I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1926: Dressrosa!

Two days later, the treasure ship of Eve, which had been put on hold for more than half a year, finally set sail again!

Drive into the real city of Dresrosa.

"We have to keep a few people here to guard the boat." The empress said, the boat is their home and there is no room for loss.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "No."

After speaking, an invisible barrier was summoned out of thin air to wrap Eve’s treasure ship, and an enchantment appeared in front of Eve’s treasure ship, disappearing without a trace.

Everyone watched this scene in horror, and even wanted to cross this barrier to find a boat, but no matter how hard they tried, it was useless.

"Husband, is this your new ability that you have cultivated for more than half a year?" The empress looked at Jiang Siming with admiration, and she was indeed the most perfect man in the world~

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Is it true."

The small enchantment technique was supposed to be a spell in the Nascent Soul stage.

When Jiang Siming left the copy of "One Piece", it was clear that only the golden core was perfect.

But now he can use the secret technique of Yuan Ying period.

For this reason...

Jiang Siming glanced at Bai Xing, cleared his throat, and said, "Let's go, no one can approach our ship, I promise."

Only two days later, Bai Xing had changes visible to the naked eye. As for what the changes were, well, most people wouldn't tell him.

Jiang Siming said that he is really not to blame, who made Xiao Baixing have been pestering her to teach her cultivation at night since the day before yesterday.

He had no choice but to... let Bai Xing help him practice and exercise his concentration...

Alas, I didn't expect that my concentration is really bad and my practice failed.

Yes, it is like that.

Anyway, Bai Xing is already an adult, he is not that much, right.

Besides, such a beautiful little white star was automatically delivered to the door, but the fool refused.

The ship was done, Jiang Siming waved his big hand, leading the eleven Ming concubine crew members, and formally entered Dres Rosa.

Just entered the city, it was very hot.

Dresrosa is a tropical island with high temperatures and a tropical atmosphere.

The island is full of fragrance of flowers, and there is a sea of ​​flowers that intoxicates countless women.

As soon as I came up, I could see countless couples strolling in the sea of ​​flowers and admiring the beauty of the flowers.

Nami and the others were also attracted by the beauty, and they took out their cameras and took a few sweet group photos with Jiang Siming in front of the sea of ​​flowers.

Jiang Siming became a tool man, taking turns to be pulled into various poses, accompanied by them to take beautiful pictures.

This can make the other men who come here to see the sea of ​​flowers envy their saliva. They want to shout to these beauties: "Do you need more background boards? Free and voluntary!"

It's a pity that the girlfriend next to them stared at them, making them afraid to move.

Robin smiled and said: "I read what was written in the geography diary. In addition to delicious food and floral fragrance, there is a peculiar phenomenon in Deres Rosa."

"What's the phenomenon?" Everyone pricked their ears to listen.

Robin replied: "Dres Rosa is also known as the'Island of Love and Passion.' The women here are all overly obsessed with love, so they have the jealousy of an extraordinary girl, if their boyfriend betrays They, they will... kill each other!"

Everyone is speechless, I didn't expect the women here to be so powerful...

Thinking of this, the empress and others looked at Jiang Siming with smirk.

Nami teased: "Husband~ You have to pay attention, don't find a girlfriend in Dresrosa~"

Jiang Siming's face blushed, but he pretended to be calm and said: "It's enough to have you, even if there are gods living in it, I won't want it."

With that said, in order to skip this topic, Jiang Siming took everyone to the city on the excuse of being hungry.

Entering the city of Dresrosa officially, the buildings in the city are all romantic and beautifully built.

And there are many couples who come here on holiday, and the aborigines here are also very friendly.

Patiently introduce the city to those who are out of town, and do what you can.

Now, Robin and the others have a good impression of this tropical city.

Of course, it also includes Jiang Siming.

But Jiang Siming knows that this city also hides great power.

According to the time difference, this city should have been occupied by the Don Quixote family now.

Because he saw many toy people in the city.

Toy people are not fake toys. They are all living people, but people who were Don Quixote turned into toys.

The current controller of the Don Quixote family is Doflamingo, one of the seven Wuhai.

This guy, like Krokdal in the Kingdom of Alabastan, is quite ambitious, and belongs to the class of heroes.

The ambition is big, the city government is deep, and he will plan everything he needs to do, and he will do nothing to achieve the goal.

Killing fathers and relatives is cruel and unkind.

But this is also inseparable from his growth environment.

Not only one of the seven seas of the king, but also the current king of Dresrosa, but also the manager of the underground world.

True black and white takes all.

It can be said that Doflamingo, if more than his personal strength is counted, plus one piece of the power he controls, he can compete with the Four Emperors.

This is a proper big ambitious.

It smells like Cao Cao.

"Let's go, let's find a restaurant first, it's time for dinner."

Jiang Siming doesn't want to worry about Doflamingo for the time being.

Doflamingo didn't even look at him enough in front of him, and he didn't pay attention to the Four Emperors. This was still in the golden age.

Now that the Yuan Yingqi seal was unlocked, he no longer cared about any opponents in One Piece.

If it hadn't been done for the two nine-star missions, he would kill Yim now.

Killing Yim is a task, but another task is to make all members of the Ming Concubine Pirate Group have the level of four emperors.

This is not easy, just cultivation is not enough, you have to keep taking them to fight.

This is the fastest way to increase strength.

I found a restaurant with a lot of people, and it seems that there is no place.

The female emperor was too lazy to talk nonsense, pointed at the guests at the largest table, and shouted: "I will give you three seconds to leave, otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

The people at this table are a group of hundreds of millions of pirates.

He almost laughed when he heard this, but the next second, the empress turned them all into stone...

Ram came over and waved, these two dozen stone man lava monsters flew out of the restaurant.

At this time, everyone in the restaurant was quiet, looking at the empress in horror.

The owner of the restaurant didn't dare to speak, and immediately asked the waiter to clean the table and respectfully invited Jiang Siming to take a seat.

Jiang Siming didn't feel that there was anything wrong. This world is the weak and the strong. They are pirates, so why are they doing so much?

Lord is a pirate! That's it!

Everyone sat down, ordered food, and the restaurant owner gave Jiang Siming the priority to serve them, and the food was ready soon.

Although other guests were cut in, they did not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

It's not bad if I didn't give you petrification, hurry up and finish it.


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