I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1915: Company games

The next day, the great master Jiang Siming finally had free time to come to the company.

It was mainly Mid-Autumn Festival. Before the holiday, the company held a Mid-Autumn Festival Games, just today.

He, the chairman, naturally had to come to the scene to support him.

There are all sports equipment in the company. Jiang Siming took this into consideration when designing the company building.

Employees not only need ability, but body is also very important.

No matter how capable Jobs is, his body is not good enough, and he regrets his death, otherwise Apple cannot keep going downhill.

An apple without Mr. Joe has no soul.

In terms of design, Jiang Siming designed many sports facilities inside.

There is a small gymnasium that can accommodate at least 20,000 people in the sports field, the circular track, the basketball court, the badminton hall, and even the company center.

Everyone can also go in for exercise. There is an international standard football stadium inside.

Football fan employees like to play in the company every day after get off work.

In addition to these sports facilities are complete.

Jiang Siming also set a certain amount of time for employees to exercise in the company every week, half an hour a day, which can be counted as working time.

Therefore, people who work in Jiang Siming's company are very happy, and their health is supervised.

This is not to restrict everyone's time, but to really consider the health of employees.

In the sports room, Jiang Siming stood on the stage, and underneath were nearly 10,000 employees.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "This is the first company-wide sports meeting of our Jiang Group, and it will be held at least twice a year from now on."

"Let you exercise, it really depends on your body is too bad, you are sitting in the office every day, how can you do not exercise, the company needs you to work, but also needs your health, understand?"


They shouted all together, and at the same time they were all warmed by Jiang Siming's words.

It needs your work and your health. It’s really their little luck to have such a boss~

Jiang Siming smiled and continued to hold the microphone and said, "I don’t need to say more about my physical fitness. Even my wife is getting better and better now. So in order not to bully you, my wife and I don’t Compared with you."


Everyone laughed aloud, but when they laughed, they didn’t forget to doubt. Why does the boss sound like dog food...

"Okay, let's not say much. In this Games, the first thousand players will be rewarded and the last thousand players will be punished."

"Chairman, what is the reward and what is the punishment?"

The next Yinghuan manager asked towards Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Manager Zhang, don't ask for rewards. The fat on your stomach has proved that the top 1,000 has nothing to do with you. I can tell you the punishment in advance."

Everyone laughed aloud, but Manager Zhang was aggrieved, but he touched his stomach and couldn't refute it.

"The punishment for the last one thousand people will be doubled in the future exercise time, from half an hour to one hour every day. By the way, everyone has to put a label on the next work clothes, and stick it until the next sports meeting. If you haven’t taken off your name, continue to post and post two copies."

Speaking, Jiang Siming took out a prepared label with the words "I am fat and I want to lose weight".

After the label was put on, it was estimated that these thousand employees would lose weight if they said anything, and everyone would lose face.

"In addition, the next thousand people will not participate in any company dinners in the next month. Just stay at the company. Anyway, the more you eat, the fatter you get."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, all employees are cheering for themselves, don't be among the last thousand ~ otherwise it will be miserable.

Employees who exercise regularly are naturally not persuaded, but many guys who are often lazy and don't like to exercise can suffer.

"Chairman, what are the rewards for the top 1,000?" asked a Fu Xi female manager who exercises regularly.

Jiang Siming smiled and replied to her: "First of all, the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday will be increased by three days. In the next month, work hours will be reduced by one hour. The top 100 will have doubled this month’s salary. This month’s salary has doubled tenfold."

Jiang Siming said a few words, screaming for everyone.

The boss is proud!

Wages are doubled five times, you know, the employees of the Jiang Group are generally paid very high.

Excluding the manager level, the average salary of employees below the manager level is above 30,000.

Ten times that is 300,000, and a BMW will be in hand.

If it is a manager level, it is even more exaggerated, at least one million rewards.

Countless employees regretted that they hadn't exercised much in the ordinary time. They must exercise well in the future. If there is no chance this time, then try to get a good ranking in the next sports meeting.

After all the words were said, Jiang Siming announced the official start of the sports meeting.

Finally, after a whole day of competing for ranking, everyone's rankings were released.

The first thousand were happy, and the last thousand were crying.

The unranked employees at least participated, and they were happy.

Two thousand people who won prizes and were punished received the reward or punishment they won.

The top ten Jiang Siming met in person, five male colleagues and five female colleagues.

Men and women are compared separately.

What Jiang Siming didn't expect was that the result, the girl, ran into the top ten.

She was ill before, and after being cured by Jiang Siming, her physical fitness was better than normal.

"Congratulations. Seeing your face, you won't have to worry about recurrence again."

Jiang Siming said to the result with a smile.

Results nodded happily.

At this time, Hundred Billion came over and said to Jiang Siming: "Husband, how about letting the results be your secretary?"

Jiang Siming was stunned when he heard the words, and said, "Achievement will give me a secretary? Okay."

Hundred Billion chuckled affectionately on the shoulders of Achievement, and said: "Achievement's personal ability is undoubted, I have also asked her, she is willing to be your secretary, besides, your secretary has always been vacant."

Jiang Siming heard it too. The one he was looking for last time was the one who was trying to catch a triumphant son. He was teased and went to the hospital. Later, he had no money to treat the illness and ran back to the corner.

So his secretary position is still vacant.

"You really want to be a secretary for me? I heard that you seem to be a manager."

Jiang Shiming’s achievements confirmed: “You don’t have to be pressured, and we will never force you if you don’t want to be. Besides, I think you have much more promise in being a manager than being a secretary by my side.”

Hearing the results, he didn't mean to refuse at all. On the contrary, he replied very seriously: "Chairman, I am willing to be a secretary. No one is forcing me. This is really my volition."

Jiang Siming had to agree and said, "Well, I don't come to the company often anyway. When I come, you will be my secretary. If you are away, you can continue to be your manager. You will be busy. What do you think? kind?"

"Good chairman, I am willing."


Jiang Siming breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that after he hired Achievement as a secretary this time, he would no longer have to pick someone for the secretary position.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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