I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1849: Isn't it just multiple sisters!

[Character]: Konis

[Domineering]: Intermediate, see and hear, domineering

[Fruit]: Superman Series·Sonic Fruit·Evolution Version

[Ability]: Navy Type VI, control sound waves


[Character]: Laqi

[Domineering]: Intermediate armed **** domineering, intermediate knowledge **** domineering

[Fruit]: Ancient species of animal family·Qingluan Fruit·Evolution Edition

[Ability]: Navy Six Forms, incarnation of Qingluan

The abilities of Laqi and Konis are also excellent.

Mainly the Devil Fruits given by the Pirate Treasure Chest are all fine products.

There are five female crew members, all of which are outstanding and extraordinary.

The prototype of a powerful pirate group has begun to emerge.


On the deserted island next to Hydra Island.

With a loud noise.

One of the doors of the closed training ground opened automatically.

Luffy in a straw hat came out from inside, and he stretched out.

"Wow, two years are over so soon, wow hahaha, so fast."

Luffy's appearance hasn't changed much from two years ago. If he has to say it, he has matured a bit, his height has increased a bit, and he has explosive muscles.

The appearance has also changed from the previous naiveness, becoming a lot more calm, especially the temperament on his body, which makes people secretly shocked. Although there is no action, he faintly has the real captain temperament.

"Hey, why haven't Sauron come out yet?"

Luffy saw that the next room was closed tightly, and just as he was wondering, two more doors opened.

Usopp and Brook came out at the same time.

The three brothers hadn't seen each other for two years, and they hugged each other excitedly.

Usopp has also grown a lot, and his childishness has completely disappeared.

"Usopp, you guy has become handsome."

"Hahaha, no, no, no, not very handsome."

"I haven't seen a woman getting fat for more than two years, ooh, Mr. Jiang sent me to **** to practice for two years, I was too difficult."

Just as the three of them were about to sit down and chat slowly and wait for others to come out, a very beautiful pirate boat came on the shore of the island.

"Hey, whose ship is this? It's so luxurious!"

"I haven't seen the Pirate Flag above."

"What a cool ship, better-looking than our Wanli Sunshine!"

As the three talked, five girls came down from the boat, all beautiful.

Brook couldn't walk on the spot.

On the contrary, Usopp and Luffy were shocked when they saw the five girls.

"Keya! Nuoqigao! Vivi! Conis! Laqi! Why are you here?"

Five girls didn't speak, but they shot three men at the same time!

Nuoqi stepped forward for a month, rushed over, turned into a fire dragon with both hands, and screamed towards Luffy and the others!

The three people who were startled hurriedly avoided.

The fire dragon bombed the jungle, blowing up a burning pit half the size of a basketball court!

The power is amazing.

"This, this...Is this really Nami's sister? Isn't she an ordinary person?" Usopp's mouth trembled.

Although he has practiced for two years, Usopp's courage is still as small as ever.

Luffy had a big heart, and said with a serious expression: "Whether she is or not, since she shot me, I have no reason not to accept this challenge!"

After speaking, Luffy's overlord's domineering turned on, and the intermediate-level overlord's domineering and coercive unfolded, making Usopp and Brook envy for a while.

Domineering and domineering, but not common people have, it really depends on God to enjoy food.

They only learn to be armed and domineering, and they are still junior.

"Second gear! Open!"

As soon as Luffy's stall opens, he will fight Nuoqigao!

Nuoqigao was obviously not the opponent of Luffy's two years of hard work, and it didn't take long for him to lose.

At this time, Weiwei smiled and said softly: "Sister Nuoqigao, let me deal with him."

Nuoqigao did not refuse, and immediately changed his opponent, looking at Brooke, shooting fireballs all around.

Brooke had no choice but to take it passively.

Weiwei had already turned into a female sword fairy, holding a magic knife with a thousand blades, and killed Luffy.

"Isn't this Big Brother Jiang's weapon, Weiwei, hey hey, why are you so powerful?"

With ten thousand question marks in Luffy's head, he hurriedly avoided Weiwei's attack.

However, what shocked him even more was that Weiwei turned out to be overbearing and domineering, which is too outrageous!

Luffy let go of the doubts in his heart and fought Weiwei seriously.

Conis looked at Usopp.

Three against three, a big battle unfolded so suddenly.

Before long, the training ground behind him opened two more doors.

Sauron and Sanji also came out one after another.

The two were dumbfounded when they came out, but before they wanted to understand, Laqi turned into Qingluan and rushed up with Keya.

Zoro and Sanji can only passively defend.

In this scene, I watched Nami Robin and Ramrim who came out behind.

"Sister... why did you come here? It has become so amazing..."

Nami looked stupidly at Nuoqigao, who had fought back and forth with Brook, who was capable of Huangquan Fruit, and was stunned.

After two years of absence, Nami is completely stretched out, with wavy blond hair, and her body is extremely irritating, and she has not even lost to her sister.

Robin has changed his previous slightly darker skin, white and beautiful, exuding a mature charm and full of intellectual beauty.

Ram and Lem didn't change much, but there was a mark like a horn on Lem's head.

This is the mark of the full growth of their ghost race.

Ram did not break because before.

This mark made Lem more cute.

The four girls looked at this amazing battle in front of them without knowing why.

They didn't forget the battle until another person came down on the big ship on the shore of the island far away.

The four figures, like birds returning to the forest, plunged into Jiang Siming's arms.

One after another, one left and one right, hold Jiang Siming tightly, leaving no gaps.

Two years, two whole years, they have not seen Jiang Siming.

Even if you go crazy thinking about Jiang Siming in the training ground, you still can't see Jiang Siming.

I finally saw it now, even Robin, who had always been steady, rushed up in a gaffe.

Nami and the others cried even more.

Jiang Siming was a little at a loss and could only comfort one by one.

Robin didn't cry. Instead, he smiled and asked Jiang Siming: "These girls are all your masterpieces?"

Jiang Siming didn't deny it, and nodded.

At this time, Nami didn’t have time to cry. She raised her head to Jiang Siming as a wave of'soul torture': "Big Brother Jiang, honestly, when did you stay with my sister? Didn’t she secretly look for it in the past two years? My sister?"

Jiang Siming gave a dry cough and said, "No, we were together before this."

"Howl! I knew it, I'll just say how the tattoo on my sister's arm is your name! Humph!"

Nami's pouting mouth became taller, and the beloved man became her brother-in-law. Can she not pouting.

No, she didn't want her brother-in-law. When did she ever see the little thief cat suffer!

Isn't it just multiple sisters, it's no big deal!


First more~~

The previous chapter was wrong, it was actually yesterday's third update, and this is today's first update.

Sake is always honest (sunglasses).

There are two more chapters, please wait a moment.

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