The prelude alone has destroyed all prelude parties.

Brisk and youthful with playfulness, if we only talk about the melody of the prelude, the goodness of the prelude of this song will definitely kill the last episode of "As promised".

Of course, just the prelude melody.

But in fact, many people like to listen to the good prelude songs.

There are many people who control the prelude, and this song obviously made them very satisfied, and their heads began to follow.

It can be heard from the melody alone, this is a cheerful youth song.

"Finally waited until the get out of class bell rang."

"It has been arranged to wait for you in the playground."

"Summer is really boring."

"Take you to eat strawberry ice cream."

"If you are in a bad mood."

"I play Chopin's Waltz for you."


Sure enough, everyone just listened to the previous lyrics and knew what theme Jiang Siming chose.

And this rhythm really sounds so comfortable.

With just a few words, a beautiful picture of campus love was returned in seconds.

The sweet taste of love rushed to the face.

It reminds everyone of "If At That Time" written by Jiang Siming before.

That song is still a song that young people like to listen to, and it is one of the necessary repertoires for school songs.

Jiang Siming now chooses the theme of campus love, which makes many 00 and 10 generations very happy.

Because now they are the only ones who can experience campus love.

But the love atmosphere of this song is actually common, everyone wants to fall in love, especially single.

"When I look at you secretly."

"When I am thinking of you secretly."

"Think of some profound questions."

"Our love is a game arranged by Cupid."

"It's the old man under the moon, he stupidly can't tell."

"You said that there is a telepathy leaning on my shoulder."

"Unexplainable and not like a dream."


Wow~ It's so sweet!

Beautiful genre, brisk melody, sweet lyrics, gentle singing skills.

This kind of superposition shows the sweetness and ignorance of first love to the fullest.

Cupid and Yue Lao have both come out. This is a rhythm that doesn’t seduce everyone’s love emotions~

Especially when Jiang Siming sang this song, he walked around while singing, matched with the appearance of holding a microphone in one hand and waving a light stick with love in the other.

It really hits all the girls.

Many girls born after 00 and 10 are screaming. This is really a 26-year-old uncle, no, we love him so much~ I really want to fall in love with this Shu Mi~

But the high energy is much more than that. When the chorus comes, the audience can't stand it, feeling that the surrounding air is sweet.

"Our love is like two stars squinting."

"We are still destined to be together."

"Newton said there is something called gravity."

"I started to believe those great truths because of you."


At Jiang Siming's house, the wives were all sitting at home, watching their husband singing love songs on the large screen at home.

Even though they are already old husbands and wives, they still scream and sing.

"Ahhhh~ When my husband comes back, I'm going to give him a big, so hot one!" Tuantuan gestured with his hands, ah, so hot!

"I would have watched the scene if I knew it, oh, what a pity."

"It's okay, let him sing again when he comes back."

"Hmm, good idea, hehe."

"This song is too sweet, I feel that after listening to this song, there will be a lot of single men and women unable to sleep tonight." Chi Zheng secretly laughed, covering his mouth.

However, Li Shengxue smiled and asked Huo Wu and Bing Mei who were watching TV next to him: "Is that really the case? Bing, Huo Wu, will you two not sleep today?"

Bing Meiren and Huo Wu blushed on the spot, and at the same time gave Li Shengxue a white eye.

They won't!

At the scene, as the last note fell, the whole song was finished.

Jiang Siming threw the love light stick in his hand.

I thought it would be picked up by a girl.

Never thought that the lucky person who picked up this light stick happened to be Mr. Ma sitting in the VIP area.

He jumped up excitedly and shouted at Jiang Siming, "Jiang Siming, I love you~ I want to give you a monkey~"

Jiang Siming: "....."


The audience broke away from the singing instantly and laughed loudly.

Dong Qing squeezed a smile and walked onto the stage, jokingly: "Does Jiang Shen not want to respond to this rich fan?"

Jiang Siming's face broke even more, and said, "I just want to find a piece of tofu and hit it to death."

This time even Dong Qing couldn't help holding his stomach up.

It took a while before everyone calmed down from the laughter.

Dong Qingcai began to formally ask Jiang Siming: "I also heard this song in the background. It is beautiful and full of first love. What is the name of this song?"

Jiang Siming replied: "Universal gravitation."

"Gravity? The name is very interesting."

After Dong Qing praised, the voting officially began.

Countless viewers picked up their phones for Jiang Siming's song.

But most of them are young people, and the older generation seems a little immune to this kind of song, haha.

Three minutes later, Jiang Siming's bounty pool is 505w+.

This is twice the bounty. If it is divided by two, it is not too high, and it is a bit worse than the previous period.

But Jiang Siming also expected that, after all, the audience of this song is a little more students.

Very few students have a mobile phone, and even fewer have money in the mobile phone. Parents generally exercise strict control over mobile phones.

But Jiang Siming still feels that this song should be taken out. The songs of the Big Three on the Internet still stood the test of time.

It's just that they are being discredited too badly, but the song is actually really good.

505w+ is also considered a high score.

For the time being, no one exceeded this score except for King Ren Tian.

Jiang Siming was about to step down, but Liang Tian's voice came from Dong Qing's headphones.

Liang Tian asked Dong Qing to procrastinate for a while, because Zhou Dong and Fat Chen were still not well.

Dong Qing looked at Jiang Siming, and Jiang Siming understood.

She has tried her best. She has been procrastinating before, and now she is allowed to talk alone on stage. It is estimated that the audience will not be able to listen.

Dong Qing hoped that Jiang Siming could help her.

Jiang Siming glanced at President Ma in the audience, and suddenly had an idea.

"Actually, this song "Gravity" can also be changed to Mr. Ma's version."

Dong Qing was overjoyed, the pressure was greatly reduced, and immediately answered: "Really? Changed to the version of President Ma? Do you want to listen?"

Of course the audience shouted.

Jiang Siming cleared his throat and said, "It's okay, but let me think about it. It won't take a long time to compile the lyrics. Two minutes will be enough."

it is good!

Everyone immediately agreed, only two minutes, and can afford to wait.

Just like this, Jiang Siming began to walk on the stage, thinking.

He dragged it so easily in a few minutes.

But after a while, Jiang Siming said he was ok, and gestured to the band in the audience.

The band immediately began to replay the melody of "Gravity".

But this time, what Jiang Siming is going to sing is... "Money Has Gravity"!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

Fourth, it’s more likely to be later, so don’t worry~

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