I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1854: Arrived at Murloc Island!

The 5 billion Bailey bounty Jiang Siming left the straw hat group to form the Ming Fei Pirates group, spread like wildfire, quickly spreading across the world and the new world.

And Jiang Siming also kidnapped Admiral Taotu in the Chambord Islands.

This caused (gan) people (de) to (piao) to point to (liang) and made Jiang Siming, who had not heard from him for more than a year, once again become famous in the world.

The Ming Fei Pirate Group quickly became a group that countless pirates yearn to join.

After all, the head of the Ming Concubine Pirate Group is Jiang Siming, who is on par with the Four Emperors.

And the Ming Concubine Pirates are all big beauties, they want to go if they are pirates.

Unfortunately, they can only think about it.

Two days later, when the navy was still looking for Jiang Siming's traces everywhere, he had already taken the Ming Concubine Pirate Group to the bottom of the sea and arrived at the legendary Murloc Island.

Taotu was naturally forced to follow.

In just two days, Taotu's mentality before and now has changed a lot.

Although he still ignored Jiang Siming, he could communicate and communicate normally with Nami and others.

The first time I came to the fisherman island, the guards of the fisherman island were like a big enemy, the whole city was on guard.

The king sent the most elite army to guard the entrance of the fisherman island, as if he regarded Jiang Siming as the most dangerous enemy.

Jiang Siming stood on the deck and stared at the king of Murloc Island.

"Your Excellency Jiang Siming, I don't know what it is to do in my fisherman island?" the king asked solemnly.

Jiang Siming chuckled lightly: "Our Concubine Ming pirates are going to the New World and passing by Fishman Island. My tubao has never been to Fishman Island, so I want to come to visit and visit the King's Palace. ."

After hearing this, the king became entangled. Obviously he didn't quite believe that Jiang Siming had just come to visit.

But he really misunderstood Jiang Siming, he really took Ma to travel.

Seeing the king's hesitation, Jiang Siming had no patience either.

He is a pirate now, it's so funny what kind of courtesy he exchanges.

"His Royal Highness, even if I really have any purpose, do you think your fisherman island can stop me?"

Jiang Siming's words made the king look embarrassed. This guy is too straightforward, but it seems that there is nothing wrong with it...

At this time, a fat blue-skinned man in a yukata stepped on clogs came out.

"Your Excellency Jiang Siming, you are right, but you should not underestimate the confidence of our fishermen islanders in resisting the enemy. I am the first to disagree with you entering the island unless you step over my body. !"

Haixia, very flat.

Jiang Siming recognized him. The role of Jinping is very brilliant. He is the guardian of the fisherman island and a good friend of the straw hat group.

It's just that Luffy didn't participate in the war on the top, and he hadn't come to the fisherman island, so Jinping didn't even know the Straw Hat regiment, and naturally didn't know Jiang Siming.

He doesn't know himself, but Jiang Siming can't pretend he doesn't know him and really kill him.

Jinping is a very qualified partner. If it weren't for his pirate group to be only female, he would want to dig him into the Ming concubine group.

Forget it, leave it to Luffy and the others.

But right now, he is very flat, so he can't go without the following, otherwise this little fat guy would really think he is afraid of him.

"Since you are so persistent, then I will fulfill you, you, go to death."

As soon as Jiang Siming's voice fell, the figure disappeared from the treasure ship of Eve, and appeared in front of the very plane in the next second.

He didn't even dig out his weapon, just a sparse and ordinary whip leg that hit Jinping's chest!

Jin Ping's domineering and domineering experience had already foreseen Jiang Siming's actions, but he still did not hide.

Again, if you predict the opponent's actions, if the difference in strength is too great, you may not be able to avoid it.

Kicked with a kick in the barrel, Jinping was like a cannonball fired from the barrel, slamming towards the back.


Smashed into a pile of boulders, and then stopped.

Looking at Shenping again, blood was vomiting at the mouth, embarrassed.

The king and the guards of Murloc Island took a breath.

This...what strength is this?

With one move, one of the sea knights of the seven martial arts will vomit blood!

And it's still under the sea!

Jinping at the bottom of the sea, the strength can be said to be the best in the Qiwu Sea!

But still can't escape the fate of vomiting blood.

Quite flatly walked out of the pile of boulders, with an expression that had never been stressed before.

He felt that he faced Jiang Siming more pressure than White Beard.

But Jinping didn't give up, and came back with a strong spirit, and wanted to fight Jiang Siming with all his strength.

At this time, a mermaid swam out from Fishman Island, and when she saw Jiang Siming and Nami and Robin behind him, she shouted excitedly.

"Boss Jinping, don't do it!"

Hearing the shout, Jinping stopped his hands and looked back suspiciously.

"Amy? Why are you here, go back soon!" Zhiping dissatisfied.

The murloc called Amy hurried over and said, "Boss Jinping, Your Royal Highness, they are good people. They are His Excellency Jiang Siming, as well as Nami and Robin. They saved me in the Chambord Islands. Kill the Tianlongren."

Jinping was startled, and so did the king.

"It turns out that we misunderstood it. It's very peaceful. Get it off soon, Your Excellency Jiang Siming, I'm extremely sorry, but we were abrupt."

The king immediately apologized and told Jinhei to stop.

In fact, they knew Amy was saved by Jiang Siming.

It's just that Jiang Siming is too dangerous, so they have to be cautious.

Now that Amy said so, he took this opportunity to let Jinping find a step down.

He didn't need to think about it and knew that it was impossible for him to fight. In that case, he might as well borrow the donkey.

The king's caution, Jiang Siming didn't know how, but he didn't want to be an enemy of Fishman Island, and of course he was willing to stop.

"Since this is the case, can we visit Fishman Island, right?"

"Of course, I'll be a tour guide for Lord Demon God." The king said.

Jiang Siming was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Devil? What the **** is it?"

The king smiled and said: "Your Excellency seems to have no idea. Many of your deeds have been spread throughout the world and the new world. Many pirates regard you as their idol. They think they can't directly call you by your name, so they all call you. Devil, it means that you are stronger than the devil and the gods combined."

Jiang Siming: "..."

Damn, who got the second name, don't let him know, otherwise he has to be a bit painful!

"My Lord, please!" The king made a please gesture.

Jiang Siming didn't bother to care about this name, so he wanted to visit the fisherman island, so he walked over.

The women behind him followed, including Taotu who also followed in.

In this way, the Ming Concubine Pirate Group, from being hostile to being invited, entered the fisherman island grandiosely.


Third more~

Some friends complain about the story of One Piece too much, and Sake also admits that he loves this manga deeply, and the story of One Piece is indeed very long.

But don't worry, there are about twenty chapters and the story of One Piece will be over.

The new large copy of Sake will be selected by everyone who has seen it, and I will not write a copy of the side door in the future, okay~

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