I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1919: Cry stupidly

When I got home, it was almost evening, and the wives were about to go home from get off work.

Jiang Siming took the things Xinyi had bought to the kitchen, including the bottle of hot sauce. The wife wanted to eat spicy food. What a big deal, let’s cook!

When everyone gets home from get off work, Jiang Siming has already prepared a table of dishes.

During the meal, Jiang Siming told everyone about what he had encountered today. The girls were itching with anger, and they all wanted to beat the wretched man.

"I've already dealt with this person, so I don't have to be disgusting for this kind of person anymore. I mean, you have to be more mindful when you go out in the future, and teach you the deceptive eye, you must make good use of it." Jiang Siming exhorted Tao.

The women nodded one after another, indicating that they must be careful when going out in the future.

"I didn't dare to go out today, husband, my parents said today that I went to the countryside and brought us some local goods. Let me get it. Then I will bother you to drive there~"

Zhao Xuan bit her chopsticks and smiled charmingly at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming exposed her trick in one second: "You just don't bother to drive out, right?"

"It's a big deal to make up for you tonight~" Zhao Xuan blinked, only to say this while Xiaoxiao was going to prepare a meal.

"No problem, I'm happy to help, I'll go after eating." Jiang Siming changed his face in seconds.

As soon as he finished eating, Jiang Siming drove into the car and headed to Puxi, where Zhao Xuan's parents lived.

Bringing the local goods they prepared from Zhao Xuan's parents' home, and chatting with the two elders, Jiang Siming drove back.

My head has already started to replenish the picture of Zhao Xuan at night, ahem.

He actually didn't want to waste time driving, so he just carried the car and flew back.

Just as he thought about it, in front of the car, a child ran to the car next to Jiang Siming in order to chase the ball that fell on the ground.

The car drove very fast. The driver seemed to be attracted by his luxury car, and didn't pay much attention to the front at all.

Seeing that the car will run over the child.

At this time, a passing girl ran over desperately, picking up the child and trying to run.

But too anxious, he staggered and fell to the ground with the child.

Seeing this car was about to crash into, the girl felt cold.

But at this moment, a luxury car next to it suddenly accelerated and rushed over, shaking its head, directly smashing the car away and hitting the guardrail next to it.

And this luxury car steadily stopped in front of the girl and the child.

The girl was stunned for a second, and then hurriedly got up and stood up from the ground. The child's mother then reacted and ran over to pull the child back, thanking the girl a lot.

The girl clapped her hands, shook her head, showing a clean and clear smile, and said: "Auntie, you don't need to thank me. I didn't help much. If you want to thank you, thank the owner. He saved your child and saved me. "

Who would have thought that when the mother saw this luxury car whose head had been dented a bit, she immediately hugged her child, turned her head and left.

The girl called her a few times, and the mother didn't hear her, but went faster.

The girl is pretty and exquisite, and she quickly guessed it.

"Is it afraid that the car owner will ask her for compensation... Even if you can't afford it, don't do that... It's too chilling..."

The girl sighed, and then turned her head to look at the luxury car that'saves people through justice'.

She was a little surprised, why the owner did not come out for a long time, did TA also get injured?

The girl was anxious and hurried over to see if there was anything wrong with the owner.

Jiang Siming, who was sitting in the driver's seat, looked speechless at the front of his car.

Then he raised his hand and slapped himself.

"I'm silly, am I stupid? How come I forgot that I am the boss of the gods! One thought can get things done, why sacrifice your car..."

Jiang Siming is quite autistic, damn, just patronizing the scene of this beautiful girl with Zhao Xuan tonight, his brain crashed, and he forgot that he had a special skill.

In desperation, I used the most brain-dead rescue method.

"Jiang Siming, Jiang Siming, are you an idiot?"

Jiang Siming was crying stupidly by himself, this is why he didn't get out of the car for a long time.


The car window was knocked.

"Hello, are you okay? Are you okay? Do you want to call an ambulance?"

Jiang Siming rolled down the car window and reluctantly replied to the girl, saying, "No, I'm fine."

"Huh, you are fine, sir, thank you, do you want to come out to see your car, your front was damaged, if you want to compensate, I am willing to try to compensate for your loss."

Hearing these heart-warming words, Jiang Siming unexpectedly looked up at the girl.

He saw the aunt just taking the child away, but he didn't bother to care.

But this girl is kind-hearted, she is obviously going to save people, and she still wants to compensate him.

Jiang Siming wanted to see what such a kind girl looks like.

With this look, Jiang Siming's eyes lit up.

The girl’s facial features are beautiful, and every point is not amazing, but together, it seems that a chemical reaction has occurred.

Outstanding temperament, sweet looks, like a sister next door, can make people think of their first love at a glance.

Jiang Siming thought of his junior sister Xinyi at first glance.

Xinyi is similar to her, but there are many differences.

But Jiang Siming remembered where he had seen this face.

Think about it carefully.

Jiang Siming suddenly remembered, the vegetable market, the female reporter Yang Ma who interviewed him!

At that time, Jiang Siming felt that this reporter was a bit stupid, so he didn't know him and interviewed him as a passerby.

I also asked myself what his salary was. Jiang Siming replied that the salary was good, even better than the top 500 in the world.

The girl didn't believe it yet.

At that time, Jiang Siming got dressed, and finally answered a few questions quickly and ran away.

Unexpectedly, I would still meet her here today.

The girl seemed to recognize Jiang Siming.

At that time, she finished the interview, and after the interview was broadcast, she became popular.

The whole network is laughing at her, laughing at her treating the world's richest man as a passer-by, laughing at her making a big oolong.

She hurried to investigate and found out that the super handsome guy interviewed at the vegetable market that day was Jiang Siming...

She was so blind that she didn't recognize it.

After knowing this, she became the object of teasing with colleagues in the station.

She had always been a little apologetic, and wanted to find a chance to apologize to Jiang Siming, but she was helpless as a small reporter, even Yang Ma's reporter, was unable to meet Jiang Siming at all.

This matter can only be left out of this way.

Unexpectedly, meeting Jiang Siming again here today would still be in this way.

"Mr. Jiang, I didn't expect it to be you... I'm sorry to trouble you twice."

The girl was so ashamed that she even bowed directly to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "I didn't blame you, and it's not really outrageous not to know me. There are many people in this world who don't know me, and this time it doesn't matter to you."

The girl looked up and looked at the front of his car with a guilty conscience.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "You know my identity, do you think I still care about this car damage? Besides, if there is insurance, you don't need to pay for it."

The girl's heart loosened.


Guess who this reporter is (smirk)~

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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