I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1855: Mermaid Princess White Star!

Murloc Island is a very unique secret in "One Piece".

The scenery and environment here are like a fairy tale world, with various buildings built of corals and shells, and various underwater creatures inhabit and live in it.

Many sea kings roamed inside, but the mermaid Jiang Siming wanted to see could not be seen.

It seems that the islanders of Fishman Island are afraid of Jiang Siming and hid...

"I am so scary..." Jiang Siming stroked his nose helplessly.

They only came to be tourists, but they were regarded as wild beasts, alas~

"Because the fame of the demon **** is so great, I hope the demon **** do not mind." King Neptune was afraid of Jiang Siming's anger, so he explained quickly.

Jiang Siming was naturally not angry, but he brought Nami and the others here just to see the mermaid.

You can't just look at the scenery.

Jiang Siming thought for a while, and with an idea, many candies and snacks flew out of the ring.

These sweets and snacks fell on the fisherman island like rain, like rain.

Neptune didn't know what Jiang Siming was doing, but this Void Summoner had already confounded him.

Then Neptune smiled bitterly and said to Jiang Siming: "I hope that Lord Demon God will not break his promise and not harm the islanders of Murloc Island."

Jiang Siming turned his head and smiled at him: "Of course, Fishman Island is the area covered by the white beard. I and Baibeard are good friends."

Neptune was relieved.

There was candy rain on Murloc Island.

The mermaids hiding in the house were surprised to see the rain of sweets and snacks outside their yard.

Mermaids are very curious, and they also retain the liveliness and optimism of girls. They also love snacks and sweets.

In this way, a little mermaid couldn't help but open the door from the house, picked up the candy on the ground, and peeled it into his mouth.

"Hmm! It's delicious! Mom and Dad, come soon, this is the best candy I have ever eaten~"

After hearing this, the mermaid next door walked out suspiciously.

Just like that, one, two, three...

Soon, after word of mouth, the mermaids of Fishman Island all swam out of their homes.

Jiang Siming and Nami were also able to see the real mermaid.

"Wow! They are so beautiful!" Ko Nisi looked forward to.

"Yeah, their tails are really cute~" Nami couldn't help but praise.

"I want to be a mermaid." Weiwei teased.

"I have only seen mermaids in historical texts. This is the first time I have seen you today." Robin took out the notebook and began to write and draw on it. She wanted to record this moment.

The residents of Murloc Island also gradually discovered that the Demon God had no malice towards them, and gradually became bolder.

They stood on both sides of the street, looking at Jiang Siming with curious eyes.

"Is this Lord Demon God? It doesn't look terrible."

"Yes, and he looks so handsome!"

"Are his crew members behind him? They are all beautiful!"

"That's... The Empress! My God, I saw the Empress!"

"It seems that Lord Demon God is very friendly, much more handsome than Shanks."


Neptune was also completely off the guard just now, and treated Jiang Siming as an important guest on Murloc Island.

As long as Jiang Siming is not malicious towards Fishman Island, then of course they are willing to cheat Jiang Siming.

With the care of the white beard, coupled with the goodwill of the devil, those hateful fish hunters would not dare to come to the fisherman island to **** the mermaid.

With the guidance of Neptune, Jiang Siming strolled around the fisherman island and thoroughly experienced the charm of this underwater paradise.

"Your Excellency, it's lunch time. Why don't you go to my palace and I will host a banquet for you all." Neptune invited.

Jiang Siming thought for a while, but did not refuse, nodded and agreed.

A group of people took the king’s exclusive sea king car and came to the palace on Fishman Island.

The palace is very grand, but Jiang Siming still looks down on it.

Neptune immediately ordered the chef to make a lot of fisherman island food to treat the Ming Fei Pirate Group.

Everyone was about to enjoy a delicious meal, but there was a loud noise inside the palace.

It seemed that something hit the wall, making a dull sound, and even the dining table trembled.

"What happened?" asked the empress frowning, unforgivable disturbing her husband to eat!

Neptune sighed embarrassingly: "It's a nasty murloc guy who keeps harassing my daughter."

"Why didn't you arrest or destroy him?" the empress asked dissatisfiedly.

Neptune smiled bitterly: "This person has eaten a special devil fruit, and can smash things from far away. Our people can't find his place at all."

"Is your daughter okay?" the kind-hearted Keya hurriedly asked.

Neptune shook his head and said: "My daughter is okay, but she can only stay in the hard shell tower. Only there can her safety be guaranteed."

"Can I only stay in the tower all the time? How long has she stayed?" Robin asked.

Neptune replied: "Ten years."


Everyone was shocked, ten years? A little girl, forced to stay in one place for ten years, lived a life of worry and fear every day.

This is so painful.

"Who the **** is so hateful, I must kill him!" The fierce-tempered Nami slapped the table, her body flashing lightly.

Her current thunder fruit ability has been developed to a high level, and her strength is not the same.

"Thank you, ma'am, but we can't find this guy, we only know that his name is Van der Deyken."

Neptun didn't want to catch this man.

After Jiang Siming heard it, he remembered the pirate bounty he had picked up in the game, and it contained the earrings of Princess White Star.

"His Royal Highness, if you can trust me, take me to see your daughter." Jiang Siming said.

Neptune froze for a second, then hesitated.

"Well, if the Lord of the Devil can help my daughter get rid of this tragic fate, I must remember your kindness on the fisherman island."

"a piece of cake."

Jiang Siming smiled and got up, and said to the empress and the others: "You eat first, and I will return when I go."

The girls naturally knew Jiang Siming's strength, and they didn't worry at all. They stayed obediently to enjoy the food.

Neptune took Jiang Siming all the way into the backyard of the palace, which was another hard shell tower made of a strong turtle shell.

The walls of the tower are full of traces of weapons hacking. Some are big swords, some are great axes, and some are hammers.

And the sound just now obviously scared the people inside.

There was a cry of crying, which was pitiful and helpless.

Neptune cared about his daughter and quickly pushed the door in.

Jiang Siming also followed in.

That is, inside, he saw the most beautiful mermaid in One Piece.

Mermaid Princess, White Star.


The first one~~ Do you think Bai Xing is good-looking or the empress is good-looking?

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