I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1890: Save the spider spirit

During the Southern Song Dynasty, the people's livelihood was in peace, and the humans were inseparable.

The location, Lin'an, also called Qiantang, is today's Hangzhou.

A hundred miles away from the market in the mountains.

"The sunny day is beautiful, the red flowers and green grass, running forward happily, walking on the green hills, people who are not old, haha..."

An old man dressed as a Buddhist abbot was walking fast in the mountains, holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, looking like an eminent monk.

Not long afterwards, a young monk chased up and chatted with the old man.

"Old Abbot, the wind is refreshing!"

"Haha, morning exercise is very good for cultivating inner alchemy." The old man replied kindly.

"Oh? Unexpectedly, the predecessor has a childlike face and a fast pace. He has already reached the Golden Core Realm. The little monk admires it. I don't know how many years the predecessor has cultivated?" the young monk said.

The old man laughed and said, "Old Na has been practicing hard for more than two hundred years, how about you young man?"

"Ashamed, I have only cultivated for more than 20 years before I barely reach the Nascent Soul Realm." The young monk said with a smile.

The old man was shocked. Before he could speak, the young monk continued: "The spider spirits of the Golden Core Realm for more than two hundred years have the guts to change their eyes and pretend to be a Buddhist monk. I can tell at a glance that you are not a human!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the young monk had a buddha in his palm, and he was muttering words.

"Dawei Tianlong, Prajna Buddhas, Bharat Ksitigarbha, Prajna Bamakong!"

"Bold evildoer, look at the palm!"

After the young monk read it, the light palm of the Buddha patted his head against the old man.

The old man returned to his original shape in horror. He was an old spider.

The old spider did not dare to resist, so he could only ask the monk for mercy.

"Master, please be merciful, I worshipped at the feet of the Great Golden Buddha of Lingtai Temple, absorbed the shadow of the Buddha, and never did evil."

The young monk sneered and said: "A demon is a demon, and the four realms of gods, men, ghosts and demon are in order. If you are a demon, you should accept it!"

After all, the young monk offered a golden bowl and would take away the old spider spirit.

However, at this time, a branch jumped out of the forest and hit the golden bowl in the hands of the young monk.


The big Luo Jin bowl was hit by this branch, the original strong Buddha light on the bowl dimmed a lot, and the young monk couldn't care about collecting the demon anymore, frowning and shouting into the forest.

"who is it!"

Not long after, a young man walked out of the forest. The man walked out with his hands behind his back, looking at the monk without fear.

"It's a demon? But why can't I feel his demon?"

The monk felt the man's breath, without the slightest demon.

"Don't look at it, I am a human, not a demon." The man smiled.

The monk suddenly became angry and said: "Since I am a human, why stop me from collecting demons!"

"You don't ask whether you are indiscriminate or indiscriminate, you will accept the demon when you see it. You know that the demon is also divided into good and bad, just like people divide good and bad people." The man asked.

The monk said with disdain on his face: "Monsters are not good or bad, they should be collected, whether they are demons or ghosts, lest they cause harm to the world and the people!"

"So you bald donkeys are really unreasonable, Buddhism, what a joke." The man sneered.

The monk was furious and said: "Dare to insult me ​​Buddhism! Boy, are you a Taoist family?"

"So what?"

"Hmph, seeing that you are the same age as me, but regardless of right or wrong, today the poor monk will wake you up!"

After the monk said, he acted on the man, ignoring the spider spirit beside him.

Jiang Siming didn't expect that as soon as he entered, he would encounter a fragment of Fahai collecting monsters. If it was a bad monster, he would ignore it.

But this guy doesn't care about anything, he just accepts the demon.

Jiang Siming just wanted to find a reason to try Fahai's strength, so he took care of this nosy.

"Dawei Tianlong! Great Law Mantra! Buddha Palm!"

Fahai palm wind has arrived, so he patted Jiang Siming's heart!

As soon as Fahai started, Jiang Siming felt the strength of Yuan Yingqi! That's right.

Although it was only the strength of Yuan Ying's early stage, Jiang Siming was still a little surprised.

This is the strongest character Jiang Siming has encountered in all the dungeons.

Fortunately, he had already broken through the gods, otherwise this bald donkey would be a little tricky.

After knowing the strength of his opponent, Jiang Siming has no pressure.

Pointing out a finger at random and hitting Fahai's palm, the two sides collided.

Fahai felt as if his palm was about to split, a hot pain came, and the Buddha light in his palm disappeared.

Fahai was shocked. He didn't expect his opponent to be so difficult.

Fahai, who did not believe in evil, fought with Jiang Siming again, and a bunch of offensives smashed towards Jiang Siming, but Jiang Siming was able to crack it easily.

After the test, Jiang Siming didn't want to drag him down with the dead bald man. Fahai flew out with a beckoning. After knocking down a big tree, he vomited blood and knelt on the ground.

"Don't challenge my patience, give you three seconds, get out." Jiang Siming stared at Fahaidao.

Fa Hai clutched his injured chest, gritted his teeth and dared not speak. He never expected Jiang Siming to be so strong.

Could this person be a monk of the late Yuan Ying? Impossible, how old this talent is, and it won't be so fast to start practicing in the womb!

The hero didn't suffer the immediate loss, and Fahai finally got up from the ground, glared at Jiang Siming, and hurried away.

As soon as Fahai was gone, the spider spirit was free again.

"The little demon thanked the master for his help, the little demon is grateful."

The old spider spirit bowed his head and thanked Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming didn't care what he said, but glanced at the old spider spirit with some novelty.

After all, he had never seen a monster, he had only seen a ghost, and it was the first time he saw a fairy.

In modern times, the word fairy is generally a commendatory word, describing women who are particularly beautiful and feminine.

Now this old man in front of him, Jiang Siming felt that the word "fairy" was about to be tainted.

In other legends, all spider spirits are all beauties. How come he is an old man.

"Grandpa, grandpa~"

As he was speaking, a clear voice sounded.

A young girl was found, dressed in purple, with a gorgeous face and agility.

In the forest, there is spider silk spit out from the hand, using the spider silk to quickly shuttle through the forest.

When Jiang Siming saw her move, he immediately thought of Spider-Man...

Emotional Spider-Man is a pirated version of Spider-Man (cover his face).

The girl came closer, saw the old man, and was pleasantly surprised: "Grandpa, Spider Spider finally found you, why haven't you come back for so long? Daddy is worried."

When the old spider saw the girl, he immediately passed the girl and asked her to kowtow to Jiang Siming.

"Spider spider, kowtow to this master, if it weren't for the master's help just now, grandpa would have been taken away by a monk."

The girl heard that, looked at Jiang Siming, and saw Jiang Siming's handsome and handsome appearance, the girl's heart suddenly sprouted.

"Little Lady Spider, thank you Master for your life-saving grace."

The old spider on the side smiled and introduced to Jiang Siming: "This is my granddaughter, Spider, who has only cultivated for more than 50 years."

Jiang Siming saw this little spider spirit, feeling in his heart, and finally did not disappoint him.

But looking at the eyes of the little spider spirit, Jiang Siming feels something is wrong, uncle, brother is a serious person, what does this little spider spirit think!

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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