I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1909: Hunting in the mountains

Don't worry about Reba at all, Jiang Siming has already become a part of her family, not only talking and laughing, but also using sugar-coated cannonballs to prepare various expensive small gifts.

Easily make her family smile.

In the end, the whole family circled Jiang Siming, and even Reba’s parents had forgotten Reba.

Reba is depressed, please, I am also a **** at home~

A large family crowded Jiang Siming into the car, and more than 20 luxury cars lined up in a convoy and left the airport in an orderly manner.

Reba's family also does business in Urumqi, and the business is not small, so this little Nizi is actually a rich woman.

Although Reba’s parents do business in the city, their home is still in a small rural area in Urumqi.

But because of the money, Reba's family expanded the country house into a mansion no smaller than Jiang Siming's Shanghai Manor.

Mainly, the land here is too wide, and the land price is very cheap.

As soon as he entered, Jiang Siming was treated with great enthusiasm. Fruit snacks and hot tea drinks were continuously sent to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming didn't seem to be a son-in-law, but rather an uncle.

"Mom, I want to eat too." Reba shouted.

Who knows that no one paid attention to her at all, so angry that Reba's children's shoes could only stare at her. The key point was that Jiang Siming looked at her with a smile, and deliberately ate very fragrantly to anger her.

After sitting at home for a while, Jiang Siming couldn't stay idle and wanted to stroll around.

Reba's father immediately suggested: "Good son-in-law, or dad take you hunting?"

"Hunting? Let's hunt here?" Jiang Siming was overjoyed.

Hunting this stuff, men like to do well.

In the copy of the Three Kingdoms, he often organizes groups to go hunting, which is always interesting.

But in the real world, Jiang Siming really hasn't tried it. After all, this is illegal and there is nothing good about it.

There are too few animals in the real world, and countless animals are being eaten and extinct.

Reba’s father laughed and said: “We have a mountain forest here, and we have stocked a lot of animals in it a few years ago, and hunting here is actually legal, as long as we obtain a shotgun license from the relevant department.

"Okay, go and go, Dad, I'll carry the gun for you."

Jiang Siming made a final decision and followed the old man to get a shotgun.

When the gun was on, a few Reba's uncles followed, mainly because they were afraid that Jiang Siming and Reba's father would not be safe to go, so they all followed.

"Dad, I want to go too~" Reba said pitifully.

"What are the girls doing in the mountains, fooling around, staying at home." Reba's father had a stern expression and immediately refused.

Reba wants to cry. This mom and dad have a son-in-law and forgot their daughter. She is too humble in the family.

Reba had no choice but to look at Jiang Siming and her husband.

Of course Jiang Siming couldn't bear to see his wife sad.

"Dad, let Reba be with us, don't worry, I will protect her and nothing will happen."

The old father-in-law was still hesitant, Jiang Siming added: "Dad, this is my daughter-in-law, not just your daughter. Now, she listens to me."

The old man smiled embarrassedly when he heard the words, and at the same time was a little relieved. It seems that his daughter was indeed not wronged by Jiang Siming.

Look at this picture of Jiang Siming protecting his wife.

"Okay, you can take care of your wife. I'm a dad, so don't interrupt."

"Thank you Dad." Jiang Siming smiled with satisfaction.

Reba immediately happily jumped out of the room, a grey flutter, and jumped into Jiang Siming's arms.

"Husband, you are so nice~ I love you~ Trojan horse~"

Looking at the young couple's intimacy in public, Reba's family didn't think it was rude, but they all laughed happily.

From here, it can be seen that Jiang Siming is sincere to their Reba.

"Hey, you can go, you have to change your clothes, there are many snakes, insects, rats and ants in the mountains." Jiang Siming said, pulling her white and tender little arm.

"Telling, I'll go right away, you have to wait for me, my husband~"

After speaking, Reba hurried to change clothes.

When she got dressed and came out, she found that Jiang Siming was already playing cards with Lao Zhangren and uncles in the yard.

"Your speed of changing clothes, we are almost finished playing a lap." Jiang Siming threw the card and said angrily.

Reba smirked apologetically, and said, "I have a stomachache, so I went to the toilet by the way."

Jiang Siming didn't mind, and said, "That's all right, let's go, Dad."

The family just started from home.

When I entered the mountain forest covered by Lao Zhangren's house, the forest was very large and dense.

And the woods are closed, no outsiders are allowed in, there must be a lot of prey inside.

Holding an old-fashioned shotgun in his hand, Jiang Siming walked beside the old man, holding Reba's little tail beside him.

"My husband, I found out with my spiritual sense, there are so many animals inside~" Reba whispered to Jiang Siming in a low voice.

She is also a cultivator (akimbo)~

"I know, but you are not allowed to report your position. If you dare to report your position, go home and swell you Pippi." Jiang Siming seemed to be uncomfortable.

"Why?" Reba pursed her mouth and asked dissatisfiedly. People are not happy to help you find prey, hum~

"Of course, hunting is about the pleasure of finding and catching prey, just like fishing. It is about the surprise after waiting for a long time, not the result that has been predicted, you know?" Jiang Siming explained.

If he really only wants to hunt, a single thought can make all the animals in this forest run under his feet.

But this completely loses the fun of hunting.

So every time he hunts in the Three Kingdoms, he never engages in cultivation. Sometimes he returns with a full load, sometimes he becomes an air force.

But regardless of the result, Jiang Siming is very happy, this is the joy of hunting.

Reba also understood, and immediately shut up, and honestly followed Jiang Siming, and began to experience the thrill of hunting.

After spending two hours in the woods, Jiang Siming and Lao Zhangren had a good harvest. They beat several hares and a silly roe deer.

As he was about to go back, Uncle Reba, who was looking for prey on the other side, suddenly shouted: "Run, it's a wild boar!"

Uncle Reba ran away quickly. Behind him, a wild boar with a body size of at least 500 catties chased him and rushed over.

Wild boar, although the favorite prey of hunters.

But it also depends on the situation. Of course the little wild boars are happy, but when they encounter such a huge wild boar, ordinary shotguns can do no harm to it.

Moreover, this wild boar is fierce by nature, and a casual hit can knock a person's waist.

Reba's father didn't expect that there is such a big wild boar in the forest. Some anxious, he wanted to take Jiang Siming and Reba to leave first.

But at this time Jiang Siming secretly bit her ear at Reba.

The old man is speechless, can you change the time when you two are dating, the wild boar is here.

The old man seriously suspected that the wild boar ran into him madly because he couldn't stand the two people spreading dog food...


West Eight! After taking a nap, I felt like I was pressed by a ghost. I couldn’t wake up alive, and stayed asleep until two o’clock in the middle of the night (smile)...

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