I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1877: Find the enemy

In the original book, Luffy, who has just arrived in the new world, is just a pirate captain with a 500 million bounty.

Although this kind of bounty is not the lowest in the new world, it is only at a low level. Which of the four emperors will be worthy of a 500 million little pirate.

But what about Jiang Siming? Five billion pirates!

Not losing to the strength of the white beard, and winning very young.

And the storms are getting bigger every time.

From the Judiciary Island challenged the killing order to defeat the green pheasant, to the Chambordian Islands tortured the yellow ape and the red dog, and then participated in the top war, one enemy five navy strongest.

All this makes Jiang Siming's deeds a legend in the sea.

Jiang Siming now has a supporter comparable to the four emperors. If he is willing to open the golden mouth to recruit crew members, it is estimated that the whole world will be boiling over.

When such a person entered the new world, the Four Emperors immediately became vigilant.

Because they knew that Jiang Siming dared to come to the new world, or came with the new pirate group he had formed, and his purpose must be unusual.

Except for the White Beard Pirate Group who was indifferent, the other three Four Emperor Pirate Groups were very alert.

Especially for the Aunt Pirates, Ka Yi was beaten miserably by Jiang Siming, and naturally he formed a relationship with the Aunt Pirates.

This time, it was the aunt who sent someone here.

And the people who were sent are the two sons of the aunt, one of the three-star desserts, Charlotte Kleike and Charlotte Kata Kuri.

These two people are considered to be the strongest of the aunt's sons.

The aunt sent these two people, so naturally they didn't make peace with Jiang Siming, and the four emperors couldn't be so spineless.

Similarly, the aunt didn't pay attention to Jiang Siming.

"Mom asked us to bring a message, as long as you hand over Boya Hancock, your grievances with our BIGMOM Pirates will be wiped out."

Kelijia has a perverted personality, likes to be the leader, and doesn't like to cooperate with other people, including his brother.

As the older brother, Kata Kuri did not speak, and asked his younger brother to come forward.

Standing on the ship board, Jiang Siming showed a meaningful smile.

Creeper only felt that his back began to chill, as if being stared at by an ancient monster.

The other party obviously doesn't know how to look domineering, but the aura on him is stronger than anyone he has ever seen, including his mother.

"Weiwei, leave it to you, life or death."

Jiang Siming opened the mouth and said, if an opponent of this level is still in the foundation stage, he would definitely be interested in fighting in the past.

But now, Jiang Siming shows no interest in him at all.

That is, the Four Emperors can give Jiang Siming the desire to do something.

Let Weiwei and the others do more, but also to continuously improve their abilities.

It has been several days since he left the copy, and after counting, the New World has passed for several months.

Weiwei and the others' strength has been refined again.

Jiang Siming wanted to see their level.

Upon hearing Jiang Siming's words, Weiwei stood up excitedly, her long blue hair fluttering in the wind.

When Kelijia saw Weiwei, he laughed and said: "I checked her information, the princess of the Kingdom of Alabastan, an ordinary person, can such a person join your pirate group? It's so ridiculous. Is your pirate group ***?"

Jiang Siming didn't speak, Weiwei's eyes were already cold, and the overlord broke out!

Keli Frame changed his expression on the spot, the opponent not only had a domineering look, but he had also cultivated to an advanced level!

Even more surprised was still behind, the serious Weiwei transformed into a fluttering female sword fairy in white, holding a magic knife with a thousand blades in her hand, and slashed towards the cracker!

Keli frame hurried to parry, but when he fought, he realized that this Weiwei, who was just an ordinary person in his eyes, was superb!

He tried to fight back several times but was chopped back by Weiwei's sword aura.

Even the most proud armor was cut away by Weiwei!

Kata Kuri, who was concerned about his younger brother, had no choice but to do it.

Kata Kuri's strength is still very strong, and his joining makes Weiwei have to switch offense to defense.

But how could the crew of the Ming Concubine Pirate Group watch, the Empress and Raqi exit at the same time and join the battlefield.

Nami and Nuoqigao appeared in front of the cradle. Nami's strength is now unfathomable, and the development of the thunder fruit ability has surpassed Ainilu.

A few thunder and lightning, in conjunction with the flames of Nuoqi Gao, severely wounded Keli on the spot.

Robin took Ramlaimu to the pirate ship of Keli Frame and easily solved all of their men.

Kata Kuri wanted to help, but was forced by the Empress, Laqi, and Vivi to make herself unsafe.

In the end, Kata Kuri, who had no choice but to break out of the strongest combat power, temporarily repelled the Empress and the others, then grabbed the seriously injured **** and ran away.

Jiang Siming didn't bother to catch up, because sooner or later he would go to the aunt's territory to fight the aunt's pirates.

After this battle, the women's combat experience has been enriched a lot.

Likewise, they are becoming more and more confident, and they are no worse than anyone else.

Taotu has been watching all this, just a few times she wanted to rush to help.

But the only remaining naval reason made her restrain herself with great difficulty.

But seeing Weiwei and the others getting better and better, Taotu felt a little envious and uncomfortable.

She has been with Weiwei and the others for this period of time, and they did not slacken their efforts when they were practicing.

But why is their strength growing so fast? But her strength growth is like a snail...

"Did you figure it out? If you figure it out, leave the navy and join us." Jiang Siming joked with Taotu.

"Impossible!" Taotu refused decisively, but did not dare to look at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming didn't worry at all, and sighed: "It's a pity that you are so loyal to the navy, but they don't care about you at all."


"I'm nonsense? Then I ask you, in the past few months when I disappeared, has the navy come to rescue you?"

"I..." Taotu was dumb at once.

Yes, after she was tied up, the navy would still look for her at first, but after a long time, they gave up.

Even the navy released news that she herself betrayed the navy and became a pirate and joined Jiang Siming's pirate group.

Taotu, who knew the truth, cried for several days.

Now being mentioned by Jiang Siming, she is silent...

Seeing the victory of the Ming Concubine Pirates, Bai Xing excitedly ran out of the cabin and cheered for the sisters, just like a little fan.

She has been cultivating hard in the past few months, but the time is too short to have much combat effectiveness, so she kept hiding in the cabin peeking when she was fighting.

"Brother Jiang, when can Bai Xing and his sisters deal with bad guys together?"

Bai Xing ran up to Jiang Siming with her pink fishtail, asking expectantly.

She is no longer called Lord Jiang Siming Demon God.

Jiang Siming squeezed her face and said, "Wait for you to practice longer, you will be like them."

"Hmm, but Brother Jiang, why do I hear the cries of sisters in your room every night when you come back?"

"Puff...cough cough cough..."

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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