I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1930: Reincarnation

In three days, Jiang Siming's ‘cultivation’ went by quickly.

In the past three days, a large number of pirates came to Dresrosa, and they all came for Doflamingo's devil fruit.

The Devil Fruit, even the worst, is worth more than 100 million Baileys.

And Doflamingo said, this devil fruit is a rare natural devil fruit.

The rare natural devil fruits are at least 500 million Baileys.

As soon as these words came out, the pirates of the New World heard the sound and wanted to compete for this devil fruit.

In the past few days, there are obviously more out-of-towners on the island of Dres Rosa.

Standing on the balcony of the presidential suite of the hotel, Jiang Siming looked at the various people appearing underneath. Several of them were familiar.

Like Bucky the Clown, Trafalgar Rowe, etc., there are also many navy figures, among them Smogg.

Didn't they know that on the roof of the hotel next to them, the Five Emperor Pirates, who were offering a bounty of 5 billion, were watching them all the time.

"Husband, I can't find my concubine's clothes..."

Behind Jiang Siming, there was a lazy and charming voice of the Empress.

Last night’s ‘cultivation’ was too crazy, the empress has only now woke up...

Jiang Siming decisively gave up looking at the scenery from the balcony, turned his head and returned to the house.

"You can't find the clothes? It's okay. They must have been lost during ‘cultivation’ yesterday, and now you’ll be able to find them after ‘cultivating’ again.

"Um... concubine body..."


Jiang Siming didn't know. Just after he left the balcony with his front foot, he passed several familiar figures downstairs in the hotel.

"Sanji, I'm so hungry, how come the restaurants here are full."

"It's none of my business, I'm busy looking for the beauties here to fall in love, you can find it yourself."

"Sauron doesn't know where he is going, why can't he find it at once."

"He is a road idiot, you don't know."

"Jinpei, let's find a restaurant quickly, I want to eat~"

"Okay, Captain Luffy."


The next day, the bullfighting arena.

The huge arena is crowded with audiences.

Tens of thousands of viewers came here, looking forward to today's competition.

On the highest and best viewing platform, Jiang Siming and his concubine and pirate group sat leisurely, and everything underneath was in full view.

"Have you not seen Doflamingo?" Jiang Siming asked.

Violet shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it yet. He seems to have not come over yet."

"Don't worry, there is time today." Jiang Siming said, looking back at the empress and asked: "Are Weiwei and Xiao Baixing preparing to compete?"

The female emperor nodded: "I have already gone to prepare, does my husband want Xiao Baixing to eat the devil fruit?"

Jiang Siming smiled and shook his head, and said, "Little Baixing doesn't need Devil Fruits. Besides, I have used up my evolutionary spell. After Xiao Baixing eats Devil Fruits, she can't go to the sea. So forget it. Let her participate. Exercise her strength."

"Unlike you, she has sufficient experience against the enemy, and nothing can be discussed on paper. Actual combat is the only criterion for testing strength."

Robin on the side smiled and asked, "Aren't you afraid that Xiao Baixing won't be able to beat it?"

Jiang Siming nodded taking it for granted: "So I let Weiwei protect her. Besides, at this level of arena, there won't be too much presence, Xiao Baixing can at least make the top five.

Everyone nodded when they heard this, too.

Nami was a little moved and said, "I want to go down and fight."

Jiang Siming smiled and replied: "Don't worry, there will be a time when you practice hands."


"Within a month."

"Hehe, okay! I can't wait to try my strength."

Except for the two crew members who don't like to fight, Keya and Konis, the other women have itchy hands.

Soon, it was duel time.

A host spit in the audience introducing the rules of the competition, and when it came to prizes, he was even more enthusiastic.

"This devil fruit is a rare natural fruit. Its original owner was the former General of the Navy, Akainu! It is, Rock Berry!"


The audience was in an uproar when he said this.

Unexpectedly, this devil fruit is the rock berry fruit of the red dog.

So, Akinu is dead?

Jiang Siming was also quite surprised, but it seemed that Nami and the others had already known it.

He guessed that something must have happened since he disappeared for half a year.

"After going through the Chambordian Islands and the summit war incident, the red dog was completely depressed and was dispatched to work in remote waters by the Warring States period. However, the red dog had no fighting spirit and was drinking heavily every day. One day he was too drunk and fell into the sea and drowned. ."

The empress intimately explained to Jiang Siming.

After Jiang Siming was speechless, the red dog was dead, right?

However, Jiang Siming didn't care how he died. Who cares about the life and death of a defeated man, especially a disgusting one.

Jiang Siming remembered that in the original book Doflamingo took Ace's burned fruit, and Ace was killed by a red dog.

Now the way of heaven is reincarnation, it is the fruit of the red dog.

After the sentence is true, the retribution is not not, but the time is not yet.

Underneath, because of this rock berry fruit, all the contestants and spectators had their eyes brightened, staring closely at the fruit placed in the safety glass on the field.

Greed is revealed in everyone's eyes.

The rock berry is real, this is the fruit of the red dog.

Although the red dog was dead, it did not hinder his previous glory, the first of the three generals.

If anyone takes this fruit, wouldn't life take off!

The contestants are also more excited than one, and getting this fruit is equivalent to having the opportunity to become a powerful person at the general level.

This allure is too big!

Subsequently, the host announced the start of the game.

The rules of the game are divided into groups, and the top three in each group will participate in the finals.

Doflamingo is not worthy of being a cruel man, he directly let all the teams fight.

Only the top three who survived are eligible to enter the finals.

This arena is also arranged very darkly, the audience is just this big, and around the ring, there is a river surrounded by giant piranhas.

You have to die if you fall.

The game was destined to be cruel and ruthless from the start.

In the first group of Bidou, Xiao Baixing and Weiwei were not in it.

Smogg is in it, and there is also a special farewell in it.

As expected, the two fought to the end and squeezed into the top three.

In the second scene, there are still no figures of Xiao Baixing and Weiwei, but there is a figure of a little old man in armor with a cloak and a beard on his face.

When Jiang Siming saw it, he couldn't help laughing.

"What's wrong, husband?" The women were curious.

Jiang Siming pointed to the little old man and said to Nami and Robin, "Who do you think this person looks like?"

Nami and Robin looked in the direction, and after a few glances, they finally confirmed.

"It's Luffy!"

Haha, this little old man, isn't it Luffy pretending to be.

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