I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1914: No problem, brother!

Falcons are very independent. They will be taught by their parents from an early age to live alone and learn various hunting techniques.

So there is no need for Jiang Siming and Reba to work, they went out to catch food on their own, and they came back soon after eating and drinking, and continued to rely on Jiang Siming.

The tail of the female falcon is reddish, and the neck hair of the male falcon is yellow.

Jiang Siming named them, A Hong and A Huang.

This name is old and casual, but the two little guys seemed quite satisfied, so they decided on it.

Another night passed.

The Gilbong Festival was also over. The next day, Jiang Siming took Reba back to Shanghai, and at the same time brought two more pets this time.

The night before leaving, the old husband was reluctant to bear Jiang Siming, and he just pulled him to drink a lot of wine.

Lao Zhangren's wine was not awake until the next day.

But he insisted on sending Jiang Siming to the airport.

When leaving the airport, the old man put his arms around Jiang Siming and shouted: "Brother, come here often, and my brother will drink 300 cups with you again!"

Jiang Siming replied with a smile: "Good brother, no problem, brother."

That's how the two brothers became.

Reba, the only one on the side, is full of thoughts:? ? ? ?

The first time he returned to Shanghai, Jiang Siming applied for the breeding licenses of A Hong and A Huang.

The first time I came to this new home, the two little guys, like Ari, fell in love with this crooked neck tree...no, it was the holy fruit tree.

Jiang Siming also built a nest for them, and they happily flew around the new home.

As for the new friends, Ah Li is relatively calm.

Only Ah Nun, who always wants to run to catch them, is also the nature of cats.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming had spoken, and he gave up angrily.

The same goes for the little lizard, Nicole, who wants to go up to the tree to catch birds.

But Jiang Siming gave him a look, so he hurriedly retracted, and he didn't dare to think about the two birds.

As soon as the two little guys, A Hong and A Huang, moved to their new home, they immediately fell in love with the artificial lake of Jiang Siming's house.

The Meiyu in the lake and the fat mango drooling.

But Jiang Siming told them not to move, and they had to obediently obey.

What Jiang Siming said was more effective than what their parents said.

In addition, Jiang Siming also made two foot loops for them, the foot loops will not affect their actions, on the contrary they are very fashionable and beautiful.

Wearing an ankle ring on them means that the two falcons have owners.

If someone dared to covet it when they saw it, Jiang Siming would be rude to them.

The two falcons' ankles also have Jiang Siming's mark of consciousness in each, which can ensure their safety.

After it was done, Jiang Siming was done.

The wives are still at work and haven't come back. It is estimated that when they come back to see these two domineering hawks and falcons, they will definitely like them.

Xinyi has proved this with facts, she just raised her neck under the tree and watched the two falcons for a long time.

She asked Jiang Siming to do the work such as nesting and making ankle rings, for fear that the two new members of the family would be in danger when they went out to play.

They are not like the others. Ah-囡, they never love to go out, but these two birds cannot keep people trapped at home.

Falcons belong to the sky, and even if the family prepares food for them, their love for the sky cannot be restrained.

That's why Xinyi asked Jiang Siming to do so much protection.

"My wife, I'm going out and coming back before dinner."

After Jiang Siming settled A Hong and A Huang's affairs, he left the house.

He came to the campus of Guoshu University and wanted to see how Zaina was doing.

When I first came, I found Zaina struggling to run training on the school track.

Jiang Siming thought about the task given to her before. This point of time happened to be when she was training for running.

It seems that she really does it every day, and seeing Zaina's sweaty appearance, it is estimated that this girl still works overtime every day.

"Mr. Jiang!"

Zaina was overjoyed when she saw Jiang Siming who was walking over, but she didn't think that because she was too surprised, her running rhythm would break and her feet would be out of sync.

After staggering, he fell to the ground.

When Jiang Siming saw it...

But he didn't help and hug, although this is the best time to wipe oil.

But Jiang Siming didn't do that.

The reason is... she is all sweaty, cough cough, is this a straight man.

Zaina was a little bit painful after falling to the ground, but she quickly got up from the ground.

Jiang Siming asked calmly: "Is it all right?"

Zaina shook her head awkwardly, and said, "It's okay, Mr. Jiang, why are you coming to school?"

"Come and see you, how about it, how is life here these days?"

"Well, it’s better than ever. This is the first time I've lived so full since I’ve lived so much. I don’t have to think about anything every day. I start training when I get up, take a hot bath after training, and then fall asleep right away. This kind of life is too full and meaningful to me."

Zaina finished with a smile, with some worries: "I'm just afraid that my training results will not meet Mr. Jiang's expectations."

Jiang Siming replied: "This is not something you should worry about, and you also put your heart in your stomach, I will definitely teach you well, because in the future, you will still be a teacher."

Zaina nodded seriously, indicating that she would continue to work hard.

"Also, you don't need to call me husband anymore. This is a weird name. Just call me my real name, or I can call me Brother Jiang." Jiang Siming added.

Zaina thought for a while, and asked tentatively: "Can I call you Master?"

"It's up to you." Jiang Siming nodded.

Zaina was overjoyed and immediately changed her mouth, taking a mouthful of a master, which was extremely sweet.

Jiang Siming stayed with her for a while, guided her training direction and methods, and then left when it was almost evening.

As soon as he left, Zaina plunged into training again, and she trained harder than before.

When I returned home, the wives were all back, all under the tree, looking up at the two new members, chattering non-stop.

As expected tomorrow morning, Jiang Si directly called A Hong and A Huang down and let them watch them slowly, just in time for them to recognize the hostess.

At first they were a little afraid of life, but after a while they got used to it and let them caress cleverly.

It is really rare for the eagle falcon, who has always been aloof and independent, to be so obedient.

This is naturally the credit of Jiang Siming. Without Jiang Siming, they would not have come into contact with humans.

The two little guys quickly won the love of the hostesses. They rewarded a lot of fish and shrimps. They fed them so that their stomachs were almost propped up, and they almost couldn't fly back to their nest...

At night, I missed my husband's daughters very much for two days.

When I went to bed at night, I consciously knocked on Jiang Siming's door and entered one by one...

Jiang Siming, who had originally wanted to go to the dungeon for a tour, immediately dispelled this idea and plunged into the gentle town...

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