I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1947: Believe you will be a ghost!

Standing in front of so many members of the team, Jiang Siming brewed for a while and began to make cups...Ah no, he started to talk.

"My name is Jiang Siming. When I met you for the first time, I apologized deeply for this incident. In fact, I am a person who loves peace and never loves to fight, but sometimes I have to use it. Fist defense."

Jiang Siming had a sincere expression, completely from the bottom of his heart.

It's just that the faces of the people present twitched.

"The previous grievances are here, and I am written off. I am a guest of the Tian Group and a member of the Tian Group. You are also my colleagues and my comrades-in-arms. If you don't fight or don't know each other, we will know each other."

When the old man heard this, his facial expression was better.

The kid finally said something human.

Jiang Siming cleared his throat, and then said: "To be honest, as a guest, I haven't made any contribution to the Tian Group for more than a year. It is nothing more than annihilating a few evil cultivators, saving the frontier soldiers, and destroying a few. A large group of drug lords has protected the people’s property and..."

The members of the sky group are all pumping, so much contribution is not enough...

Also, I want to say one by one for Mao, for fear that we don’t know.

The old man's expression was very exciting, and Bing Meiren and Huo Wu tried their best to endure a laugh.

"Well, that's it for the time being, just such a small contribution, I am ashamed, so this time, I plan to make another contribution to the Tian Group."

Jiang Siming snapped his fingers after speaking, and suddenly, the air at the base began to change.

Everyone clearly felt that the air they breathed was different from usual.

The air they breathe now can actually drive their internal forces to operate automatically!

In the sky group, there were several members who had been stuck in the same state for a long time, and there were signs of breakthrough on the spot.

Even the old man was shocked to discover that he had been in a state where he had been stagnating for many years, and today he has taken a big step forward a little!

Although he has not made a breakthrough, a person of his level needs years of accumulation and cultivation if he wants to make a little progress.

"Boy, what did you do?" The old man knew that Jiang Siming must have done this, and hurriedly asked him.

Jiang Siming smiled lightly: "Have you ever heard of the Spirit Gathering Array?"

The old man shook his head, really never heard of it.

"You only need to understand that you can use a formation to gather the auras in an area together. This formation is very beneficial to cultivators. It is the Mid-Autumn Festival gift I gave you, and you are satisfied?"


The old man laughed, how can he be satisfied? That is too satisfying!

With this Spirit Gathering Array, the strength of members of his Heavenly Team will be improved by a significant level!

"Good boy, you really brought me a great gift, and also a great gift to all the members of the sky team."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, all members of the sky team shouted in unison: "Thank you Jiang Keqing!"

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "You are welcome, they are all brothers, just don't covet your sister-in-law in the future."


The meeting is over, all members of the sky team can't wait to train.

"Can this spirit gathering formation be maintained forever?" The old man asked Jiang Siming eagerly.

Jiang Siming shook his head and said, "Of course it's impossible. The Spirit Gathering Array just gathers the aura of the surrounding area together, it does not automatically generate aura."

"So after the aura around here is absorbed, the effect of the gathering array will disappear. Either change the base or wait for the aura here to recover."

The old man hurriedly asked, "How long will it take to recover?"

"A short period of seven or eight months, as long as three to five years."

"How long can it last?"

"This place itself has a lot of aura, but it can last a little longer, but there are too many people practicing in the base, and it will accelerate the consumption. I estimate it will be two months at most." Jiang Siming estimated.

In fact, his family consumes more quickly, and his wives are cultivators, and they have to absorb a lot more spiritual energy than monastic ones.

It's just that Jiang Siming is here, and every time his aura is almost gone, he will volatilize a little of his own anger.

The true energy of the transformation stage is more useful than any spiritual energy.

Therefore, the Spirit Gathering Array at Jiang Siming's house is always available.

"Is there no other way?" The old man was a little reluctant to gather the spirit formation, this thing is too easy to use.

Jiang Siming sighed, and said: "It's really impossible. I will come over every few months to bring some spirit stones or something to supplement the spirit gathering, but this thing is too precious, I don't have much."

Of course, this is a nonsense by him, the purpose is to make more profit.

Helping is also based on circumstances. If you are so casual and easy to help others, they will feel that it is particularly easy for you and there is nothing to pay.

So you have to act like a little bit and invest a little bit.

The old man had no doubts, patted Jiang Siming on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, you can mention it if you have any requirements, and I will try my best to help you fight for it."

"It's right for me to make some contribution to the Tian Group. How can I want this or that? Don't mention this matter again." Jiang Siming said with a straight face.

The old man was stunned for a moment, and his impression of Jiang Siming improved a lot.

Actually... Jiang Siming just didn't think about what he wanted... First, he was polite, and then he would mention it later. The old man would be embarrassed to refuse, hehe.

"Thanks for your hard work, I will respond to the elders. This is all here, so I will stay at the base for a few more days and live with me."

Jiang Siming shook his head without thinking about it, and said, "It's okay to live for two days, but I won't live with your old man. My daughter-in-law's room is there, so I can live with her."

The old man laughed when he heard the words and agreed very happily.

I wanted to talk to Jiang Siming a few more words, but at this time the old man's satellite phone rang, and he had to ask Bing Beauty and Huo Wu to take Jiang Siming to the place where he lived first, and he quickly returned to the office.

Jiang Siming followed Huo Wu and Bing to the bedroom building behind the base.

He didn't know until he arrived that Shengxue lived in a female apartment building, a place dedicated to female members.

"Oh, why is it a female dormitory? I would not have come if I knew it."

Jiang Siming looked embarrassed, but he was already happy inside.

"Are you obviously very happy?" Huo Wu said funny.

"You are slandering my innocence. Where is my wife's room and who should I sleep with? Come to me and see." Jiang Siming said super fast.

Take me to sleep, can't wait, I'm very tired after driving a car and a plane for a day.

Bingmei poured cold water on him: "Shengxue lives in single apartments just like us. Only members below the yellow level can share with other members."


Jiang Siming was a little disappointed, but soon changed his words: "Why are you talking about this? I just want to sleep. The single apartment is the best. No one disturbs me to rest."

The two women wanted to shout at the same time: "Believe you will have a ghost!"


Second update~

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