I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1850: Quit the straw hat group

The battle lasted more than half an hour.

It came to an end.

The results are out.

Weiwei VS Luffy, Luffy wins by a narrow margin.

Nuoqigao VS Brooke, Nuoqigao wins.

Rachi VS Sanji, Rachi wins.

Keya VS Sauron, Sauron wins.

Konis VS Usopp, Usopp wins.


Although the five battles were not a life-and-death contest, they all angered each other and belonged to the real moves.

Even so, only Luffy and Sauron won the three main C of the Straw Hats.

Among them, Weiwei made Luffy even more moved. If she put her two years ago, Weiwei could crush him.

The sword fairy, who had just turned Weiwei, made him feel the crisis and pressure several times.

Raqi's strength is also very strong, Qingluan's fruit ability and Raqi's own fighting talent, let her defeat Sanji.

Although there are elements of Sanji's modesty in it, Sanji himself knows that even if he uses his full strength, he may only be able to fight against Raqi.

The most important thing, these five girls, they all know, they are all ordinary people.

Why is it so strong in less than two years?

Everyone suddenly thought of someone, and immediately looked over. The tall figure holding four girls standing in the distance is not Jiang Siming or someone else.

It must be him!

"Brother Jiang, are these the crew you brought us?" Sanji Guang almost drooled thinking about this.

On the Wanli Sunshine, if there are five more such girls, it will be heaven~

However, Jiang Siming denied it.

"Not so."

Jiang Siming said temporarily letting go of Robin and Nami, who were soft, and walked to Luffy and them.

When everyone saw Jiang Siming's serious expression, even the thoughts of greeting him stopped temporarily.

"I'm here this time to tell you that I am leaving the straw hat group temporarily." Jiang Siming said sternly.




"Brother Jiang, what are you talking about? You are our partner." Sauron was the first to disagree.

Jiang Siming smiled slightly and said, "Of course I know that I will always be your partner."

Sauron breathed a sigh of relief, thinking Jiang Siming was joking.

But Jiang Siming turned around and said: "I left because I also want to form my own pirate group, and I want to be the captain by myself."

"This..." Sauron was stunned. He didn't expect Jiang Siming, who had never thought of being a captain, would suddenly want to be a captain.

Jiang Siming put his hand on Lu Fei's shoulder and said, "I know you said before that you can give me the captain position, but I want to tell you that this runs counter to your dream."

"Remember, you are Luffy, you are the man who wants to become the One Piece, you have to take the position of the leader of the straw hat group, understand it?"

Lu Fei remained silent for a long time, but looked at Jiang Siming and stopped talking.

If it were two years ago, Luffy would definitely make a big fuss and break up with Jiang Siming.

Because he betrayed himself.

But now, Luffy, who has matured a little bit, doesn't think so.

He knew that his straw hat regiment completely restricted Jiang Siming's strength.

To be realistic, their small boat cannot accommodate a Buddha like Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming is actually doing him good, because with him, he, the Luffy Captain, will never be remembered.

And if Jiang Siming was there, they couldn't grow up on their own. After all, no matter what danger they encountered, Jiang Siming, the queen queen, would help.

It's like the time in Chambord Islands.

Without Jiang Siming, their straw hat regiment would have been wiped out.

The best outcome is probably to be arrested in Push City Prison and accept the fate of execution like Ace.

Because of this, Luffy and the others already rely on Jiang Siming.

This is a very bad phenomenon.

Starting from this, Jiang Siming's departure is the best choice.

Luffy lowered his head and was silent for a while, then raised his head, his eyes full of war.

"Brother Jiang, I agree with you to leave. We will definitely become your opponents, challenge you in the new world, and become the real One Piece!"

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "I look forward to that day. I hope that my Ming Concubine Pirates and your Straw Hat Pirates can one day truly compete against each other!"

"Ming Concubine Pirates, okay! I will definitely!" Luffy nodded.

"I'll tell you the bad news again. Nami, Robin, Ram and Rem all agreed to go with me just now." Jiang Siming simply showed up.

Luffy is not surprised, no matter how stupid he is, he can know who Robin Nami likes.

Ram and Lem are both Jiang Siming's younger sisters.

Now that Jiang Siming wants to form a pirate group by himself, they will naturally follow along.

"No problem, we will find the crew again and set sail again." Lu Fei agreed, very refreshingly.

"But I have a request, Brother Jiang, I hope you can agree."

"You said."

"Fight with me and use your true level. I want to see how big the gap between me and you is."

Luffy said seriously.

Jiang Siming nodded and agreed to Luffy's request. This was a battle between the two captains.

To facilitate the confrontation, Jiang Siming and Lu flew to the jungle.

A few minutes later, Jiang Siming walked out carrying Lu Fei, who was covered in injuries and passed out into a coma.

Sauron did not have any surprises when they saw it.

"Brother Jiang, if you beat him like this, I'm afraid our sailing plan will be delayed for a long time." Shanzhi complained.

Chopper was about to heal Luffy, but Ya came over first.

The healing fruit ability was activated, and within a few minutes, Luffy woke up again.

His injuries healed quickly.

"Brother Jiang, you are really strong and outrageous."

Lu Fei smiled bitterly. In the battle just now, he took out all his skills at the bottom of the box, and his ability to cultivate hard in the past two years was all released.

But Jiang Siming couldn't hurt Jiang Siming at all, but he was seriously injured by Jiang Siming.

This blow is also big.

Jiang Siming patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's not like what you said. It's not better for me to be stronger, but you are more motivated to surpass me."

"That's right, hahaha, I will definitely surpass you."

"That's right, let's go, get on my boat, I'll cook, cook you a big meal, and celebrate your coming out."

"Okay! I want to eat Dongpo meat!"

"Yes, there are everything, and there are many new dishes to satisfy you. By the way, there are many fine wines."

All of a sudden, Luffy and the others rushed to the boat.

After boarding the ship, they were amazed at the pirate ship Jiang Siming.

This is really much more luxurious than their Wanli Sunshine.

Nami and the others were so happy, they immediately made an appointment to pick their own room.

Not long after, the empress Hancock also came, and a group of people, sitting together, eating a big meal, drinking fine wine, it was very uncomfortable.

This meal has been eaten from noon to night.

It will not be over until they are all brought down by Jiang Siming.

The girls were taken into their room by Jiang Siming one by one.

Just let them sleep on the deck. They wouldn't mind anyway.


Second more~

There is still a chapter left, so I will make up all the debts in the past few days~

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