I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1916: Did you just get up?

The result of officially becoming Secretary Jiang Siming, his work place was moved from downstairs to upstairs.

And settled in the secretary room outside the chairman's office.

As soon as the results were brought up, the wife of the chairman took turns to greet and talk with each other.

These guys, all of them look at the results, just like their sisters.

They also asked the results to call them sisters, not the bosses.

The results are all a little bit cramped. If Jiang Siming hadn't run the company diligently today to relieve her, I guess she would be able to make Jinlan with her husband today...

"From now on if they bother you, tell me, I'll'clean up' them." Jiang Siming said with comfort.

Results blushed and shook his head hurriedly, and said, "The boss ladies didn't bother me. They might just talk to me for the first time I came to work on this floor."

Jiang Siming smiled bitterly, how could they have such a simple mind, girl, you are too naive.

"All right, you get familiar with work first, I'll go in later."

Jiang Siming intends to go in and take a rest. He drove to the company. It was too hard. He had to go in and lie on the massage chair with a drink to treat himself.

"By the way, the chairman, Mr. Wang, who just went down the wind, called and said that he wanted to have a video conference with you and Mr. Ma to talk about Yundian food delivery and ask when you are free."

"Oh, what did you say?" Jiang Siming asked curiously.

"I said you are still at home resting, I don't know if you will come to the company." The results honestly explained.

"Then what did Mr. Wang say?"

"He just murmured."

"Why whispering?"

"He said... How did the world's richest man live so leisurely..." Results said with a wry smile.

Jiang Siming was happy and envied the party +1.

"Call him back and say I'm free now."

"Okay." The result was immediately agreed.

"By the way, make me a bowl of noodles, I'm not full for breakfast."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

After finishing talking about the results, he quickly contacted Mr. Wang, helped Jiang Siming connect the video, took it to the office, and ran to give Jiang Siming instant noodles.

This is the treatment of the chairman.

Jiang Siming sits at a desk that doesn't necessarily have to be once a week, watching the video notebook, and waiting for the other two to enter the video call.

While he was cutting his nails boringly, the video call started.

The faces of Mr. Ma and Mr. Wang appeared in the video, both of them seemed to have just finished their work, and their faces were tired.

"Mr. Ma, is this just finished?" Mr. Wang asked.

"Ah, yes, I am now inspecting the newly developed area of ​​the Ant Forest here in Inner Mongolia. I have just walked a long circle. The wind here is too strong. I am now ash all over."

Mr. Ma said, showing off his hair, which was grey and dusty.

Manager Wang smiled in the same way: "I just finished the meeting. It's the fifth meeting since the morning, and my throat is about to smoke when I'm tired."

After the two sighed, they all looked at Jiang Siming.

I saw Jiang Siming...cutting his nails...

"President Jiang, what are you doing?" Mr. Ma asked.

Jiang Siming just finished his nails and answered casually: "Oh, just got up to the company."


The two are speechless, brother, it's almost ten o'clock before you get up?

This is the life of the world's richest man, how could they not believe it so much.

The richer people are, the busier they are. This is certain. Whether it is Bill Gates or Bezos, they have endless meetings every day and endless problems to solve every day.

They really haven't seen the world's richest man like Jiang Siming.

Just about to say something, the two saw that Jiang Siming's video camera had an extra pair of white hands, holding a bowl of noodles in front of him.

There was a sweet voice beside him: "Chairman, this is my chicken thigh noodles. I don't know if you like it or not. If you don't like it, I will make another bowl."

Jiang Siming was dumbfounded: "You did it yourself? In fact, you can tell the executive directly, and they will ask the chef in the company cafeteria to make it for me."

"Huh? I'm a secretary for the first time, and I don't understand... Then I will change a bowl?"

Jiang Siming said amused: "No, I'll just eat this bowl, just to try your craft. If it tastes delicious, let you make me soak, would you?"

"Well, as long as the chairman likes it."

"Okay, I'll give it a try, suck, um, not bad! The cooking skills are fine!"

Jiang Siming gave a thumbs up with approval, completely ignoring the two rich men.

President Ma and President Wang looked at Jiang Siming like this, and their faces gradually lost their smiles.

"As long as the chairman likes to eat, then I will go out first?" There was a burst of joy in the heart, but he didn't expect the chairman to like her noodles.

"Well, go ahead."

After the results were gone, Jiang Siming remembered that he was still in the video.

He turned his head quickly and said embarrassingly: "Sauri, two bosses, it's wasting your time, let's have a meeting, let's talk."

When he said this, Jiang Siming sucked several bites of noodles and ate big chicken drumsticks.

President Ma and President Wang wanted to beat people in their hearts.

Suddenly I feel that my hard work is worthless for the company...

The two of them resisted the urge to beat Jiang Siming and started a video conference.

The theme of the conference is very simple, it is Yundian Takeaway.

It has been nearly half a year since Yundian Food Delivery was established. As CEO, Mr. Wang reported the results of Yundian for the past six months.

The result is only one word, good!

In the past six months, Yundian swept through the hungry and each group, grabbing their market again and again.

Now every city in the country, from the first to the third tier, from the city to the county seat, has Yundian takeaway.

Yundian's expansion speed and market have surpassed the sum of Hungry and each group.

The two former takeaway overlords have now become poor ones who can only eat leftovers by the side.

In the past six months, the two companies have not done remedial measures.

What to put in various coupons, reduce the commission with shops and riders.

But no matter what tactics are used, it cannot stop the rise of Yundian.

If you vote for coupons, then Yunding will also vote.

Behind Yundian stood a world's richest man and two of China's top ten richest men. Regarding the degree of financial strength, Yundian recognized the second and who would dare to recognize the first.

This also made the shareholders of the other two companies directly give up relying on Yundian for their funds. Who can fight this Nima.

After half a year of development, it has taken off.

Now in the domestic and international sales circles, Yundian can be said to be the only one.

The other two can barely grab some regular customers to maintain the market. It is estimated that they will have to withdraw from the stage in one or two years.

In half a year, Yundian has changed from a loss to a profit, with a profit of over 10 billion.

President Wang predicts that at the end of the year, the three companies will be able to distribute at least 10 billion in profit.

Of course President Ma was happy. Only Jiang Siming was still focusing on eating his noodles. After President Ma was over excited, he added: "Ten billion... a bit less..."

Ma and Wang: "..."


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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