I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1851: Pirate Straw Hat Group

The next day, Luffy, Sauron, Sanji, Brook, Usopp, Frank, and Chopper returned to their Wanli Sunshine and waved goodbye to Jiang Siming.

When they left, both people in the boat cried.

Nami and the others are also very reluctant to leave the straw hat group, in fact, including Jiang Siming.

After all, everyone came all the way together, and they all had feelings.

Fortunately, although they are separated, the two pirate groups will always be good friends.

Just last night, when the empress came over, she brought up a girl from Nine Snake Island. This girl was called Marguerite and seemed to like Luffy very much.

It just so happened that the girl was also proficient in navigation, so Luffy immediately invited her to board the ship.

Jiang Siming naturally agreed.

Seeing Jiang Siming's agreement, the empress decisively let go.

In this way, the members of the straw hat group changed one person.

After the straw hat regiment left, Jiang Siming's concubine regiment was about to set sail.

This time, the lineup has been unprecedentedly strengthened.

Except for Keya, Nuoqigao, Vivi, Laqi, and Konis.

Five more members were added to Jiang Siming's ship.

Boya Hancock, Nami, Nicole Robin, Ram, Lem.

With Jiang Siming, there are eleven people in total, more than the straw hat group.

The Empress has been kicked out of the Qiwuhai ranks by the world government since she took action against the navy in the top war.

Now the empress naturally follows her husband.

The female emperor left the two sisters on the island to protect the safety of the island, and left them with a phone bug. As long as the island was in danger, she let them dial the phone.

In this way, Jiang Siming can fly with the sword anyway, no matter where he is, he will be there in no time.

When Jiang Siming gets stronger, he will arrive in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the Ming Concubine Pirate Group doubled in size.

Everyone has their own position.

Jiang Siming is naturally the captain and husband.

Keya is a ship doctor who is responsible for treating the wounded.

Nami is a navigator and financial steward.

Konis is a musician and assistant chef.

Nuojigo is a chef.

Robin is a historian.

Laqi is a boatman and has learned to repair ships on the sky island.

Ramlem is a housekeeper and is responsible for daily cleaning.

Weiwei is a military adviser who advises Jiang Siming's voyage and teaches everyone various palace etiquettes.

The female emperor ruled the sixth palace.

In this way, everyone performed their duties, and Jiang Siming once again transformed himself into a shopkeeper and became the emperor on the ship.

The key ten women didn't have any opinion, all of them spoiled Jiang Siming.

Alas, fortunately, Sanji Brook and the others are no longer, otherwise they have to be envious of autism.

With Jiang Siming's big wave of his hand, the concubine Ming pirates set sail again!

The first stop to go is the New World.

Since he wants to become the world's No. 1 Pirate Group, how can it prove the strength of the Ming Fei Pirate Group without going to the New World?

Besides, only by entering the new world can you have the opportunity to get close to the holy land of Mary Joa, which is the territory of the dragon people.

The leader of the Tianlong people, Yim, lives in Pangu City, the deepest part of Marijoa. To complete the nine-star mission, Jiang Siming must go to the new world.

The road to the new world must pass through the Chambord Islands and the fisherman island.

Especially for Fishman Island, without Jiang Siming's words, Weiwei and the others also want to go.

Even as a princess, I have never seen a murloc.

Everyone is full of longing and illusion about Murloc.

Jiang Siming is actually the same... ahem.

The treasure ship of Eve sailed towards the Chambord Islands.

If you want to go to Fishman Island, you need to drive the boat to a depth of 10,000 meters under the sea.

Therefore, the boats must be coated to complete. This coating technology is only available in the Chambord Islands.

That place is the nightmare of Nami and the others.

If it weren't for Jiang Siming, they might not survive.

Similarly, this island is the nightmare of Akadog.

The current red dog was defeated by Jiang Siming twice and was almost killed.

He is now saying that nothing will come to Chambord.

Of course, I don't want to see Jiang Siming.

This was the first voyage since the members of the Ming Concubine Pirates Group got together, and all the girls on the ship were chatting and chatting in excitement.

After the female emperor joined in, she also changed the personality of Gao Leng and arrogant, chatting and laughing with everyone.

Everyone spent the first night at sea.

Just after dinner, the empress looked at Weiwei and the others, lingering on their faces for several times.

In the end, the target was focused on Robin.

"Robin, the time tonight belongs to you, so take your time."

After the female emperor said hello, Weiwei and the others secretly smirked and left.

Robin, who had always been calm, made a big blush.

Just after taking a shower, Jiang Siming came out of the cabin, and looked at the hall suspiciously as empty, only Robin.

"Where are they?"

Robin blushed even more.


Such a beautiful day made Jiang Siming really reluctant to stop.

Every day, there are new people.

Robin and Nami have also completed their transformation.

When the ship reached the Chambord Islands, Jiang Siming only knew his strength, and he had already reached the middle of the Golden Core.

Later, the lifting of the seal of strength became more and more difficult and slower.

Jiang Siming was very surprised to be able to reach the middle of Jin Dan.

Back here again, Jiang Siming did not find Luffy's boat.

It seems that they are not here yet.

Mooring the boat at the port of the Chambord Islands, Nami and Robin had no interest in the island, so they chose to stay and watch the boat.

Others followed Jiang Siming and set foot on the Chambord Islands.

Jiang Siming took the girls all the way to Lei Li's tavern and asked him to coat Eve's treasure ship.

Unfortunately, Raleigh was not in the tavern and went out to gamble.

Jiang Siming had to take everyone to the casino again.

When passing through the center of the Chambord Islands, everyone stopped.

A lot of people gathered in front of them, as if watching some excitement.

In the crowd, a few crooked melons, dressed in similar costumes as members of the straw hat group, yelled at everyone.

"Yes, we are the straw hat group, I am the captain, Luffy!"

"I am Sauron."

"I'm Sanji."

"I'm Nami."

"Hahaha, I am the strongest man in the Straw Hat group, Jiang Siming who offers a bounty of 4.9 billion Baileys!"

"Want to join us? As long as it is a pirate with a bounty of more than 100 million, and turn in 5 million Baileys, you can join us!"


Jiang Siming was speechless for a while, but he didn't expect to encounter counterfeit goods here, pretending to be a straw hat group and swindling here.

"Damn it, how could my husband be so ugly, I have to twist his head off and kick the ball!"

It was discovered that someone was pretending to be Jiang Siming, and the Empress became the first to catch fire.

Without Jiang Siming's order, the empress was a violent beating.

These pirated goods didn't even have a chance to fight back, they all became stones, and then they were all cut into powder by Weiwei.

"Nami Robin is so beautiful, it is hateful to be faked by two such ugly women."

Weiwei said that with a move, the Magic Sword Thousand Blades decomposed again, turned into a bracelet, and hung it on her wrist again.

The people around immediately recognized the identity of the empress, and they all dispersed.

The female emperor is not easy to provoke. Although she was removed from the government, her strength was still Qiwuhai.

Everyone thought it would just pass.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to leave, a lot of navies suddenly appeared around him, as if they had been carefully crouching for a long time, and immediately surrounded Jiang Siming and the others.

From the navy, came out a figure who was so sexy, but gritted his teeth.

Who is she?


Third more~

Phew~ It's finally made up, and the sake is tired.

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