I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1945: Let's all go together!

Saw Jiang Siming coming.

The old man's eyes lit up suddenly, and he waved at Jiang Siming: "Jiang boy, come here quickly and help me clean up their meal!"

Jiang Siming walked over and said with a smile: "I'm not interested. Let them do it. I don't want to bully the child anymore."

After listening to the profound level team members, each glared at him. Who is this person, dare to treat them as children?

"Co-author, you just bullied one?" the old man asked with a smile.

Jiang Siming nodded honestly: "Well, a man named Zhang Wu was knocked out by me. Now this is probably lying in the hospital."

The Xuan-level member next to him felt a sigh after listening, Zhang Wu? That was one of the top five members of their mysterious rank.

impossible? There doesn't seem to be anything special about this person, except for his face.

"Play well, these dolls with good eyes and low hands should show them to the world."

Instead of blaming Jiang Siming, the old man of the Tianzu group played well.

This makes the team members feel uncomfortable these days.

Zhang Wu is a member of the Tian Group. Now that the Tian Group members have been beaten, the teacher didn't help them, but said they played well?

"Teacher, I don't believe Zhang Wu loses to him, I want to fight him!" The headed Xuan-level member stood up and said.

The old man didn't object, but rather agreed: "Okay, you have to be able to tell him to fight you, I said it's useless."

This person is happy, as long as the teacher agrees.

"My name is Huang Yungao, a member of the Xuan-level group. I rank fourth in the Xuan-level group. I'm nicknamed'Lone Wolf.' I want to ask you for advice."

"I said, I don't want to bully people anymore. I won't accept your challenge." Jiang Siming didn't do what he wanted, so he refused.

Huang Yungao obviously didn't expect Jiang Siming to accept his challenge in front of so many people and even women.

"Don't worry, we are just purely discussing, I won't make heavy moves." Huang Yungao comforted.

Huo Wu and Bing Mei were speechless, please, they don't want to fight you, because they are afraid of killing you. You are still embarrassed not to fight hard.

"If you don't accept it, you don't accept it." Jiang Siming was too lazy to explain, simply not getting in.

Huang Yungao was a little angry, but he was helpless. If people didn't accept him, he wouldn't force him to beat them.

The members of the Tian Group have a strong sense of discipline, and they will never do anything that intentionally hurts others.

Huang Yungao had no choice but to say to the old man of the Tiantian group again: "Teacher, let's call Xuenu back."

Before the old man spoke, Jiang Siming next to him interjected: "What are you talking about? Do you want to learn from each other? You can do it, I'll fight with you."

Huang Yungao didn't expect Jiang Siming to agree again. Although somewhat inexplicable, he was still very happy.

He wants to see how many catties this person has.

"Let's start then." Huang Yungao said, already planning to do it.

"Wait." Jiang Siming stopped him.

"What's the matter again?" Huang Yungao asked impatiently. He now even more suspects that Jiang Siming is a soft-footed shrimp, so he dare not fight him at all!

Jiang Siming pointed to the other team members behind him: "You guys, let's all go together, so I don't need to be convinced one by one."


Everyone laughed.

Haven't seen such an arrogant person, a person who wants to pick them all at the profound level? What is this not wishful thinking?

When their profound level masters are all paperwork?

"Don't be funny, okay?" Huang Yungao mocked.

"Whoever made fun of you, let you go, and I won't fight if you don't." Jiang Siming also became impatient.

This completely angered all the members of the Xuan rank team, and rushed up one by one.

For a time, more than twenty members of the Xuan-level team surrounded Jiang Siming.

However, the battle lasted less than three seconds, and these two dozen members of the profound level all fell to the ground, clutching their injured parts, grinning in pain.

"Oh, I really don't want to fight with you children and waste time."

Jiang Siming shook his head disappointedly and sighed. If this guy didn't say he wanted to challenge Shengxue, he wouldn't want to abuse his food.

He came here purely to complete the tasks assigned by his wives, and now he is about to become his own base for abuse of vegetables.

These members of the profound level felt their ears were greatly stimulated when they heard this. Many members struggled to get up, endure the pain, and once again launched an offensive towards Jiang Siming.

But the end was worse than the first time.

Jiang Siming didn't bother to wait for them to attack, so he rushed over and greeted them vigorously with his fists.

Face, belly, hands and feet, etc.

Anyway, if something goes wrong, Jiang Siming will fight!

This is still his restrained control power, in order not to really hurt these profound level crew members.

They are Huaxia's weapon, it is not good to break it.

But they have to teach them the lesson they should be, otherwise I really think he is bullying.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of fist to meat sounded.

Although they won't be hurt, Jiang Siming's strength is enough to make them dying of pain.

But even so, none of the Xuan-level members at the scene cried out in pain, they just gritted their teeth and held on.

In the end, Jiang Siming had a good time before he stopped.

Looking at the ground again, more than twenty guys with swollen noses and swollen noses were lying on the ground and couldn't get up. Some noses were still bleeding.

Some teeth were knocked out, two or three cheeks bulged higher than squirrels, and some went into a coma.

It's too awful.

Sky group Xuan-level members, when have suffered such a loss, they are all the top strength of the sky group.

It is the envy of all members of the sky team.

But today, more than 20 profound masters have all been beaten into pandas.

This can be regarded as the most weird sight since the establishment of Tian Group.

"Okay, old man, ask someone to take it to the hospital, it's all skin wounds, just two days."

Jiang Siming clapped his hands and said.

The old man rushed to the ground without fainting, and said: "Now I taste it? Know how weak I am? A group of frogs at the bottom of the well! Get me up with my eyes open! Help the one who passed out. , Take it to the infirmary!"

The group members underneath were all like bereaved concubines, finally struggling to get up from the ground, helping each other, and walking to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, you must pass through other training grounds.

This time their Xuan-level members were so embarrassed that they would have been laughed at by all the members of the heavenly group for a year.

After all these people left, the old man smiled at Jiang Siming: "Why do you guys have time to come to this mountain? What's the matter?"

"Come here to give you a Mid-Autumn Festival gift." Jiang Siming replied casually.

"What about the present?"

"I've finished eating on the road and couldn't hold back."

The old man's face turned dark, and he smiled and cursed: "You kid, wouldn't it be the idea to beat my two female students?"

Jiang Siming immediately denied: "I don't! I am not! Don't talk nonsense!"


The fourth one~two more chapters left~

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