I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1920: Does giving birth count?

"Hey, your car is insured, but my car is not! You crashed into my car and lost money!"

At this time, the owner of the Xiali car came over and asked Jiang Siming to crash his car and demand compensation.

Obviously he almost hit someone, and Jiang Siming saved someone, which is equivalent to saving his life.

Otherwise, he killed two lives, even if he did not drive in violation of the regulations, no criminal responsibility, but civil responsibility.

Civil liability must be compensated, and for the Xiali that he drives, there is no difference between asking him to pay compensation and killing him.

But instead of being grateful, this person asked Jiang Siming for compensation.

Obviously, because Jiang Siming drives a luxury car, he wants to waste some money.

But here Jiang Siming hadn't spoken yet, but the girl stood up.

"Sir, your car almost hit someone. This gentleman ran into your car to save the child. If he doesn't do this, you will have to bear two lives."

The girl is articulate, her tone and tone are calm, but she has an unquestionable tone.

This sudden change in momentum made this person subconsciously persuaded.

"So what, it's this kid who ran the road, and I don't have to be responsible." The man wanted to argue.

The girl replied calmly again: "Sir, first tell you about the traffic laws. Just now the child is more than 50 meters away from you, and you did not step on the brakes. It means that you have a problem with driving. Either you are distracted or tired. Drunk driving."

"No matter which of these three, you are the main responsibility. Moreover, although you are not considered criminal liability, you cannot escape civil liability. According to the basic provisions of the Compensation Law, one life must be compensated at least 300,000, and two are six. One hundred thousand, if you still want this gentleman to ask you for compensation, I can only contact the transportation department."

There is no pause or thought in the words, and the words are sharp, the words are clear, and the rhythm is perfect.

Jiang Siming admired in his heart that the girl's spoken language and ability to respond to changes were top-notch.

If Yang Ma is trained a little bit, the future Yang Ma pillar-level host will definitely have her place.

Sure enough, the man was completely persuaded, lost his smile, and quickly slipped away.

This man is also considered lucky, otherwise let Jiang Siming handle it, hehe, at least let him peel off.

In order not to hinder the traffic, Jiang Siming drove the car to the side of the road. Anyway, the traffic police would come over soon. Obviously, his car could not be driven now. He could only send it to the repair shop and return it to the factory for repairs.

Generally, the broken car is sent to the 4S shop. For cars of Jiang Siming's level, there are direct original repair shops.

Make sure to fix it exactly as before.

After all, so much money was not spent in vain.

When Jiang Siming stopped, the traffic police came and asked him about his situation.

At this time, the girl who had not left came over and witnessed the traffic police and described what had just happened.

After the traffic police left, the repair shop sent a tow truck to drag Jiang Siming's car away for repair.

The matter can be considered to come to an end temporarily.

"Okay, thank you very much today, not you, I may have to trouble for a while." Jiang Siming smiled to the girl.

The girl shook her head and said: "I should thank you, not you, I may not be able to live today, thank you for your life-saving grace, Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Siming looked at the girl's clear eyes and sweet smile, his delusional eyes told him.

This girl is a ‘pearl’, not only is she beautiful, but her heart is really kind.

It's rare to meet such an interesting girl, Jiang Siming couldn't help but feel a little good.

Don't get me wrong, it's just a simple kind of goodwill, no other meaning, ahem.

"What is your name?" Jiang Siming said.

"My name is Wang Xiaoyu." The girl replied.

Jiang Siming nodded, leaving a sentence: "I remember."

Wang Xiaoyu doesn't know what Jiang Siming's words mean, but it is also an honor to be remembered by the world's richest man, hehe.

"My wife, my car was hit, and I'm okay. Now at the intersection of Xiding in Xuhui, you drive to pick me up."

Jiang Siming sent a WeChat voice over.

After listening to Wang Xiaoyu on the side, he remembered that in addition to the richest man in the world, Jiang Siming also has a group of wives that men all over the world admire.

Wang Xiaoyu was also shocked when he heard the news, but later did not know how he became very supportive.

Wang Xiaoyu is a little curious, Jiang Siming is called...Which wife is it...

"I'm going to the intersection of Xiding, how about you? Reporter Wang." Jiang Siming asked Wang Xiaoyu after sending his WeChat.

Wang Xiaoyu was still in a daze. She didn't react until Jiang Siming snapped his fingers in front of her.

"Oh oh, I also want to cross Xiding Junction, I'm going there to take the bus." Wang Xiaoyu replied embarrassedly, his cheeks a little red.

"Let's go together then." Jiang Siming said casually.

Wang Xiaoyu said, obediently following.

The two walked on the sidewalk, facing the street lights, and next to them were vehicles that kept moving.

The atmosphere was a bit quiet, Wang Xiaoyu was curious about Jiang Siming, so he couldn't help but open the chatterbox first.

"Mr. Jiang, can I ask you some questions?"

"Go ahead, but what I don't want to answer will not give you face."

"Yeah, it's okay, I'm just curious. The first question is how do you achieve all-round versatility? Not only do you make money, how good is the game, and how good at sports are you. You are so good at basketball and football. Excellent, can sing, play the piano...etc. I can't tell you too much."

Jiang Siming smiled mysteriously, pointing to the sky and said, "God, I can do something about it."

Wang Xiaoyu laughed, this may really be a good meal for the gods, and it's not the rice that is rewarded, but the full feast of the Han Chinese...

"Then what can't you do?"

"Does giving birth count?"


"This doesn't count." Wang Xiaoyu covered his mouth and smiled as if the March flowers are gradually blooming, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"Then I can't think of it." Jiang Siming shrugged.

"Well, then you..."

Wang Xiaoyu asked Jiang Siming several questions in succession. During the chat, the relationship between the two seemed much closer.

Wang Xiaoyu was also talking with Jiang Siming and found that Jiang Siming's other side was funny and approachable.

Moreover, Wang Xiaoyu only discovered on the first day today that he had always had serious face blindness, but the more he looked at Jiang Siming, the more handsome he became.

Wang Xiaoyu's little heart was electrocuted every time he looked at Jiang Siming.

Mom, I found out that I know what ‘handsome guy’ is, ooh, after more than 20 years, I finally know what ‘handsome guy’ is...

Jiang Siming didn't know her current thoughts, so he still talked briefly with her.

"Are you still a reporter at Yang Ma?"

Wang Xiaoyu nodded, but said embarrassingly: "Because of the video I interviewed you, I was told by the leader of the station to stop work for a while and wait until the storm passed before returning to work."

Jiang Siming felt a little funny: "Your leader is my fan?"

"Yeah." Wang Xiaoyu smiled, silly.

"Do you have any interest, go to my show as the host?" Jiang Siming threw the olive branch away.


The fourth one ~ chapter owed, finally made up~

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