I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1925: White star changes

Before long, the empress and others boarded the boat, looked at the dishes on the table, and touched the girl's cheeks lovingly.

"Thanks for your hard work today, Little Baixing."

"Little Baixing seems to have grown up again, and my brother has grown up again."

"Yes, I'll touch it."

"Hehe, I want too, Xiao Baixing, I'm here~"


These ‘old drivers’ made Xiao Baixing blush in a few words, clutching his body, and begging for mercy with his sisters.

She is a little white, where is the opponent of these sisters.

Yes, she is Bai Xing.

The fisherman island princess who ran out with Jiang Siming.

She used to be a fishtail, but now she has automatically evolved into two legs, just like a normal person.

And the beauty is thrilling, even the Empress Nami and they all admire the appearance and figure of the little white star, which is really great.

If their appearance and figure are full marks, then Bai Xing can break through full marks after he has legs.

"Little Baixing, when your husband comes back to see you, he will definitely'teach' you to practice." The Empress said with a smirk.

Bai Xing did not doubt that he had him, and said with a surprised expression: "Really, that's great! Bai Xing hasn't seen Brother Jiang for a long time. He had promised Bai Xing to teach Bai Xing to practice cultivation at night."

When the women heard the words, they all stole music, but no one broke it.

After having breakfast on the deck, the empress and the others went back to the manor to practice.

And Bai Xing stayed to clean up the table.

It's not that they squeeze the white stars, but their rules. In addition to training, everyone takes turns responsible for everyone's diet.

Everyone is no exception, even the empress often cooks for everyone.

Today it just happened to be Bai Xing's turn.

After Bai Xing finished cleaning the table and utensils, he was planning to return to the manor to practice with his sisters.

The moment she turned her head, she caught a glimpse from the corner of her eye, not far from the treasure ship of Eve, a small ship was parked there, and a figure was standing on the ship.

Bai Xing thought that an uninvited guest was coming, and just wanted to call out to his sisters.

It was discovered that this person had disappeared, and in the next second, he appeared on the deck of his own ship.

Bai Xing was shocked, and at the same time the three colors were domineering! Take vigilant actions and fight against each other at any time.

During this half a year of cultivation, Bai Xing was no longer the crying ghost who would only cry when meeting bad people.

Moreover, the white star is the princess of Murloc Island, and his body also contains the power of the ancient weapon Poseidon.

This also allowed Bai Xing to practice swiftly, not only learned the tri-color domineering, but also gradually unlocked the seal of ability with the aid of Jiang Siming's pill.

Although the current Bai Xing is still not as good as the Empress and the others, he can at least be able to stand alone.

However, the white star, who was still on guard like a little hedgehog in the last second, saw the appearance of the person on the deck, and in the next second, all the domineering, instantly disappeared.

Bai Xing stared at the person in front of him blankly, his eyes like starry sky began to gather long-lost water mist.

After a second, Bai Xing cried and threw himself into this person's arms.

"Brother Jiang, are you finally back? I miss you so much~ woo..."

Jiang Siming felt the girl's hug in surprise, wondering who is this?

He doesn't remember having such a stunner on his ship.

Is it the wrong boat?

Jiang Siming looked around the ship, yes, on the other side of the ship, he could still see the Empress and the others.

But who would this girl be? This leg, this figure, good fellow, don't lose to Nami and the others at all.

Finally, when he saw the girl's long pink hair, he was in a daze.

Could this be...White Star?

I rely on! Have legs so soon?

Jiang Siming blinked his eyes and confirmed again and again that this was undoubtedly Xiao Baixing.

Bai Xing, who had never seen Jiang Siming moving, raised his head from his arms and looked at Jiang Siming with tears.

"Brother Jiang, have you forgotten who I am?"

Thinking of this, Bai Xing wanted to cry even more, biting his lip to bring rain to the pear blossoms.

Jiang Siming quickly calmed down and said: "Why? How could I have forgotten Xiao Baixing? I just haven't seen you for a long time. I'm so happy that I haven't gotten over."

When Bai Xing heard Jiang Siming read his name, he immediately stopped crying and burst into laughter.

"Well, Bai Xing, where's your fishtail..."

"Evolved, didn't I tell my brother, we mermaids, as long as we live in the ocean for a year, we can automatically evolve our legs."

Bai Xing said to withdraw from Jiang Siming's embrace, stepped back two steps, turned around, and asked Jiang Siming: "Does it look good, brother?"

Jiang Siming nodded very cooperatively, thinking that not only was it good-looking, it was about to hook the human soul.

The voice of Bai Xing crying and laughing attracted the attention of the Empress and the others. Everyone thought that Bai Xing was in danger and hurried over.

At this moment, they all started to cry...

For a time, on the boat, it seemed to be a woman's tear field.

I don’t know, I thought Jiang Siming had a fart, and cried like this...

I haven't seen each other for half a year. Apart from practicing, they are thinking about Jiang Siming.

Now Jiang Siming is the world to them.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming took turns to comfort them, kiss and hug them, so that Nami and the others were all coaxed.

Soon, the atmosphere on the boat was filled with laughter.

Jiang Siming also heard them talk about the experience of the past six months. After hearing them say that they were practicing every day, Jiang Siming was also very pleased.

It seems that his two nine-star missions are not far from being completed.

"Husband, since you are back, shall we set off for Deresalus?" the empress asked.

Jiang Siming shook his head and said, "Don't worry, let's rest for two days. You should also take a good rest when you practice every day."

Everyone had no objection, so Jiang Siming went ashore and visited their manor.

In fact, this manor had been transformed into a training ground by them a long time ago. There were no houses, and it was transformed purely for cultivation.

They still prefer to live on a boat.

After Jiang Siming visited the manor, he tried the strength of the girls one by one.

He didn't expect that everyone has made great progress. Even Taotu has made great progress. If she returns to the navy headquarters now, she will definitely become the most powerful general.

As for the other women, half of them are already at the level of generals.

The strongest are the Empress and Weiwei, their strength, even Taotu can't catch up.

Next are Nami, Peach Rabbit, Nuoqi Gao, Robin, Lem, White Star, Ram, Conis and Keya.

The thing that surprised Jiang Siming most was Bai Xing. When this girl came out of the fisherman island, she was a silly white sweet who could not do anything.

This is only half a year of work, it has grown to such a point.

Although not at the level of a general, but at least he has the strength of the Qiwuhai level.

At this speed, even Jiang Siming was stupefied.

But he knew Bai Xing's situation and knew her talents.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but praised Bai Xing with a thumbs up, and Xiao Baixing was immediately as happy as having eaten honey.

"Brother, Bai Xing still wants to keep improving, do you remember our agreement?"

Bai Xing asked eagerly.

Jiang Siming: "..."

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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