I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1929: This unscientific!

"What a disgusting and disgusting guy!"

Seeing that this girl selling weapons was about to be taken advantage of, Taotu couldn't bear it for the first time and wanted to do it.

However, no one thought that the girl who had just returned harmless to humans and animals suddenly changed and became synonymous with fierceness.

"I want to eat Lao Niang Tofu, I die!"

The girl yelled and raised her right leg.

Surprisingly, the girl's right leg turned into a long knife and cut it off at these men!

Several hooligans were so frightened that they peeed in their **** and evaded one after another.

But the girl didn't give up, and when she raised her hands, she became two machine guns!

Against them is a sweep!

It is that the marksmanship is not very good, the human body is stroked, I don't know whether it is deliberate or true.

In short, these hooligans finally escaped after being scared of their souls.

After seeing the bad guy gone, the girl's hands and feet changed back to their original state and continued to sell her weapons.

This makes everyone look dumbfounded. How can this girl's hands and feet become weapons?

"It should also be the fruit ability." Taotu guessed, after all, the navy headquarters came out and was well informed.

Everyone was amazed for a while, and then continued to move forward.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked over, the girl saw them and immediately came over to sell her weapons.

"Sir, ma'am, do you need to see my weapon, this is the latest weapon, very practical!" The girl still worked hard to promote her products.

Robin smiled and said to her: "You have to ask our Master Captain, I think he must really need your weapon."

Before Robin finished speaking, Pippi slapped him.

"Tell you nonsense."

Jiang Siming didn't have a good temper. Today, the group of nizi seems to be full after these two days, and all of them are beginning to feel skinny.

Robin blushed and covered Pippi, not daring to speak.

Nami and they both smiled and didn't think there was anything, but in the eyes of the girl, it was different.

"Madam, is he taking advantage of you? He's another hooligan! What a trick!"

The girl mistakenly recognized Jiang Siming as a gangster just like the men just now. She stood up for Robin in good faith, turned her hands into two big kitchen knives, and swiped towards Jiang Siming while holding it.

Jiang Siming was speechless and stretched out his hand to easily grasp the two large kitchen knives.

Unexpectedly, the girl has another trick if it fails.

The whole head turned into a rocket launcher, aiming at Jiang Siming and banging!

"You're still excited."

Jiang Siming sighed slightly, and the rocket that was about to fly out of it flew back directly.

Blasted inside...

The girl's face changed again, her hair was blasted into a mess, her face was as black as it was struck by lightning.

"Ah! Bastard, I must kill you!"

The girl was furious, her whole body turned into a sickle, and she reaped at Jiang Siming!

Jiang Siming stretched out a little finger and flicked it on the sickle, and the girl flew back upside down.

Fortunately, Robin's eyesight was about to save her, otherwise the girl would have to fly into the sky.

"Girl, you misunderstood, he is not a bad person, he is my husband." Robin explained quickly.

This little girl really doesn't know how high the world is, and even her husband dares to do it.

I'm afraid I don't know how brave her husband is.

"Asi! You said earlier that the mother who killed me was like this, no, you must buy a weapon from me today as compensation."

The girl said shamelessly.

Robin smiled and asked, "Why are you so eager to sell these things?"

"Because I am short of money, I owe more than 90 million Bailey in debt. How can I afford to pay if I don't sell things." The girl slumped, her head downcast.

"Why do you owe so much money?" Nami also walked over at this time and asked curiously.

The girl sighed: "I'm so stupid. I always believe in others. People often ask me to borrow money. I agreed. Then none of them paid me back, so I owed so much money."

"Then you ask them for it?" Nami had an uncaring expression. If she was scammed for money, she would have to beat that person to death before she got the money back.

"I thought too, but they all ran out of Dresrosa, I couldn't find them, and there were too many people who borrowed money... I forgot who borrowed money from me..."

Everyone was speechless for a while, and they had never seen such a stupid girl.

Jiang Siming didn't have much interest. He just wanted to find a place to live, wait for the night to fall, and then teach Xiao Baixing to ‘practice’.

He just wanted to open his mouth to take everyone away, Robin started to do things like the Empress.

"If you want to pay back the money, you can sell your own'weapon' to our captain, and our captain is happy to accept a crew member like you."

Robin made suggestions.

"Captain? Are you a pirate group?" the girl asked vigilantly.

"Yes, would you like to join?" Robin replied.

"Join your pirate group, can you help me pay off my debt immediately?"

"of course."

"Well, I will join! But I will only be a crew member, fighting for you, don't think about anything else." The girl decisively agreed.


After Robin finished talking, he turned to Jiang Siming and said invitingly, "Look, Master Captain, I have recruited another member for our regiment."

Jiang Siming had no idea what to say, even if he wanted to refuse now, it was too late.

Because... Nami, Nizi, has already paid for it!

Ah hello, when did the little thief cat pay so aggressively? This unscientific!

The transaction was completed, and just like that, Jiang Siming's team had one more member inexplicably.

The girl introduces herself, her name is BABY5, who is a weapon fruit capable person, can turn any part of the body into any weapon.

Jiang Siming thought her name was too strange, so he gave her a nickname, Abao.

The girl was a little resisted at first, but when she saw that it was taken by the captain, she had to admit it.

Jiang Siming actually wants to know if this girl really can turn any part of her body into a weapon, except for hands and legs, other parts...

But Jiang Siming was not embarrassed to say that he must be criticized on the spot, he is not an old critic, he is an honest person.

Everyone finally moved on and came to the place Violet said, there are many hotels here.

Jiang Siming chose the most luxurious hotel, and with a big hand, the hotel was fully covered.

In a very ‘civilized’ way, ‘please’ all the guests in the hotel, and then ‘polite’ the hotel owner to carefully renew everything inside and outside the hotel.

Finally, I moved in.

In the next few days, Jiang Siming stayed in the hotel and didn't want to go anywhere, quietly waiting for news from the bullfighting arena.

Knock on the door of a ‘crew’ every day, then go in for one night and change to another one the next day.

Repeated this way, sometimes almost luck, only one or two ‘crew’ lived in the room, and sometimes lucky, and lived four or five.

Then ‘cultivation’ together, don’t mention the life, it’s so comfortable.


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