I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1888: Air crash prediction!

Early the next morning, Deng Qi was heading to the southern city.

Gigi Leung, Fat Chen and the show team were also in the company.

Deng Qi was surrounded by Bing Beauty and Huo Wu. In fact, the two women did not know that the people they wanted to protect were actually better than them...

It's just that Jiang Siming didn't say anything, he can't live up to others' kindness.

Besides, they are more at ease following Jiang Siming.

He wanted to follow, but Deng Qi didn't let it go. Jiang Siming had to participate in the next issue, and she had to go for half a month.

Seeing her insistence, Jiang Siming had no choice but to agree, but he personally sent the three women to board the plane.

Watch them boarding and leaving.

Jiang Siming planned to go home, but he didn't expect that at this time, the little prophecy that hadn't appeared in his mind for a long time would be moved again.

On an international passenger plane arriving at Pudong Airport from Pakistan, a girl suddenly screamed.

In her eyes, the normal passengers on the plane suddenly turned into scary black ghosts.

She got up and screamed.

The girl has a pair of different pupils, especially since her life was saved by a benefactor that day, her eyes could see signs of someone about to die.

As long as someone is about to die, it will become after death in her eyes.

And bad luck, a lot of bad things happened to her one after another.

In the beginning, the girl had always been to China, and it was because of this change that she spent every day in a nightmare.

For this reason, her plan to go to China has only started now.

But I didn't expect that just before arriving in China, the people on the plane became dead and terrifying shadows.

Whether it is a passenger or a flight attendant, there is no exception.

The girl is sure that these people are about to die.

These people are going to die, indicating that the plane must be in trouble.

The girl also knew that everyone was going to die, and she would definitely not be able to live.

The passengers heard her scream suddenly and looked at her suspiciously.

The girl screamed out of the seat and ran towards the cockpit.

The stewardess naturally stopped her.

No matter what the girl said or explained, the stewardess would not believe it.

It didn't take long, just when the plane was supposed to descend over Pudong Airport.

A time bomb that was secretly installed on the plane suddenly exploded.

The entire plane was blown to pieces in the sky, and no one on the plane was spared and all died in the air crash.

More than that, the fallen aircraft wreckage weighing hundreds of tons all smashed from the sky on Pudong Airport and nearby residential buildings and towns.

There were thousands of indirect deaths and the entire Pudong Airport was severely damaged.

Jiang Siming, who had recovered, had anger flickering in his eyes.

Thousands of innocent people died in such a tragic manner. The people who installed this secret bomb were so vicious in their minds that they deserved to die.

Fortunately, there is a small prophecy, otherwise a big news will come out the next day.

At this time, the plane had not yet arrived in China, and was still flying smoothly at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The passengers on the plane are generally Chinese tourists who come back from Pakistan.

There are also tourists from Pakistan who come to China for tourism.

Among them, the girl sitting near the window.

The girl has a pair of unforgettable eyes, full of spirituality.

The girl at this time, looking forwardly at the sea of ​​clouds outside the cabin and the morning sun in the distance, was curious and excited, and didn't even know that disaster was coming.

This is the first time she has taken an airplane when she grew up, and she still left Pakistan to come to a strange country.

The girl is not uncomfortable, but is full of expectations for the future.

She has always been fascinated by China for a long time, but because she is a saint chosen by Pakistan, she can only stay at the altar.

Two months ago, she finally got rid of her, quit her position as a saint, and became an ordinary person.

This time, under the guise of traveling to China, she actually went to find her benefactor and thanked her face to face.

And she also wanted to ask her benefactor to solve her ability to see strange things with her eyes and the curse of bad luck recently.

Thinking of seeing her benefactor again, the girl's expectation and anxiety are mixed.

At this time, a passenger next to him got up and went to the toilet.

But just as the girl lowered her head, the empty seat beside her was seated again.

"Hey, didn't this passenger go to the toilet? Why is it so fast? Is it because someone didn't go to the toilet?"

The girl was a little strange, but she looked up and found that the people around her were completely different from the previous passengers.

The one who sat next to her before was a middle-aged Chinese woman. Why did she suddenly change to a man with a stalwart figure?

The girl looked up subconsciously and was stunned.

She almost yelled in surprise, but was covered by the man.

"Remember what I told you?" the man warned.

The girl nodded immediately, indicating that she would not call again.

The man let go.

"Sir, I didn't expect you to be on a flight with me. I was so surprised!"

The girl communicated with Jiang Siming in Chinese that she had learned recently.

She thought that Jiang Siming was on the same flight as herself, and she didn't even look at the seats behind that were full. Jiang Siming simply came out.

"What are you going to China for?" Jiang Siming leaned on the chair and asked her carelessly. In fact, he was already looking for the time bomb hidden on the plane.

"I wanted to find you and thank you in person, and I also prepared a gift for you."

With that said, the girl quickly took out a piece of crystal clear jade from the bag she brought with her and handed it to Jiang Siming.

"This is the most precious reward I have received for protecting the altar for ten years. Although I know that it is certainly not worth much in your eyes, it is the best thing I can have now. I hope you can accept it. Satisfy me a little bit."

Jiang Siming looked down at this piece of jade, and said speechlessly: "You just took the gadget to give it to your benefactor?"

"Ah? What's the matter..." The girl was at a loss and asked cautiously, not knowing where she had done wrong.

Jiang Siming was speechless, and said: "This is the jade whose head is lowered by people. It is used by some vicious wizards to harm people. It is very unlucky. If worn for a long time, it will be contaminated with bad luck and cause trouble to the upper body."

The girl was dumbfounded, and said: "No wonder every saint always has an accidental death. Everyone says that the saint left the altar and was recalled by the gods. It turns out that it was these ghosts."

Jiang Siming didn't say anything. If she didn't have a mind-reading skill, she probably would have doubted whether she deliberately wanted to harm her.

The girl immediately apologized to Jiang Siming again and again, and Jiang Siming found that she seemed a little stupid.

And glanced at her a little, the strange pupil that had surprised him a little before seemed to have evolved again.

Combined with what he saw in the small prophecy, Jiang Siming can basically be sure that she is not related to the plane bomb.

It's just that she was too back, and accidentally got on the flight that was going to explode.


[Author's digression]: First more~

I took a day off yesterday and owed everyone three more.

I don’t know if I can make it up today, but I can’t make it up today, and I will continue to make up the sake tomorrow.

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