I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1892: Woodcarving shop

A few days later, Bai Suzhen took Xiaoqing into a human form and came to the Qiantang River.

The two sisters who came to the world for the first time looked very novel and happy.

"Sister, the world is so lively, it's so fun!" Xiaoqing danced happily.

The mature and steady Bai Suzhen warned: "Don't be too oblivious. You must hide your demon. There are many Taoist and Buddhist masters in the world. If you find that you are a demon, you will definitely be accepted."

"Oh, Xiaoqing knows that."

Xiaoqing casually agreed, and then suddenly asked, "Sister, then do you think we will meet that benefactor here?"

Bai Suzhen smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The world is so big, it's hard to meet it. If we can see you again, our two sisters will definitely thank the benefactor."

The two sisters began to walk around in the market again, and were full of curiosity about everything.

"Sister, look at it, there is a college in front, and there are many scholars studying."

The two walked outside a private school, where many scholars were shaking their heads and studying.

A delicate man is teaching karma to solve puzzles.

The students who care about it accidentally saw the two stunning beauties standing outside the window, and all the students were immediately hooked away, all staring dumbfoundedly, and the Four Books and Five Classics had long been forgotten.

"Why stop reading? Are you familiar with it!"

The young teacher stared dissatisfied, and found that the students were all looking at one place, and he also looked out the window.

From this look, the teacher also perished.

But considering that there are so many students there, he has to act like a teacher.

Besides, it is the only way to attract the attention of the two beauties outside.

"Sit down for me! Have you forgotten what you taught you as a teacher? You must be down-to-earth, concentrate on reading, don't think about it, continue to recite to me!"

When the students were taught by him, they all turned their eyes back reluctantly.

The teacher pretended to continue teaching the students to read aloud, and got up from his seat, pretending to read while walking, turning around and peeking at the two scenery outside the window from time to time.

The more I watched, the more heart-warming this teacher became. He had never seen such a beautiful girl before.

"Sister, look at this gentleman, he's quite a gentleman." Xiaoqing didn't find this teacher's Xiao Jiujiu, and thought he had encountered the kind of gentleman the sister said.

But Bai Suzhen saw it clearly, and she smiled faintly: "Xiaoqing, don't be fooled by performance so easily. You see that he keeps peeking at us, and then he feels that his heartbeat keeps accelerating. It's not what you want. Like that."

"Really, it may also be that my sister is too beautiful and fascinated this teacher, hehe." Xiaoqing laughed and teased.

Bai Suzhen couldn't comment, she was about to take her sister and leave, but saw a strange shop next to the private school.

A signboard is hung outside the store, its name is [Wood Carving Shop], and there are many vivid wood carvings outside the store.

There are tigers, eagles, black bears and so on. These wood carvings are very vivid, as if standing in front of you alive.

The store door is ajar, there is no Xiaoer and no boss.

Under curiosity, Bai Suzhen took Xiaoqing to the woodcarving shop.

Seeing that the two girls with fair faces left like this, the teacher didn't care about acting anymore, and said to the students in a hurry:

"The teacher feels sick and needs to go to the hut. Everyone will continue to recite until they come out."

After speaking, the teacher hurriedly walked out of the private school, looking for the two girls to find the past.

"These wood carvings are so beautiful. There are snake wood carvings. Sister, let's buy two snake wood carvings."

The two sisters Bai Qing came to the woodcarving shop, Xiaoqing also fell in love with these woodcarvings at a glance, and wanted to reach out to play with them, but her sister stopped them.

"Don't be rude, Xiaoqing."


Bai Suzhen walked towards the shop. She thought there was no one in the shop, but she didn't expect a man inside to sit at a wooden table.

The man turned his back to them, holding a small file in his hand, and was obsessed with polishing the wooden sculpture in his hand, as if he hadn't noticed anyone coming to the store.

"Boss, do you sell wood carvings?"

Bai Suzhen screamed tentatively. When she saw this man, she felt cordial.

"Finally there are customers, and there are still two rare customers. It is not easy to buy wood carvings. You have to exchange the cultivation base on your demon pill."

As soon as he said this, Xiao Qing's expression immediately changed, and the green snake sword in his hand was sacrificed, and he wanted to do it.

Only Bai Suzhen didn't move, but instead stared at the man's back, and the kindness in her heart became stronger and stronger.

The aura left by the demon pill in her body is constantly telling her that the person in front is their master!

The man stopped the wood carving movement in his hand, got up and turned his head, with a smile on his face.

"It's just a joke, don't be so serious."

After seeing the man's face, Bai Suzhen instantly confirmed that this person was the expert who helped her through the thunderstorm in Zizhulin that day!

Bai Suzhen was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed to Jiang Siming Yingying.

"Thank you, my benefactor. I didn't expect to meet my benefactor here. Xiao Snake Bai Suzhen would like to thank the benefactor for his life-saving grace. Without the help of the benefactor, Xiao Snake would have died."

Xiaoqing was stunned after hearing this, this person is the sister's benefactor?

He doesn't seem to have the slightest amount of mana at all. Apart from being very good-looking, he is clearly an ordinary shop owner.

"Xiaoqing, don't put the sword away yet, and join me to worship Xie En Gong." Bai Suzhen hurriedly pulled her over.

"Sister, did you make a mistake? How is he like an expert? I have seen him. He has no magic power at all. Have you admitted the wrong person."

"No nonsense!" Bai Suzhenxiu gave Xiao Qing anxiously.

Just kidding, this expert can't even see through the details, how can Xiaoqing see through.

But she can be sure that Jiang Siming is by no means an ordinary person, and must be her lifesaver.

Otherwise, as soon as she and Xiaoqing entered, how could they be known by the other party.

"Don't blame the benefactor, Xiaoqing has always jumped out of his mouth, and has no intention of offending." Bai Suzhen explained apologetically.

Jiang Siming waved his hand and said with a smile: "I didn't say to care about her, get up, aren't you here to buy wood carvings."

Bai Suzhen was overjoyed when she heard this, and pulled Xiaoqing up to her feet.

Just as Bai Suzhen wanted to say a few words to Jiang Siming, a scholar who looked like a scholar walked in.

As soon as he came in, he shouted to Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing: "Girl, don't believe him, he is a profiteer, don't be fooled by him."

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing are unclear, so, isn't this the teacher just now?

The teacher walked into the shop and first politely gave Bai Suzhen a polite and said, "Xu Xian, here is the private school, the girl listens to my explanation."

[Author's digression]: First more~

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