I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1918: Sent to alien planet

At first, Jiang Siming didn't care. After all, everyone was in time, so it didn't matter if he left first.

But after he jumped in the line, he stood still behind Wang Xinyi, still holding the handbag in his hand, stepping up the escalator step by step, and approaching Wang Xinyi above.

Because of her pregnant belly, Wang Xinyi could not wear long trousers. They were all maternity clothes and long skirts.

Wang Xinyi chose a very long skirt specifically to avoid running out when going up and down the stairs.

It should be okay, but the person in front of him is very wrong.

Jiang Siming stared at him.

The handbag this man was holding kept close to the bottom of Wang Xinyi's skirt. The handbag had a small hole and a faint light was exposed in the hole.

Seeing that he was about to lean over, the body shivered slightly with excitement.

But at this moment, a hand suddenly grabbed his neck and forcibly pulled him back.

"Cao! What are you doing!"

The plan was suddenly destroyed by someone, and the man turned his head and glared at the man who was pulling him.

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw a pair of cold eyes.

He was so frightened that his back was sweaty.

"Brother... buddy, what's the matter?"

Jiang Siming's mouth moved slightly and he smiled, but this smile made the man in front of him even more frightened.

"What's in the bag?" Jiang Siming asked.

"No...nothing." The person replied vaguely.

"Open it." Jiang Siming ordered.

"Dude... leave a way and see you later," the man warned.

Without speaking, Jiang Siming grabbed his handbag and tore it in half, and then a miniature camera fell out.

Jiang Siming picked up the camera, put it in front of him, and said, "What is this?"

Knowing that the matter had been exposed, the man had an instant temper, and he raised his neck and shouted, "Isn't it OK if I was wrong? What are you doing here? The big deal is to call the police. I will be out in a few days after I was shut down!"

At this time, the escalator was already up, and Wang Xinyi turned around and found out what this person wanted to do.

"Brother, this kind of person is too disgusting and disgusting."

Wang Xinyi was so angry that she had such a good temper. Fortunately, her husband was with her, otherwise she would be photographed under the skirt by such a person.

Such people are not uncommon in the news, such as public women’s toilets, subway idiots, etc., such people are not uncommon. I didn’t expect that I almost made the talk today.

Wang Xinyi was also a little annoyed, how could she go out so unconsciously, but when she looked back, the effect of the Eye of Deception can also identify good and bad people at a glance.

"Don't worry, wife, I'll take care of it, you'll wait for me here for a while." Jiang Siming mentioned this person as if twisting a chicken.

"Well, brother, be careful." Wang Xinyi nodded.

Although she didn't know what Jiang Siming was doing, she could vaguely guess that Jiang Siming must be angry. This person is miserable.

But this kind of scum, even the kind-hearted Wang Xinyi has no mercy on him.

"Well, I'll be back right away." Jiang Siming finished speaking, carrying the person, and went downstairs and left the supermarket.

Xinyi just didn't check it for a while. Now that she is vigilant, there will be no more problems. Jiang Siming doesn't need to worry, he just goes and returns.

Feeling the danger, the man struggled impatiently, and shouted for help at the passers-by.

However, these people didn't seem to hear him, and treated him as air.

In fact, Jiang Siming used the barrier technique to block everything.

As soon as he exited the supermarket door, Jiang Siming twisted him and disappeared into the sky like a light.

Before long, he appeared over the Pacific Ocean.

At this time this person was completely stupid, he even suspected that he was dreaming.

"Big brother... I was wrong, I was really wrong, I don't dare anymore, I really didn't know that it was your wife..."

Instead of being indifferent, Jiang Siming smiled at him and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm just taking you to a place."

"Go...where to go..."

Jiang Siming pointed to the sky, and then said nothing.

In the next second, the wormhole in front of him opened, and Jiang Siming dragged him in.

The man's eyes went black and he fainted.

The Horse galaxy, an animal planet near the planet Barnes.

There are cruel and terrifying animals everywhere on this planet, perhaps the kind that dinosaurs can't survive here.

Jiang Siming took this person to the sky above the planet, threw him down, and specifically let him land safely to prevent him from falling to death.

"Where is this? What is this place?"

This person didn't even know that the place he was staying now was no longer the earth.

In just a few minutes, he went from being an aboriginal to an alien...

"Enjoy it slowly. I believe this place is very suitable for people like you. Come on, stay alive, and I will see you later."

Jiang Siming specially punched Dao Divine Sense into his body, no matter if he was alive or dead, he would know for the first time.

Suddenly, it is good to deal with those disgusting people in this way.

Don't kill them, exile them to another planet, let them fend for themselves.

I knew that the wicked people in the no-man’s land would be thrown here for them. Maybe I can still watch a real ‘Survival in the Wild’.

It's a pity.

So many excellent survival ‘saplings’ are missing.

Xinyi's wife was still waiting for him, Jiang Siming stopped the ink, turned back to the wormhole and returned to the earth.

Just after Jiang Siming left, the person who stayed on the outer planet thought he was in some virgin forest on earth, so he quickly took out his cell phone and called the police.

At first glance, there was no signal.

"What the **** is this place, why it gets dark so fast."

The man said, turning on the flashlight of the phone, and wanted to light it, and the phone light turned on.

A species resembling a giant python hovered in front of him.

Carrying a snake head that is bigger than a small car, staring at him with cold eyes...

Back to the supermarket, Jiang Siming actually only took less than two minutes.

Wang Xinyi didn't ask how that person was.

Only with this lesson, Wang Xinyi will keep an eye on her when she goes out.

She didn't even know that this person had completely disappeared from the earth.

If there is a human being to explore that animal planet in the future.

Even luckier, to find the things of the human civilization that he has left behind, it is estimated that it will trigger a world-class cosmic discussion.

Only now, Jiang Siming continues to take Wang Xinyi to the supermarket.

As soon as he bought the hot sauce, Jiang Siming's consciousness changed.

"Good guy, it's boring to die so soon, next time I will find a few people and try it out in a group."

Jiang Siming was a little disappointed, thinking that this buddy could last ten and a half months.

I didn't expect to hang up within a few minutes.

This seedling won't work. Next time, pick more people to go over. Of course, only pick the wicked.

Jiang Siming is not a BT who kills. In fact, he is still very kind under normal circumstances.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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