I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1853: The peach rabbit gradually assimilated

The waters tens of miles away from the Chambord Islands.

On a luxurious ship.

A woman drew her sword and faced a group of people.

Opposite her, standing ten beautiful girls, among the girls, surrounded by a man sitting on a sun lounger leisurely enjoying the cool.

No matter how the woman scolded, the man remained indifferent, and even had time to drink the juice from the empress.

The woman who drew the sword was naturally a peach rabbit, and Jiang Siming, who was sitting on the beach chair, was right.

"You either kill me or let me go!" The woman gritted her teeth.

"Why am I killing you, I'm your boyfriend, you forgot, it was you who made me your boyfriend." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

Taotu's face suddenly turned purple.

"That's because I don't know your identity, you liar, cheated away my feelings! And mine..."

Speaking of the back, Taotu can't go on.

Because the ten girls on the opposite side are just like the aunts who watched Qiong Yao's drama, all with wide eyes and ears to listen to gossip.

"No matter what my identity is, it's not wrong that you let me be your boyfriend."

"I don't want it now, I announce that we are breaking up!" Taotu angrily said.

Jiang Siming raised his eyebrows and smiled: "You said you broke up and broke up? Unless you give me a kiss, I won't suffer a big loss."

"You...you shameless!" Taotu couldn't hold herself back, regretting why he fell in love with this guy so easily!

"Just leave it alone. In short, if you want to let you go, just take the initiative to come over and kiss me, otherwise, just follow us."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he got up from the sun lounger and said, "My beloved concubine, I'm going to cook. You can watch her for me. You don't need to restrict her freedom. If she dares to do something, tell me that I will be in front of you. Take off all her clothes, and then beat her to swelling."

After speaking, Jiang Siming went to the kitchen.

The embarrassed Taotu jumped her feet with anger, but she really didn't dare to do it.

She had no doubt that she did it herself, and Jiang Siming would definitely do it.

This guy can do everything.

Although there were all girls on this boat, it was ashamed to get her beaten by Pippi.

Unless she can defeat Jiang Siming? Do not make jokes.

Taotu felt that Jiang Siming's strength was stronger than a year ago.

A year ago, he was able to defeat the three generals alone, and it was useless to join Sengoku and Lieutenant Generals.

She, the general, may be just a soldier in his eyes...

She couldn't beat and beat, and she couldn't escape. In the vast sea, she couldn't swim after eating the devil fruit.

There is no way to escape. If her storm fruit ability is developed to the extreme, she can fly back to the Chambord Islands.

But the point is that she can't do it now...

The helpless Taotu can only stare.

The most annoying thing was that Nami and the others didn't seem to regard her as a threat at all.

As soon as Jiang Siming left, they played their own games.

Even Nami pulled Nuojigo, Konis and Keya to a table, and the four of them played mahjong.

She didn't know what Mahjong was, she heard Nami say it was Mahjong.

Like chess and cards, it looks pretty fun...

Taotu wanted to cry without tears, and the admiral of the dignified admiral, let the pirates take him as a prisoner.

Even being so despised by the pirates, Taotu feels too tragic.

All of this is the **** Jiang Siming!

It didn't take long for a scent to float from the kitchen on the deck.

Taotu subconsciously sniffed, and immediately reacted in his stomach, grunting.

The key was heard by Nami.

Nami smiled and said to Peach Rabbit: "Are you hungry? Don't worry, our husband's food is delicious. I will ensure that you even want to swallow your tongue."

Taotu snorted coldly and turned his head to ignore her.

Nami didn't feel annoyed, she just grabbed a self-draw, and then fled the card and jumped up: "Haha, I'll draw it!"

"Nami is lucky."

"Yeah, I knew I would take the lead."

"Well, why haven't people waited for the second tube, otherwise I can play tricks."

Taotu didn't want to see them anymore, and changed her angle to see other people.

Robin and Vivi are lying on the sun loungers under the parasol and reading.

The two women each changed into cool swimsuits. The figure made Taotu secretly uncomfortable. If she can wear swimsuits, she won't lose her figure!

More than that, there is a white mask on the faces of the two women. They said that this is called a facial mask, which is used by girls to maintain their skin and is particularly useful.

Looking at the empress again, the Queen of Nine Snake Island, who has always been cold, dragged Ram and Lem to play with wood.

Listen to their descriptions, this kind of wood is called Lego bricks, which can be built into various shapes, very fun...

In short, after watching their lives, Taotu suddenly felt that she was even more tragic.

Although you are a general, there is basically no time for rest and entertainment, and every day is either training or catching pirates.

Compared with them, her life is worse than a dog.

Just as Taotu was thinking about it, Jiang Siming yelled to eat.

Everyone put aside what they were doing, got up and walked to the luxurious and scented restaurant.

"Let's go, sister Taotu, eat." The empress said with a smile.

"I'm not hungry, I don't need it." Taotu immediately rebuffed, actually his belly was already singing.

The female emperor was too lazy to persuade, and forced her into the restaurant.

Taotu went in and took a look, and the huge dining table was full of delicious food.

All dishes she had never seen before.

But each one made her mouth madly breed saliva.

So hungry...I want to eat...

Everyone sat down, talking and laughing.

A place was reserved for Taotu, but Taotu still did not move.

In this way, no one persuaded her anymore, they just ate for themselves.

Jiang Siming opened a few more bottles of red wine, and for a while, the atmosphere on the table was very good.

Taotu's stomach was already too hungry.

Finally, the last trace of stubbornness was also overwhelmed by the shock of food and hunger.

Taotu was cruel, and was a prisoner anyway. Instead of being a hungry prisoner, he might as well let go of his stomach to eat and drink.

Besides, you have the strength to figure out how to escape when you are full.

After figuring it out, Taotu sat in her place and just ate without talking.

Jiang Siming and the girls looked at each other, and they all smiled without breaking.

Soon after lunch, there was movement from outside the ship.

Jiang Siming sensed it and knew that Leili was here.

The Empress and the others didn't have much interest in Lei Li. They were all satiated and yawned and went back to their boudoirs for a nap.

Reilly soon came to the treasure ship of Eve.

Seeing Jiang Siming again, Lei Li was quite moved.

The picture of the war on top is still vivid in his mind.

This young man is too strong.

At the same time, Raleigh was also fortunate that their Roger Pirates were not born in the same era with him.


Second more~

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