I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1946: I am number one in the galaxy!

The base, in the courtyard where the old man lives, is playing a wonderful chessboard game.

The black and the white each hold a son, and they are killing them heartily.

"Sorry, old man, you lost again."

Holding the white chess, Jiang Siming dropped the last one with a smile and declared his victory in the third game.

The defeated old man threw his black stone back into the chess box angrily, and said angrily: "You kid won't let me be the old man, stop playing!"

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Tsk tsk, old man, your chess piece doesn't look good, don't you can't afford to lose?"

The old man turned his head away, too lazy to read Jiang Siming.

At this time, Bing Beauty and Huo Wu turned back.

"Teacher, I have already notified all members of the Heavenly Team, waiting in the training ground, including the Xuan-level members who have just been beaten."

Seeing the students come back, the old man immediately corrected his master's posture and said, "Where are the unconscious ones?"

"I have woken up and been helped over." Bingmei answered.

"Well, good, then let's go."

The old man got up and said to Jiang Siming: "Boy, let's go, let everyone know you, the mysterious person who has been in the Tian Group for more than a year."

"Go again, I don't want to abuse food anymore, just play chess and abuse you." Jiang Siming said reluctantly and told the truth.

The old man's face turned pale for a while, and said angrily: "Don't talk if you can't speak! No one will challenge you this time."


"Nonsense, you have beaten all the members of Lao Tzu's profound level, who else dares to challenge you!"

Jiang Siming curled his lips and said, "I don't believe it. You students don't train well all day long, and the dishes are too bad. They always worry about my daughter-in-law. It must be your teacher who didn't teach well. If it is not for your face, I Give them a half-death."

The old man was speechless and could not refute.

Because what Jiang Siming said... is true...

"Ahem... don't worry, they didn't know how sacred you were before, so Xue Nu was snatched away. Of course these arrogant young men were not convinced."

The old man coughed awkwardly, and then said, "It's okay now, I can guarantee that they won't dare to think about it anymore, and I will kill them for you!"

"Well, it's pretty good, let's go, let me see, your invincible students."

Only then was Jiang Siming satisfied, patted his **** and stood up and walked out without looking back.

The old man gritted his teeth and shook his head in the back, he was autistic.

Bing Meiren and Huo Wu turned their heads and smiled at the corners of their mouths. Sure enough, only Jiang Siming could suppress their teacher.

When I came to the training ground, it was already full of people.

All members of the Tian Group are waiting there neatly and neatly.

Everyone has a fierce momentum, like a sharp sword.

Of course, except for those Xuan-level members who have blue noses and swollen faces and even their nostrils with tissues...

In fact, their Xuan-level members had already been laughed at by other members of the group for an entire afternoon, and even the reserve members were secretly cheating.

I heard that the members of the Xuan-level team were not convinced by the strength of Ke Qing, and were beaten like this by Ke Qing.

This news has spread all over the Tian Group.

The sky team went up and down, laughing at these mysterious members who usually look down on people with their nostrils up and down, and at the same time shocked Ke Qing's strength.

Everyone is speculating about Ke Qing's strength, he must be a heavenly level!

When everyone saw the teacher who came by, the young man who followed.

Many people who haven't met Jiang Siming are murmured in their hearts, wouldn't this be Ke Qing? This is too young, right?

"Zhang Wu, Huang Yun is ahead!" The old man shouted.

Zhang Wu and Huang Yungao, who were standing in the front row, immediately stood up, their chests raised up, their expressions still showing a serious look.

It's just that the two of them have two pairs of panda eyes, their cheeks are bulging, their nostrils are stuffed with tissues, and one of their lips is like a sausage.

With this image, it really makes people laugh a little bit, without seriousness.

"Turn over, let everyone take a good look at you!" the old man ordered.

Although the two of them were embarrassed, they unconditionally obeyed the teacher's order and turned around immediately.


I don't know who took the lead first. In short, it amused everyone at once.

It's not that they can't hold back, it's that the appearance of these two people is too funny.

Zhang Wu and Huang Yungao blushed, but did not dare to get angry.

The old man sneered: "You two still want to discuss with Ke Qing now? Do you still have the face to think of someone's girlfriend?"

"It's a wife." Jiang Siming corrected it.

Huang Yungao and Zhang Wu were even more embarrassed and shouted in unison: "Report! We were wrong!"

"Huh!" The old man hummed proudly, and taught: "Sit on the well and watch the sky! Wishful thinking! With that ability, you think no one in the world is your opponent? It's ironic! It's ridiculous! Extremely ridiculous!"

After a lesson, the two of them lowered their heads completely, and raised them facelessly.

Zhang Wu's eyes were red when he was scolded. For people like them, this feeling really made them feel more uncomfortable than Jiang Siming's fight.

Jiang Siming next to him thought that the old man's piercing ability was really strong, and he was a little bit disagreeable (xing) (zai) (le) thinking (huo).

However, the old man didn't really want to hit the two proud disciples too hard. If the fighting spirit of the two of them was also wiped out, it would be worth the loss.

"What should I do if I know it is wrong? Should I teach it?"

Zhang Wu and Huang Yun looked up, turned back again, and faced Jiang Siming together, saying in unison: "I'm sorry, Ke Qing!"

Jiang Siming touched his nose and waved his hand: "Forget it, I hope you will learn your lesson this time, make progress and serve the country."

"Yes!" The two saluted at the same time.

"Entry." The old man accepted it as soon as he saw it.

When the two returned, the old man said to all members of the sky team: "Today we are calling you to announce two things. First, Bing and Huo Wu have officially broken through to become members of the prefecture-level team. They are the goal to break through their respective realms as soon as possible."


Just finished speaking, all members of the Sky Team were shocked.

Bing Meiren and Huo Wu, have both broken through the ground level?

The prefecture level, they are so young.

The youngest member of the Tian Group is thirty-five.

They are only in their early twenties, so they are going to be fast.

And they broke through during the holidays. Why did they go during the holidays? Did you hide and practice during holidays?

"The second thing is to let you know, the No. 1 martial arts wizard in China, and the Keqing who was listed on the Tian Group a year ago. It is him, Jiang Siming. Now let him talk to you and give you some pointers. ."

After the old man finished speaking, he stepped back a few steps and threw the stage to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming is embarrassed to be said, the best martial arts prodigy in China? No, no, I am the number one martial arts wizard in the galaxy, and the old man will not boast.

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