I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1876: It turned out to be a dream...

The two women were filled with emotion, and couldn't help drinking a few more glasses for a while.

At the end of lunch, the two women were already unable to walk, but there was no such thing as the kind of drunk who just fell asleep without feeling.

That kind of thing happens unless you drink to death, or this person's drinking is too bad, the kind that pours a glass.

But they definitely couldn't go out for a car like this, Wang Xinyi asked Jiang Siming to help them go to the room to rest.

She has a big belly and it is definitely not convenient to move, so she can only ask Jiang Siming.

When Jiang Siming supported the two women, he inevitably remembered the scenes he saw in the yard before, plus physical touch.

Jiang Siming was very uncomfortable.

Huo Wu was okay, but it was a pity that Bing Beauty was still sensible at this time and was always on guard against Jiang Siming.

Although she didn't show it, who Jiang Siming is, of course can easily know whether Bingmei is drunk or not.

This woman is really wary. Drinking in his house has to be like guarding against thieves. Is Lao Tzu that kind of nasty person?

Jiang Siming couldn't do anything extraordinary, so he could only send them into the unoccupied guest room at home, and then closed the door and went out.

"Uncle's, the fish didn't eat it and still made a lot of gluttons, and the wife is not around yet, so you can make sense."

Jiang Siming muttered depressed, he knew it was time for them to sleep directly on the dining table.

Hearing Jiang Siming's footsteps disappearing outside the door, Bingmei breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that Jiang Siming would do anything excessive while they were drunk.

It seems that she is thinking too much. Although Jiang Siming is bothered, he is still a real gentleman.

Bing Mei relieved her mind and walked to the bed, Huo Wu, a silly woman who was already asleep on this soft and comfortable luxury bed carelessly.

The Bing Beauty is speechless, this stupid hat is really not afraid of Jiang Siming'hands on' her? Where did the vigilance of the members of the sky team go?

She remembers that Huo Wu was more vigilant outside than her, how could she get here as casually as her own home...

I didn't bother to think about it, the ice beauty helped Huo Wu take off her coat and put her coat on the bed.

When Bing Mei was picking up Huo Wu's clothes, she heard Huo Wu muttering in sleep.

"Jiang Siming... don't come over... you go find Bingmei, she is better than me..."

Bing Mei had a black line and slapped Huo Wu’s skin with a slap, but she still couldn’t wake her. On the contrary, Huo Wu in her dream only thought that Jiang Siming was bullying her. After letting go of me, she didn’t. There was movement.

Bing Mei was speechless and didn't want to care about her. After helping her to take off her coat, she also took off her coat and lay down.

Before long, the comfortable mattress and quiet environment made Bingmei fall asleep, sleeping more sweetly than ever.

In the afternoon, the wives came back from get off work, and Bingmei woke up when she heard the movement outside.

After waking up, she looked at the table below. Good fellow, she slept for more than five hours. When did she sleep like this?

Huo Wu next to her was still in her dream, so the ice beauty had to push Huo Wu up quickly.

Unexpectedly, Huo Wu just woke up, before she escaped from her dream, she would get angry when she saw the ice beauty.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Jiang Siming is so "bullying" me and you do not come to help me. You are still cheering for the Jiang surnamed Jiang, our sisterhood is over! Divorce! ."

Ice Beauty: "..."

"What are you dreaming about, please give me more clarity!"

The ice beauty got a little bit of internal strength unhappily, her palm melted into ice, and she pressed it mercilessly on Huo Wu's neck.


Huo Wu was chilled by the ice, but fortunately she finally became sober.

"What I said, it turned out to be a dream..."

Bing Mei felt a little strange when she heard her words. Why did she hear this? She was still a little disappointed? What the hell!

The two got dressed and opened the door to go out.

Even if they had a meal at someone's house, they were very embarrassed when they still slept at someone else's house.

I was discovered as soon as I went out.

The girls heard what Wang Xinyi said, so they were not surprised at the appearance of the two, but they were more enthusiastic.

"Sorry, we have to go back."

Bing Mei said embarrassingly, feeling that she has come to the country of her daughters, and they are all first-class beauties.

The key is better-looking than her and Huo Wu.

"What are you going back? It's not interesting to leave as soon as I get back from get off work."

Li Shengxue stopped the two of them at this moment, and grabbed their arms involuntarily.

"You two have a seven-day holiday. Don't think I don't know. You haven't brought enough at the Tianzu base. It's just training when you go back. You train here and get twice the result with half the effort."

"Besides, don't you always want to go to my house to play? Now that you are here, how can you just leave? I have been living at my house for the past seven days!"

When Li Shengxue finished speaking, she pressed the two women on the sofa and refused to leave.

Hey, demon demon spirit, kidnapped~

Bing Meiren and Huo Wu repeatedly declined, but they couldn't shake Li Shengxue at all, and even led other women to come and persuade them.

Talking about each other, Yingying Yanyan, twittering, directly surrendered to the ice beauty and Huo Wu on the spot, and agreed.

In this way, the two women stayed temporarily at Jiang Siming's house.

Huo Wu was quite reserved at first, but within a long time, she began to laugh and play with Zhao Xuan and others, and she was also commensurate with sisters, and had fun more than anyone else.

Bingmei was completely desperate for her. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, she found a reason to say that she hadn't woken up with alcohol, and went back to the room to wash and sleep.

Huo Wu is not sleepy at all, it just happens that tomorrow is a weekend, Zhao Xuan and the others are also free.

So I played mahjong with Huo Wu until midnight.

As for Jiang Siming, he went to bed early.

There is a guest at home, and the wives are embarrassed to sleep with him.

Helpless Jiang Siming had to run to the dungeon to "Quite Thirst".

It just so happened that the Ming Concubine Pirate Group had arrived in the New World. Jiang Siming wanted to meet the Four Emperors Pirate Group to see if his crew members were able to grow.

Looking into the boundless waters, the treasure ship of Eve officially entered the waters of the new world.

The new world is far more dangerous than the paradise. According to the people here, at least half of the 100 pirates here are big pirates with hundreds of millions of bounty.

Most of the islands in the New World are the sites of the Four Emperors.

Although Jiang Siming had been to the New World before and the territory of Whitebeard, he flew by with swords and passed by.

Now he came here with his Ming Concubine Pirate Group, and his mood was completely different from before.

After a few days with the Empress Nami and others, before the Eve Treasure Ship arrived at the first island, it ushered in its first opponent.

It is different from Luffy's experience of island by island in the original book.

As soon as Jiang Siming's concubine pirate group entered the new world, they were actually captured by the intelligence of the Four Emperors.

Jiang Siming was not Luffy who had just entered the new world. At that time, Luffy only had a lot of rewards for entering the new world, which is not worth mentioning.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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