I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1887: Money has gravity?

Everyone raised their ears and looked forward to Jiang Siming's "new new song".

General Ma's version of "Gravity"? What is that, so strange.

Just before everyone knew it, the accompaniment sang with Jiang Siming's first lyrics.

"My last regret is to create Ali."

"I can't afford the employees of the company."

"There are only a few hundred billion in the wallet."

"It's only enough to buy a few yachts."



The audience laughed directly.

Dong Qing, who had not had time to leave, also laughed for a while, and quickly moved the microphone away, so that the crow's feet that covered the corners of his eyes came out.

The Ma in the audience didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This guy, did you really come here to write songs?

This is not over yet.

"Double Eleven year after year."

"I put my claws into your bag."

"Empty you in the night."

"Ali was created for you."

"I am not interested in money."

"It's just a billion strings of numbers."

"It's all in the hands of my wife."


The laughter became louder, and some viewers even burst into tears with joy.

Mr. Ma’s classic stems are perfectly integrated into the song by Jiang Siming, and they are quite rhymed, and there is no sense of contradiction at all.

One of the things I regret most in my life is to create Ali BB. I am not interested in money, and the salary is given to my wife. I have never touched money...

These are not the classic quotes of President Ma.

The key is to cooperate with this accompaniment and Jiang Siming's brisk singing, injecting soul into the whole song.

For a while, all the audience forgot that there were two singers, Jay Chou and Fei Chen, who hadn't come on stage yet, and they all rushed into the ‘Zong Geng Ma’.

The most terrible thing, the chorus comes.

"Our fate is the agreement of the Double Eleven arrangement."

"It's like the old horse next door occasionally selling Q coins."

"Actually, these have nothing to do with me."

"I haven't touched money stuff~"

"It's true that rap singing is my real talent."

"Making money is just an accessory to me."

"Mr. Ma said that there is something called money and gravity."

"Whenever your Taobao is open."

"I have more~ a few~ a~ billion~"


As soon as Jiang Siming finished singing, he couldn't help but start laughing.

The audience even laughed like a big goose zoo.

Goose goose goose goose goose goose goose goose goose...

The penguins and horses next door are lying down.

Many viewers patted their own thighs while laughing, and could not help but pat other people's legs.

Everyone joked that Jiang Siming should sing this Ma Zong version of "Gravity" to canvass votes, and he would definitely get a higher bounty (laughing and crying).

For a time, the audience was full of laughter.

People who didn't know thought this was the live show of "Comedy Story".

After he just finished his creation, Jay Chou walked out of the closed room and heard a huge wave of laughter on the outside stage, which left him at a loss.

"What happened? Why are the audience laughing outside?"

The staff held back a smile and said, "There is no way to explain this, Jay Chou, you will know when you go home to watch the replay at night."

The laughter outside lasted for a while, and finally stopped.

Dong Qing also knew that Zhou Dong had finished his creation, and Jiang Siming and her tasks were considered successfully completed.

Dong Qing went back to the backstage, but Jiang Siming didn't go back to the backstage for the time being. Anyway, he was okay, so he simply stepped down and went to the VIP table to chat with President Ma.

"Mr. Jiang, you are too uninteresting, so teasing me and composing songs, it's too much!"

President Ma grinned when he saw Jiang Siming coming over.

In fact, he was too happy.

"Just ask you if it sounds appropriate." Jiang Siming asked.

"It's not good at all, it's not appropriate at all. I'm afraid now that after you sing this song, our TB Double Eleven transaction volume will decrease in the future.

Mr. Ma said ‘distressed’.

Jiang Siming gave a contemptuous look and said: "If a song can reduce Double Eleven transactions, then you too underestimate the shopping ability and determination of Chinese women?"

President Ma couldn't hold back this time and laughed loudly.

After laughing, Jiang Siming was invited to sit down, and the two chatted and watched the stage show.

Zhou Dong and Fei Chen appeared one after another, each bringing a new song to everyone.

Jay Chou’s new song is not bad, but Jiang Siming feels completely incomparable with his own "Gravity".

But there is no trick. This guy has too many fans. With twice the reward, his bounty easily surpasses him.


But Fei Chen's is really average, which proves that he is really not good at his own creation.

Finally, the bounty pool is only 101w+.

With twice the bounty, only 101w+, which can be said to be quite miserable.

But this was Fei Chen's own initiative. He just wanted to know if he really didn't have the creative ability.

I want to test whether I can miraculously write a nice new song under such pressure.

Seeing the result, he understood, and he never had this idea again.

Fei Chen's bounty number also proves that it is not useful for anyone who chooses high difficulty.

Nowadays, the audience is shrewd. They will spend money only if they sing well, and they will not be willing to spend money unless they are a fan.

On the other hand, Jay Chou has too much iron powder to recruit.

Dong Qing took the stage and announced the bounty rankings for the second episode of the show.

The first place is Ren Tianwang, 542w+.

The second place is Zhou Dong, 520w+.

The third place is Jiang Siming, 505w+


The next three are Deng Qi, Gigi Leung and Fei Chen.

Even if the three of them are eliminated in this period, as punishment, tomorrow they have to set out to do charity with this period of bounty.

There is even Jiang Siming's wife.

But the program rules are like this, even though Jiang Siming doesn't want her to go.

On the contrary, Deng Qi knew that he was going to do charity and acted very positively. When he went home with Jiang Siming that evening, he packed some luggage and prepared to leave tomorrow.

Knowing that Deng Qi was going out, Huo Wu and Bing Mei were fine anyway, they took the initiative to ask Ying to protect Deng Qi along the way.

Jiang Siming also agreed, and he can rest assured with them.

Although the second episode of the program ended, Jiang Siming's "Gravity" and "Money Gravity" were fermented overnight.

The next day, it was very popular on the Internet, "Gravity" sounded beautiful, "Gravity Money" was hilarious.

It even attracted many great editors to start other versions and songs of other rich people.

What is the Penguin Horse version of "Happy Fighting Landlords", the Wang Shoufu version of "Nothing" and so on.

It is always because of this "Money Has Gravity" that there has been a wave of song-changing ghosts and animals, and Jiang Siming's Xiaopozhan is the most lively.

Later, for a period of time, the two horses and one king became angry when they saw Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming said that he is very innocent. Who made you often pretend to be cups in talk shows? After pretending, why not let everyone laugh.

Justice will win! Black feed the dog!


[Author's digression]: The fourth update yesterday~

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