I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1911: No man's land

The venom shuttled on the highway, full speed.

The surrounding scenery passed quickly, as if chasing the sun and racing with it.

Jiang Siming's car skills and Venom's performance are perfectly integrated.

At this time, Wuling Hongguang or even the AE86 came, and Jiang Siming didn't bother it at all.

Deserts, highways, blazing suns, wilderness... the big buzzer!

The road here was originally not suitable for sports cars, because there are a lot of sand and stones blown by the wind on the road.

The chassis of a sports car is very low and it is easy to scratch the chassis.

But is this a problem for Jiang Siming?

With a big wave of his hand, the sand and rocks on the Baili Nei Road were rolled up clean.

The master of comprehension said that if you want to bounce a car, you must bounce the car. Today, even in the mud pit, you have to give the car to Biao!

Just like that Dad said!

Unconsciously, Jiang Siming had been driving for a long time.

The distance from the city has become more and more distant.

Looking at the time, Jiang Siming was not in a hurry to go back because it was still early for the meal.

"Wander around the wonderful mountains and rivers of our motherland." Jiang Siming continued to drive the car fast.

Going forward, the scene is even more desolate, and you can occasionally see highway surveillance cameras before.

I haven't seen one after driving for dozens of miles.

There is a roadside sign, which seems to be erected by a passerby driver passing by here.

It says: No man's land ahead, dangerous, be careful!

There was also a skull drawn next to the sign. Apparently the person who wrote this sign warned the drivers of the danger to go further.

Jiang Siming saw the sign, but he didn't care about it at all.

Everything in it was invisible under his divine knowledge.

In fact, after seeing the scene inside, Jiang Siming felt that the "No Man's Land" shot by Xu Zhenhuang Bo was a real adaptation.

Because it is very similar to the plot in the movie.

Jiang Siming's venom (poison is venom, the same kind of car, you don't need to worry about it.) Still drove in.

The car was not far in, and at a corner of the road, two people crouching on the side of the road saw the shadow of the sports car Jiang Siming from afar.

"Grandma's, after waiting for so long, the goods finally arrived. Today, he must be slaughtered!"

"Don't talk nonsense, throw nails."

As the two of them spoke, they began to lay nails on the road, and they were quite skilled in their movements. Obviously they did not do such things less.

After laying the nails, the two hid, smiling and waiting for the fish to take the bait.

When the car drove close, the two men could see clearly that it was a sports car.

"I'm going! This car...at least one hundred twenty thousand yuan!"

"Turtle, this is called a sports car, at least three hundred thousand!"

"It's so rich, big brother, we have to rob him today and slaughter him severely!"

"Also, I will grab this car today! Hahaha."

The two of them hid in the corner, looking forward to waiting for Jiang Siming's car to pass here, and then the tire burst.

However, just as the car was about to arrive, its original speed suddenly dropped, and it didn't take long before it stopped in front of the nail they had placed.

"Damn, this guy seems to see us putting nails." The two in the corner were annoyed.

"Then what about Brother?"

"What should I do? When he gets off the car, let's rush over. Your crossbow arrows are not very accurate. When he gets off the car, you will shoot him through the leg. Don't let him run."

"No problem, brother."

The two continued to wait, waiting for the owner to get out of the car, and they would pounce on like hungry wolves.

But after waiting for a while, no car door opened.

Instead, the window of the car was rolled down, and a man leaned against the window, calmly lit a cigarette, and smoked it calmly.

The man was making a call while still holding the phone in his other hand.

"Hey, wife, um, I will definitely go home for dinner later, waiting for me."

The two people in the corner anxiously wanted to drag Jiang Siming off.

"This place still has a signal on the cell phone? Nonsense! Isn't this kid doing this deliberately to relax our vigilance? No, fifth, do it!"

"Brother, if I do, I can only shoot him in the forehead from the car window."

"What are you afraid of? No one cares about this place, and no one knows that we did it. We killed him and drove the car to the border to sell. Even if the car is second-hand, it can sell for at least 30,000 or 40,000. !"

"Okay, brother, I'll do it now... wait, brother, he seems to get out of the car!"

Just as the two were about to start their hands, the door opened and Jiang Siming got out of the car with a cigarette in his mouth.

The moment he got out of the car, a man holding an axe rushed out in the shadow of the road corner.

Behind the man, a sharp arrow shot out! Coming straight to Jiang Siming's leg bones.

The man holding the axe had blood and brutality in his eyes, and his face had an overall determined expression, as if Jiang Siming was dead in his eyes.

However, the arrow stopped automatically half a meter away from Jiang Siming, and remained suspended in the air without moving or falling.

The weird scene made the man unable to react for a while and was stunned.

But soon, he couldn't control so much, and continued to rush towards Jiang Siming, and when he was close behind, he slashed at Jiang Siming's arm with an axe!

He did it hard and didn't mess up. In fact, he really did this kind of thing.

However, something strange happened again. The axe stopped automatically half a meter away from Jiang Siming's arm, and he could not get the axe blade closer even if he tried his best.

For the first time, the man had a look of panic in his eyes, and he looked up at Jiang Siming.

It was found that Jiang Siming was tilting his head slightly, just took a puff of the cigarette in his hand, and calmly vomited a smoke ring.


Hearing Jiang Siming's opening, the man suddenly flashed a trace of fear. This person is too weird, he can't be a ghost.

"Brothers misunderstood... we are just blocking an enemy, admitting the wrong person, sorry."

The man is cunning, and quickly finds an excuse.

Jiang Siming smiled, stretched out his hand, took the axe in his hand, weighed it a few times, and asked, "Have you killed many people?"

"No...no, I didn't kill, brother, this is really a misunderstanding..." the man hurriedly denied.

Jiang Siming whispered, "You can't lie to me. You killed a fellow traveler a few days ago, right?"

The man's eyes shook, he immediately knew what was wrong, and wanted to run away.

But he forgot that the ground behind him was the nail he had spread.

He stepped on it, and both feet were pierced into the flesh by nails, and he screamed in pain.

However, he hadn't waited for him to sit down and pull out the nail.

Jiang Siming raised his axe and chopped his legs mercilessly.

At this moment, this man finally knows what is evil and retribution.

He met a dangerous man a hundred times more terrifying and cruel than him.

Watching his legs separate from his body, the man fell on the pavement full of nails desperately.

His body was pierced with nails everywhere.

"There is another, do you want me to get you out or do you come out by yourself?" Jiang Siming said calmly, holding a **** axe.

Don't forget to smoke another cigarette to dispel the **** smell.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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