I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1891: Little White Snake

The little spider spirit looks very beautiful, a bit like Li Jiaxin when he was young. Jiang Siming thought that there were only two stunning fairies in this copy, the green snake and the white snake.

I didn't expect to see another one when I first arrived.

It seems that this dungeon is rampant.

But the more it is, the more interesting it is.

"Get up, God has the virtue of living well. As long as you haven't done bad things, whether you are a demon or a ghost, you should be respected."

Little Spider's heart was rippling, she had never seen a person who respected them so much.

Together with the look in Jiang Siming's eyes, they became a proper look of the little girl.

The old spider was even more moved. He repeatedly squatted his head and said, "Master, if there is a dispatch in the future, my old spider will definitely repay you with death!"

"Let's go, and practice more carefully in the future, and don't be caught by these bald donkeys who don't distinguish between right and wrong." Jiang Siming waved his hand.

The old spider nodded respectfully, thanked him for his gratitude, and pulled the reluctant granddaughter away from here.

Before leaving, he gifted Jiang Siming his magic weapon orb, and left Jiang Siming what he said.

Seeing that the spider spirit had gone, Jiang Siming was playing with the orb. There was a clear aura hovering on the orb.

This old spider didn't deceive people, he really had cultivated under the right way, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a pure aura.

It's a pity that Jiang Siming doesn't like this aura at all, and then put it into the Qiankun Ring, so he plans to visit Qiantang River.

When he was about to leave, on the foothills hundreds of miles away to the southwest, thunderclouds gradually appeared, and the demon energy condensed. It seemed that there was a demon crossing the catastrophe.

"Interesting, this world is so interesting."

Jiang Siming seemed to have finally arrived in a dungeon world like him and found many colleagues.

Now it is what I want to see and walk around.

Why go to Qiantang River to find Xu Xian is bullshit, let's talk about this world first.

Jiang Siming deliberately slowed down, set up the orb that the old spider had just given him, stepped on the orb, and Yukong flew to the foot of the mountain.

When he waited near the foot of the mountain, Jiang Siming discovered that it seemed to be Mount Putuo, and the place where the thunder disaster happened was a bamboo forest.

Jiang Siming was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.

"Isn't it a coincidence, Zizhulin? Isn't this a place where white snakes and green snakes practice? According to legend, it is still the residence of Guanyin in the South China Sea. There will be no Guanyin there."

Jiang Siming is a little nervous, if it is not good to encounter Guanyin, he is not necessarily an opponent.

Don’t start, this copy is over...

When Jiang Siming swept away his spiritual consciousness, he did not find a powerful person, but found two snake monsters, one white and one green.

Bai's cultivation base is very high, and in the late Jindan stage, he is now hitting the Consummation Realm.

It stands to reason that a breakthrough in a small rank should not cause Thunder Tribulation.

But this little white snake just happened. It is estimated that the cultivation of monsters and humans are different.

Jiang Siming looked at the two snakes and found that they were not as big and ugly as in the movie.

Instead, they are two small little snakes, a bit similar to the little white snake that Medusa failed to swallow the green lotus fire in the fighting anime. Not only is it not vicious, but it is very cute and cute.

The same is true for the green snakes next to them, they are all small, and they seem to have a silly feeling.

The white snake crossed the catastrophe, and the green snake was there to help. The two sisters had a deep relationship.

"Sister, you must hold on to it. Through this catastrophe, your demon pill is the Golden Pill Consummation. If you go further, you will meet the requirements of Guanyin Dashi to accept disciples. Then you can fly into the sky. It's no longer a demon." Green Snake encouraged her sister.

White Snake said with misery, he forced a smile and said: "Xiaoqing, sister knows, but...sister seems to have no strength. The pressure of this thunder tribulation made me unable to breathe. This time, I might failure."

"Sister, don't say such frustrating words, you can definitely do it, besides, even if you fail to cross the Tribulation, it will only be reduced by a few levels. The big deal is that we can continue to practice." Xiaoqing comforted.

At this time, thunderclouds condensed in the sky of the purple bamboo forest, and not long after, a thunderstorm sounded over the bamboo forest.

A blade of lightning fell and hit the cute little white snake.

The white snake let out a scream, his whole body flushed with electricity, and the snake skin fell off a lot, dripping with blood.

But this is not over yet, the thunder clouds are still gathering, and the second sky thunder is about to descend.

"Xiaoqing, I'm running out of strength, my true energy has all been dissipated, my sister may not be as simple as downgrading..."

"Xiaoqing, remember, if your sister is gone, you have to practice hard, you are too lazy, too playful, do you have to change this habit..."

The white snake seemed to know his destiny and began to explain the funeral with the green snake.

Xiaoqing cried into a snake of tears, constantly comforting the white snake to be fine.

At the same time, in the sky, a second sky thunder condensed, and it thundered at the white snake with a bang.

Bai Snake was desperate, when a real energy suddenly surged to her demon pill, the majestic power was the only one she had seen in her life.

This infuriating energy made her instantly recover from her depression, and she began to shine with colorful light.

When the sky thunder fell, the white snake not only resisted it, but also relaxed.

"Sister, you're all right!" Green Snake was overjoyed.

"It seems that there is an expert who helped me overcome the catastrophe, thank you senior." Bai Snake didn't care about looking for her benefactor, so she could only thank him from afar.

The last thunder came down, and the white snake stood still, and it was this thunder that passed.

The White Snake's demon pill has grown again, breaking through to the golden pill stage completion state!

At this time, the thunderclouds cleared, and the sky cleared after rain.

Bai Snake didn't care that she was still injured, looking for a benefactor to help her overcome the catastrophe.

But after searching a large circle, no one was found.

The unwilling White Snake ran out of the Zizhu Forest for a long time, but found nothing.

"Sister, where is the expert?" Green Snake ran to ask.

White Snake shook his head in loss, and said: "It's gone, it should be gone. My benefactor should just be passing by. Seeing that my cultivation is not easy, and can't bear my fall, he kindly shot."

"Then what to do, doesn't my sister no longer know who the benefactor is?"

Bai Snake smiled intelligently and said: "Neither, En Gongdu gave me the demon pill's innocence, no demon aura, and no Buddhist aura. I can exclude the demon tribe and the Buddhists, and this innocence is still In my body, as long as I find my benefactor in the future, I will definitely recognize TA!"

"Well, I really want to see what kind of grace looks like, sister, you are now in the Golden Core Stage of Consummation, let's go to the world to play, you have just passed the promotion, you need to experience and solidify your cultivation."

White Snake squeezed Little Green Snake's face and said, "It's a good excuse for you. I want to go out and play, but we should definitely go to Hongchen to practice."

"Hehe, yeah! Let's go to the world to play! Maybe my sister can meet the benefactor!" Green Snake rejoiced.

The white snake shook his head and laughed, and began to take the green snake towards the Qiantang River.


The fourth one~One less for the owed more, two more shortfalls, continue tomorrow~

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