I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1904: My daughter must be spoiled~

He integrated all the spaces of the storage bag, then expanded it to the greatest extent, and then cut it into thirty pieces, each piece of space was made into a space ring.

This is all thanks to the skill of the magical machine, otherwise twenty storage bags are not enough for the wives.

Thirty now... well, at least for the time being...enough... right...

These rings not only look good, but are also inlaid with gemstones and come in various colors.

"Hey, with this gift, I believe you will definitely get a wave of ‘unusual’ rewards at night."

Jiang Siming smiled, already looking forward to the rewards of his wives at night.

In the afternoon, wait for the wives to come home.

Jiang Siming took out the rings and told them about the functions of the rings.

The girls were all excited after hearing this. Who doesn't like this kind of gift.

So the thirty rings were selected within a few seconds and only three were left.

It's just that Deng Qi still didn't come back.

Counting that there are two left.

"Dad, I want this ring too~"

By Jiang Siming's side, Zhao Xiaoxiao hugged his arm and didn't let go, staring at the ring in Jiang Siming's hand with big eyes.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Why do you want a ring? How can a high school student wear a ring? Your teacher knows you can't scold you."

"But I really want it~ I don't have to wear it on my hand. I can't find a rope to run up as a talisman."

Zhao Xiaoxiao was too eager for the space ring. He didn't expect that Dad still had this kind of artifact, so he had to act like a baby and ask for one.

"The key is what do you want it for?" Jiang Siming asked amusedly.

"Preserve snacks for homework, dad, you don’t know that there are too many high school homework than before. I carry my schoolbag to and from school every day, and the shoulders are so hard to carry, ooh." Zhao Xiaoxiao said You can also wipe your tears pitifully.

But Jiang Siming obviously pretended to see a drop of Peas falling from her.

But even if he pretended, Jiang Siming didn't stubbornly reject Zhao Xiaoxiao. There was no way he could do it with his own daughter.

Besides... Jiang Siming still remembers that dream.

Zhao Xiaoxiao was so good to herself in her previous life. In this life, he should try his best to treat her better, whether that dream is true or false.

"Here, pick it." Jiang Siming opened his palm.

"Hey, thank you dad, dad, I love you so much~ Trojan horse~"

Zhao Xiaoxiao jumped up on the spot happily, took Jiang Siming and took a sip on his mouth, and then smirked that he picked a ring and ran away.

It seemed to be afraid that Jiang Siming would be unhappy.

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, this little girl, now she has the opportunity to stand on her own cheap, so she won't let it go.

Fortunately, the mothers have gone to study the space ring and haven't seen it, otherwise Lao Jiang will have to make a big blush.

After the ring was issued, the family didn't even want to eat.

Even when eating, he was still playing with the space ring. For example, Jiang Siming was eating, and when he looked up, he found that dozens of dishes on the table were gone...all were put in for them to play.

Looking up again, the table is gone...

After eating, all the furniture in the house disappeared.

It's as if my bankrupt house was ransacked by an employee...

But Jiang Siming didn't stop them either. They played casually, and they wouldn't lose anything anyway.

Just get this kind of magical and mysterious baby, whoever changes will have fun first.

Jiang Siming had been excited for several days after he got the Qiankun Ring, and even let Awei's instant noodles off and stole them all.

Just wait a few days and get used to it.

In the evening, Jiang Siming did not guess wrong, and got a ‘great gift’.

When Jiang Siming got up the next day, he was always proud of the spring breeze.

It's just that the wives are suffering. They yawned and put a little dark eye rims during working hours, and hurried to the company to work.

Jiang Siming didn't want to go to the company, but before long, Li Yingzi, who was at work, called him and said that it was outside the company and a girl came to him.

Still an exotic girl, Li Yingzi teased that when she came back from get off work, she would explain to them and urge Jiang Siming to come to the company to settle the ‘peach blossom debt’.

After Jiang Siming heard it, he immediately used his spiritual sense to scan it. He really didn't expect that Mia would really come to his company.

After Jiang Siming came to the company, Mia was received by Qi Muxin in the company's reception room.

Seeing Jiang Siming, Mia bowed deeply.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for saving me again and saving so many passengers. Zaina owes you too much favor."

Jiang Siming waved his hand and said curiously, "Aren't you called Mia Veitch?"

Mia explained: "Mia Veitch is my correct name. In fact, my real name is Zaina. In our country, the correct name is different from the real name."

Jiang Siming nodded when he heard the words, and did not entangle again: "You came to China to thank me, right?"

Zaina nodded embarrassedly and replied: "Yes, by the way, I will return to Pakistan to find a job after traveling in China for a few days."

"Looking for a job? Does Huaxia have no job? The salary for working in China is definitely much higher than that in Pakistan." Jiang Siming said.

Zaina shook her head embarrassedly, and said: "I know, but I... have stayed at the altar since I was a child, and have not learned any work skills. I can return to the altar to teach the new saint, my last saint. That’s it."

Jiang Siming understood, too, this saint of Pakistan was put on the altar since she was a child and has been enshrined all the time. There is no time to study and learn.

In the end, he can only rely on teaching the next saint to work.

Jiang Siming looked at her aura eyes, and suddenly there was an idea in his head.

"Zaina, I have a job, but I want to ask you for help."

"Mr. Jiang need not be so polite, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help Mr. Jiang do it." Zaina said sincerely.

Jiang Siming waved his hand and said, "I'm not Zhou Papi. After you listen to me, I have built a Chinese martial arts university. I want to invite you to study in my school, how about?"

"Go to university to study? This is also called work?"

Zaina stared and asked, what kind of work is this? It's obviously a pie in the sky.

Jiang Siming smiled lightly: "Of course it's more than that simple. I need you to study in my school first, and then stay in school as a teacher and teach other students after you finish your studies."

If Guoshu University wants to develop, it must have a steady stream of teachers and students.

There is no need to worry about the source of students in the school. The elders, the police department, and the sky team will arrange people to study in the school.

To be honest, they all want to cram in the university every year.

But the students are not worried, but the teachers are worried.

There are really few teachers in China who can enter Jiang Siming's method.

During this time, Jiang Siming also received a lot of application materials, but most of them were passed by him.

Only very few are still under consideration.

Jiang Siming wants to train the teacher by himself. Zaina is a good material.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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