Jin Ying Hong Ying has already turned his CD.

With these two skills in hand, Jiang Siming can clearly know where everyone is.

Although others can see his position as the killer king, he also knows every move of the opponent.

So the whole game became Jiang Siming's violent massacre show.

Where does he go?

Not only that, for the convenience of killing enemies faster, but also to take care of the gaming experience of the kite wife.

So this Jiang Siming took the entire Huaxia team to act together, intercepting others everywhere and besieging the enemy.

The whole game was totally hilarious.

In order to kill more people, Jiang Siming also deliberately knocked down a team to leave a single seedling, let him bring a token to revive his teammates.

Then kill them again.

With such recycling, the headcount of the Huaxia team has reached a terrifying 40 kills!

If it weren't for other teams to find that China's score was rising too fast, they were forced to take the initiative to fight with other teams to grab points.

Otherwise, Jiang Siming can kill more, maybe even more than 50 enemies can be killed.

Unfortunately, although the head Jiang Siming took thirty.

But the fragments did not pick up a few pieces.

Only four pieces were picked up in total.

Two of them are still spicy chicken stuff, melted into omnipotent pieces.

The next two pieces are pretty decent, one is a factory puzzle, and he collected two pieces short of it.

The other is another skill of the Eight Wonders, which is called [Shen Ji Bai Lian].

just this.

Jiang Siming was also quite speechless, and it seemed that the fragments would only decrease in the future.

Still have to watch the new game.


Third more~

The Olympics will end tomorrow, and Myojin will announce his retirement tomorrow, and there will be very few scenes in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds game.

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