I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1910: I just want to be your wife~

In fact, Lao Zhangren wronged their young couple.

Jiang Siming was just talking to Reba, asking her to try her level of cultivation.

So Jiang Siming raised the gun decently and shot the wild boar casually.

Reba secretly displays the "demon method" on the side, biubiu~

The wild boar was killed by Mimi.

When the wild boar fell to the ground, Reba's father and uncle were still in shock.

I didn't believe that the wild boar was really dead until I saw the hole in the wild boar's head.

"My son-in-law, you really shot him to death?"

The old man was still dumbfounded.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect to kill this wild boar with a single shot."

"It should be Xiaojiang's good marksmanship. It happened to hit the weakest place of the wild boar and was killed in one shot." Uncle made a comment at this time, and his clothes were soaked behind.

Obediently, being chased by this thing is no different from being chased by a tiger.

Everyone also agreed with this statement, but Jiang Siming and Reba were the only ones who hid in fun.

The wild boar was dead, so of course he had to carry it back. Jiang Siming wanted to help.

But the old man felt that the work was too tiring, and said that he would not be allowed to do it, so he took a few brothers and took the wild boar with difficulty and walked out of the woods.

Harvest from this hunting trip, a good harvest.

A dozen hares, a silly roe deer and a wild boar weighing more than 500 catties.

The old man smiled openly and was already discussing with his uncle and the others how to handle these prey.

I also asked Jiang Siming who likes salt and pepper or cumin.

Jiang Siming immediately replied that cumin must be cumin.

When everyone got home, the whole family ran out to see the prey.

Everyone helped and started to make food for the evening.

Only the guest Jiang Siming said nothing to let him do anything.

Jiang Siming’s hospitality is difficult, so he has to stay in the living room and watch TV, with a Reba next to him~

Reba was supposed to work, but her mother-in-law was afraid that Jiang Siming would be bored watching TV alone, so she pardoned her not to work and went to accompany Jiang Siming.

"Yes, the hand exposed today is quite powerful."

Jiang Siming puts his arms around Fat Di, not forgetting to ridicule.

Little Reba arrogantly said, "Of course, how can I lose my husband's face? The spells you taught me are all easy to use, and I will never be afraid of encountering bad people in the future."

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "Do you still want to be a chivalrous girl?"

"Hehe, I'm not a chivalrous woman, so I want to be your wife~" Reba smiled.

Reba looks so cute when she smiles.

Jiang Siming couldn't help taking a peck on her mouth, but Xiao Nizi was not satisfied with it, and she took the initiative to wrap it around.

The two began to kiss each other in the living room.

Until the sound of footsteps approached, the two quickly let go of each other and resumed sitting tightly.

Good guy, it's like stealing Q.

At night, Reba’s house is very lively, and the whole family comes to have a dinner together.

The yard was full of tables, the table surrounded the city in a circle, and there was a bonfire in the middle. On the bonfire, today’s prey is the prey.

In addition to the hare, robe and wild boar, there are also two sheep roasted.

In fact, most of the people in Reba’s family do not eat pork. Most of them are Muslims, so the custom is not to eat pork.

But because he took care of Jiang Siming, the wild boar was also cooked.

Reba is fine, because she is not a Muslim either.

Each table is also full of special dishes from here.

Jiang Siming has never eaten anything like naan meat, stuffed skins, pepper chicken, and spicy lamb hooves.

He could see greedy worms growl in his stomach.

At the beginning of the banquet, Jiang Siming was assigned to the front seat, and he changed into Uyghur clothes.

Reba prepared it for him, saying that he wanted to see if his husband looked good in this outfit.

Jiang Siming felt comfortable after putting it on, so he didn't take it off.

On the contrary, it was because of this dress that the Reba family's favorability towards Jiang Siming was even closer.

Several of Reba's cousins ​​and cousins ​​stare at Jiang Siming and are almost committing nympho.

I have to say that the young ladies here are very beautiful.

Although it is still one or two grades behind Reba, if it is placed in the mainland, all of them are definitely goddesses.

Most of the girls here have white skin, straight noses, well-defined features, and they are very three-dimensional, and their eyes are deep, with an exotic beauty.

Jiang Siming now finally understands that he is still too naive. He used to think that his ancestors came here for raisins and mutton skewers.

Now, I realized that he was wrong, and sure enough he was still too naive.

After the meal, the guests enjoyed themselves and Jiang Siming's smile was confiscated.

Halfway through the meal, he even accompanied Reba to the bonfire and learned to dance with a bunch of people.

This kind of dining atmosphere is really amazing, even if it is over, Jiang Siming is still a little bit more interested.

The next day, the Gurban festival began.

Gurban is a grand festival for Muslims.

Early in the morning, Muslims bathed in incense, dressed tightly, and went to the mosque to attend the ceremony.

Regardless of urban and rural areas, grand Maixilaifu singing and dancing gatherings must be held in the square.

So the father-in-law and the others went out to attend the ceremony early in the morning. Reba is not a Muslim, so there is no need to go at all, and only men are allowed to attend.

But she had to follow her mother at home to prepare fast food for noon.

Seeing that they were all busy for the festival, Jiang Siming planned to go out to wander around.

His venom is still waiting for him to indulge in the highway.

Speaking to Reba, Reba didn't have any problems, just let Jiang Siming not forget the meal time.

The mother-in-law was a little worried, but Jiang Siming lied that she was only driving around the city, and she agreed.

Jiang Siming greeted Li Chunlan in advance, and it didn't take long before Li Chunlan came over with his venom.

"Boss, the car is here." Li Chunlan got off the car.

Jiang Siming took over unceremoniously, and said, "You go in and stay with Reba for a while, and you will drive the car back when I come back."

"Okay." Li Chunlan naturally obeyed.

Jiang Siming started the car and drove to the north as soon as the smoke slipped.

Reba told him that there are the fewest people in the north and the road is spacious.

Jiang Siming drove out of the northern city area and found that Reba did not lie to him.

At the end of the northern suburbs, there is an endless Gobi, with only one highway extending to the invisible end.

There are only yellow sand and scorching sun on the road.

The soil here is severely weathered, so this kind of road is very common here.

Jiang Siming was already a little impatient.

Raising the speed of the car, the venom is like an off-string arrow, rushing forward indefinitely!

The roaring engine sound, in this boundless wilderness, seemed particularly loud and wanton.


Jiang Siming just wanted to shout loudly at this time to express his mood.

This is where the sports car should come, to experience the most sensational speed and passion.


Yesterday's third update~

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