I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1852: Kidnap Taotu!

The embarrassment on Jiang Siming's face was fleeting when he saw the visitor.

What a coincidence, when he first came to Chambord, he met an old acquaintance, Lieutenant General Taotu.

Before the war, he sneaked into the naval headquarters, flirted with others and snatched their first kiss.

Unexpectedly, two years later, when I just returned here, I met Taotu. This Nima is too coincidental.

The female emperor and the others did not know the relationship between Jiang Siming and the other party, and thought it was an ambush by the navy.

"Husband, let's go, I guess the navy has already set up ten ambushes here." The empress frowned and said.

Helpless, Jiang Siming explained to the Empress and others his relationship with Taotu in a low voice.

As soon as the girls listened, their eyes became ambiguous.

The female emperor smiled and said to Taotu, "Sister, are you here to join our pirate group? We welcome it."

The face of the Taotu who came out changed, her beautiful eyes were angry, and she scolded: "Since the rebellion against the admiral, the sins cannot be forgiven! Take them down!"

In the past two years, Taotu has been training desperately in order to catch Jiang Siming himself, and is lucky to get a natural storm fruit.

Taotu, who performed well, was promoted to one of the generals by the Navy Headquarters.

Akadog was demoted to a lieutenant general because of a sharp drop in strength and a slump.

Lieutenant General Taotu has grown into a general Taotu.

This is also the first female general in naval headquarters.

But no one knew that Taotu was training so hard for Jiang Siming.

She felt that Jiang Siming had cheated on her feelings, so not only did she train hard, she also asked the headquarters to transfer her to the Chambord Islands.

Taotu patrols the island every day. When Jiang Siming appears, she knows Jiang Siming will come back here.

If he wants to go to the New World, he must come to Chambord Islands.

Finally, day after day, Taotu finally waited.

This **** man, **** fellow, was standing in front of her now.

What makes Taotu most angry is that he has not seen each other for two years. There are so many girls around this guy.

Flower heart radish, **** bastard...

At this time Taotu scolded Jiang Siming all over.

Taotu gave the order, but the surrounding navy didn't have the courage to go up.

Just kidding, the man in front of him is the pirate of the 5 billion Bailey bounty. Are they opponents?

"General Taotu, the enemy is too powerful, so let's call the headquarters for support first, and wait for the other generals to bring Jiang Siming to justice."

A major general advised.

Taotu's head is now full of fierce flames, and he shouted: "If our navy is afraid of pirates, then we will be a navy! If you don't go, I will come!"

After speaking, Taotu killed Jiang Siming.

"I will meet new sisters." Nuojiao stood up with a grin.

Taotu's face was ashamed and angry, and she scolded, "Who is your sister!"

After speaking, he started on Nuoqigao.

Nuoqigao is not shocked, and decisively fights with Taotu.

However, although Nuoqigao is very strong, he is far from a general opponent.

I was defeated in a few seconds.

Upon seeing this, Weiwei immediately joined the battlefield.

It seems that her strength has indeed grown a lot in the past two years, no wonder she can become a general.

However, it is a rare opportunity for Weiwei and the others to play against opponents at the general level.

So he didn't mean to make a move at all, even if Weiwei and Nuoqi couldn't fight well, there are still female emperor Laqi and others to help, don't worry about safety.

Just as Jiang Siming wanted to continue watching the show, the navy's footsteps came from other places.

"Husband, it seems that the navy has come to support."

The female emperor frowned, feeling a bit tricky.

"Well, let's not fight for now, let's go back."

"What about her? What about our new sister?" the empress asked, pointing to Taotu.

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "Of course I will carry it back and educate it well."

After speaking, Jiang Siming disappeared in place.

In the next second, Taotu didn't check it, but Jiang Siming grabbed his hands and carried them on his shoulders.

"Okay, let's go, leave a letter in the tavern, let Raleigh see it and find us later."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he picked up the peach rabbit and left.

The women laughed at the words and followed them.

Although Taotu struggled desperately, Jiang Siming was holding a weak lamb and couldn't break free.

On the contrary, it was because he was too "naughty" and was pimped a few times by Jiang Siming, which was honest.

After Jiang Siming and the others left, the green pheasant rushed to the scene with a large number of people, but Jiang Siming and Taotu were not seen.

There were only a large number of naval soldiers who were beaten and howled.

The green pheasant grabbed a soldier and asked, "Where is Jiang Siming?"

"Report the Green Pheasant General, he is gone."

"Where's General Taotu?"

"I was... kidnapped by Jiang Siming..."

The green pheasant had a headache after hearing it.

After more than a year, Jiang Siming's first appearance on the scene caused a huge problem for the Navy.

General Taotu was kidnapped by Jiang Siming?

If this spreads out, what is the face of their navy?

"Immediately notify the Marshal of the Warring States Period, and all three generals, Lu Niu, Fujitora, and Huang Yuan, will come to support!"

The green pheasant ordered to go down and chased in the direction where Jiang Siming had left.

The navy headquarters received the news immediately.

The three generals, Green Bull, Fujitora, and Yellow Ape, set off immediately, followed by Karp and the Warring States Period.

More than a year later, Jiang Siming reappeared, but he didn't expect to have such a big moth just after he came out.

Kidnap Admiral? This kind of thing is what Jiang Siming dares to do!

"Since Jiang Siming has appeared, is my grandson also there?" Karp asked, clasping his nose.

The Warring States Period shook his head and said, "According to Taotu's description, Jiang Siming seems to have left the straw hat group and formed a pirate group named Mingfei Pirates. Boyahancook is also inside."

"Did you form a pirate group? What is the purpose of this guy?" Karp listened to his thoughts.

He previously thought that Jiang Siming belonged to the kind of super master with no ambition.

He was cutting the red dog's arm and participating in the war on the top, all acting casually, just to help his friends.

But now, Jiang Siming suddenly formed a pirate group by himself. What is the purpose?

Green Bull said for granted: "Naturally it is for the onepiece treasure, the Pirate is not for this."

"If it's for this, why should he organize his own pirate group?" Karp gave him a roll of eyes.

Everyone fell silent.

The Warring States began to say: "Anyway, he must be arrested this time. This person's headquarters has studied and is the most terrifying enemy of the Navy since Roger. The threat is already at the same level as Monkey D. Dragon. He must be roped. Use the law!"

At this time, Fujitora suddenly said: "This guy's strength has grown too fast. More than a year has passed. Now, where is his strength?"

All the members were silent now.

Yes, Jiang Siming's strength was already terrifying more than a year ago. What about now?

How did this monster increase its strength? Incomprehensible.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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