I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1903: The use of magic

"Donor Jiang, I think we should go out of the sky, so as not to hurt the innocent. You don't want to let people be ruined again, right?"

Obviously, he was afraid that Jiang Siming would be desperate, so he would die with him on the earth.

But Jiang Siming didn't want to destroy the planet.

Although it's just a copy, it doesn't matter if it is destroyed or not, but he can't let Jiang Siming kill billions of lives by himself.

"Then go." Jiang Siming agreed to Tathagata's suggestion.

Tathagata smiled conceited when he heard it, and then disappeared into the sky, waiting for Jiang Siming outside the sky.

Jiang Siming naturally planned to follow, and just as he was about to leave, Bai Suzhen's voice came from behind him.

"Senior Jiang, you must be careful, Xiaoqing and I will be waiting for you, always waiting for you!"

After helping Jiang Siming to cultivate concentration in the Bai Mansion that day, Bai Suzhen's heart has been attached to Jiang Siming.

It's just that her status and strength as a fairy, feel that she is not worthy of Jiang Siming.

"Master, you will definitely win, I'm still waiting to be a cow and a horse for you." The little spider spirit also said.

Jiang Siming then remembered, and said to Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing: "After this battle, no matter the outcome, I will go to another world. Will you follow me?"

Jiang Siming didn't know if he could win the battle against the Tathagata. If he lost, he would be forced to withdraw from the dungeon and could not enter.

So Jiang Siming thinks it is better to arrange the "funeral".

"No matter where the seniors go, Xiaoqing and I are willing to follow forever!" Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing nodded without hesitation.

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "Well, I will send you there first, and I will be here soon."

After speaking, Jiang Siming launched the [Dungeon Character Transfer Device] and sent the two little snake monsters to the dungeon of Zombie World.

The main martial arts copy and the Three Kingdoms copy are not suitable for them.

Anyway, the world of zombies is also static, let them stay there first, and then turn them around when there is a suitable copy.

Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing disappeared out of thin air. Jiang Siming was about to leave, but the spider ran over.

"Master, I am also willing to follow the master, no matter the ends of the world."

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "The place I am going is not the end of the world, and I will never come back again. Are you sure you think about it?"

Spider Spider struggled a little, gritted his teeth and nodded, "I'm sure, the master saved my grandfather, and Spider Spider is willing to be a cow and horse for the master in this life."

Jiang Siming rejoiced, and said: "It's pretty trustworthy, okay, quickly explain to your grandfather, I will send you there first, and you don't need to be a cow or a horse. From now on, just help me in my practice. It's very simple. ."

The innocent little spider did not suspect that he had him, nodded happily, and ran to his grandfather to explain a few words.

Afterwards, Jiang Siming sent her away.

After no more worries, Jiang Siming also disappeared in place.

Outer space, far away from the earth, even jumped out of a nearby galaxy in the solar system.

Tathagata waited for a long time.

The two met again, without any nonsense, and at the same time sacrificed their strongest magical powers.

This battle didn't know how long it lasted. Jiang Siming only knew that all the nearby planets had become dusty powder, and this star field almost collapsed.

As a result, he won. He killed the strongest boss in this instance, Shakyamuni.

Although this victory was his most strenuous one, he still won without paying any price.

At most, he was missing a few fairy beans.

He only now knows that although they are all in the God Transformation Realm, in fact, the difference in strength is very different for different God Transformation Realms.

It mainly depends on the supernatural power of the opponent's cultivation and determines the opponent's strength.

Shakyamuni actually doesn't have any supernatural powers, it just relies purely on raising the true qi, constantly breaking through the realm, and reaching the realm of **** transformation after tens of thousands of years.

Then he found out that he became invincible and had no opponents.

So I just worked out some Buddhism by myself, and there is no magical power to hold down the box at all.

In this battle with Jiang Siming, he also completely relied on his own spiritual transformation to smash Jiang Siming.

This is like fighting two people with the same strength, one of which relies purely on brute force and squanders his own strength to fight.

And the other one has learned a lot of fighting skills to fight with you. Who can fight before?

The key point is that this person has something that can instantly restore his strength.

Sakyamuni wanted to say: "Why is this fun?"

The Sakyamuni in the front was able to resist the first fight, and when he hit the back, Jiang Siming played his trump card and took out all the supernatural powers from the back of the idol Zhen Prison Jin. He was only beaten.

Later, Sakyamuni knew that he could not fight at all, and wanted to seek peace, but Jiang Siming had become addicted to fighting, and finally killed Sakyamuni.

After the Sakyamuni was destroyed, Jiang Siming had no plans to return to Earth, so he quit the copy directly.

As soon as Shakya died, he knew that Buddhism must have fried the pot, and both Burning Lantern and Wuliang estimated.

The entire Buddhist master must be chasing him.

The fact that Jiang Siming can kill Sakyamuni does not mean that he can kill Buddhism by himself.

So be smart at this time, just withdraw the copy and stop playing.

Also avoid having to consume a lot of pills when fighting, the key is definitely not winning.

The last thing Lao Jiang wanted to do was this kind of loss-making business and slipped away.


Waking up from the copy, Jiang Siming breathed a sigh of relief, and Xinyi was still sleeping soundly in his arms.

Time has not changed, no one knows, Jiang Siming squinted his eyes and has completed a small copy.

This time Jiang Siming was still very satisfied and passed the copy in one go.

And this dungeon has gained a lot, not to mention the fragments obtained, but also a lot of good things from it.

Nearly twenty storage bags were obtained. The only pity was that after killing the Sakyamuni, the Sakyamuni's storage bag was also destroyed.

Otherwise, it is estimated that this collection will make Jiang Siming smile and crooked his mouth.

But it's pretty good now. To be content is to be content. Too greedy is not a good thing.

In addition to storage bags, there are many Ganoderma lucidum, medicinal materials, elixirs, etc., and there will be more types of alchemy in the future.

After packing up his mood, Jiang Siming got out of bed lightly, covered Xinyi with a quilt, went to the alchemy room, and handed the medicinal materials to the alchemy robot.

He himself entered another closed room, took out all the storage bags, and began to refine the equipment!

He has obtained the Eight Wonders and Magic Skills, and has never had the opportunity to use them. Now is the time to use them.

Although the storage bag is convenient, it is not as easy to use as the ring.

The storage ring is more convenient, just wear it on your finger.

Moreover, the space of these storage bags is too small, and Jiang Siming wants to see if they can expand their space a little bit with magic tricks.

Half a day passed.

Jiang Siming came out of the alchemy room contentedly, the more than twenty storage bags in his hand disappeared, and thirty rings were replaced.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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