I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1948: You have a spare tire!

In this way, Jiang Siming moved into the apartment room left by Li Shengxue.

It's really a single room, very neat.

"This is the room Shengxue lives in. There is the bedroom and bathroom over there, and the kitchen over there. I'm so thirsty. Go to the kitchen and get a bottle of water first."

Huo Wu led Jiang Siming into the house, and ran directly to the kitchen. The Ice Beauty was also a little thirsty, so she followed.

Jiang Siming casually visited Xia Shengxue's room. Not to mention, this room is pretty good and has everything available.

When I walked to the bedroom, I just wanted to take out the clothes in the ring and wait for me to take a shower.

But Jiang Siming found a pink...bra in Shengxue's bed.

Jiang Siming thought it was left by his wife, so he picked it up and prepared to put it away.

But after picking it up, Jiang Siming smelled a scent from it.

"Hey, it doesn't seem to be my wife's fragrance."

Jiang Siming took the tip of his nose in doubt and sniffed it.

It happened to be this scene that was seen by Huo Wu who came over after drinking the water.

Huo Wu screamed on the spot, rushed over like lightning, and snatched what was in Jiang Siming's hand.

"You, you...you have (Bian) fetuses (Tai)? You actually have this hobby?"

Huo Wu looked shocked, thinking Jiang Siming was a scarlet man.

Jiang Siming's face turned dark, and he didn't have a good temper: "I thought it was my daughter-in-law's thing. I felt that the scent was a bit wrong, so I smelled it. Why did I spare the tire?"

Huo Wu realized that this is Shengxue's house.

Quickly blushed and explained: "This thing belongs to me... Once there was no hot water in my room, I borrowed the bathroom under Shengxue and left it here."

Jiang Siming was also stupid, he didn't expect this thing to be Huo Wu.

"Cough cough... forget it, don't leave things indiscriminately next time, especially in my wife's room, go out quickly, I want to take a shower."

Jiang Siming was embarrassed, and Huo Wu didn't get any better, so he quickly slipped out.

The ice beauty outside has watched the whole process a long time ago, and the corners of her mouth raised jokingly: "Don't listen to you who told you not to lose sight of everything, now you are making a fool of yourself."

Huo Wu said in embarrassment, "I want you to take care of it. Anyway, this guy has seen everything, including you, now it's just a piece of clothing."

The ice beauty suddenly made a big red face, and said angrily: "I tore your mouth!"

"Slightly, let me talk if you meet."

Huo Wu made a face and quickly ran out of Jiang Siming's room.

Bingmei also chased up, not forgetting to help Jiang Siming close the door.

After taking a shower, she lay comfortably on Shengxue's Xiaoxiang bed.

As soon as I lay down, there was a call at home.

Jiang Siming hung up the phone and started a video directly.

The person in the video is Shengxue.

"Husband, are you at the base?"

"Well, it's early, and now I'm ready to fall asleep after taking a shower in the room you live in." Jiang Siming said he didn't forget to show Shengxue her previous room.

Shengxue suddenly smirked and said, "My husband, tell you, from the balcony of my room, you can see Huowu's living room next door."

"What's the matter then?" Jiang Siming asked strangely.

"She should be taking a shower at this time. You can go to the balcony because Huo Wu always forgets to take her clothes. She may pass by the living room naked and you can see it." Shengxue said slyly.

I completely sold my good sisters cleanly.

When Jiang Siming heard this, he said righteously: "Am I that kind of person? I disdain to do such nasty things!"

"Well, how many days will you stay at the base?"

"Well, the old man will stay with me for two days, and I will return the day after tomorrow." Jiang Siming replied absent-mindedly, his eyes already unconsciously looking towards the balcony.

"Well, by the way, Xiao Tiantian told you not to forget the show. The holiday is over and "Le" is about to start."

"Okay, remember, you..."

The two chattered like this, just like an old couple.

Afterwards, they greeted the other ladies in the family one by one, chatting for a while before hanging up the video.

As soon as the video was posted, Jiang Siming got up from the bed and walked towards the balcony.

"Don't get me wrong, it's just a craving for cigarettes and I want to go to the balcony to smoke a cigarette."


The next day, when Jiang Siming was still dreaming of Zhou Gong, he was awakened by a knock on the door.

Bingmei stood outside his door with breakfast.

"It's time to eat breakfast. After finishing the meal, the teacher told us to come over and ask you to teach the members of the sky team to practice."

"If you don't go or not, this old man, I know I'm not safe to stay here. I want to sleep or not!" Jiang Siming refused.

"It is to teach all female members." Bing Meiren added.

Jiang Siming staggered his body and said, "Come in, hurry up after eating."

The ice beauty smirked and walked in early.

"Wait, I'll take a wash."

Jiang Siming quickly took care of himself before he came out of the bedroom.

"Why is it only you, Huo Wu?" Jiang Siming asked curiously.

"I don't know, she said she didn't want to enter your room, let alone talk to you, and... scolded you..."

The ice beauty asked in confusion, "What happened to you?"

"Oh, I am more wronged than Dou E. I smoked on the balcony last night and accidentally saw her passing by her living room without clothes. Then I was scolded by her. You said I was wronged." Jiang Si Ming looked very wronged.

Bingmei looked at Jiang Siming's eyes suspiciously, sincerely, as if she were not telling lies.

"If this is the case, I will explain to Huo Wu, it's all a misunderstanding."

"Right, it's just a misunderstanding, why is it true? Besides, I haven't seen it..."

Jiang Siming hurriedly covered his mouth halfway through the conversation.

Sure enough, the eyes of the ice beauty also began to be unfriendly.

"Cough cough, hehe, missed the mouth, eat breakfast for breakfast."

Jiang Siming haha, sat down and started.

The ice beauty didn't care, and the two ate breakfast in silence.

"You haven't eaten either?"

"Well, I brought two copies." Bingmei said.

"You just have to eat this, is that enough?" Jiang Siming looked at Bingmei's breakfast. There was only one boiled egg, one apple and a small piece of vegetable pie.

But the breakfast she prepared for herself was very rich, including wontons, steamed buns fritters, soy milk and green onion pancakes.

"It's okay, I eat less." Bingmei said that she had finished eating quickly and was gnawing on the apple.

Jiang Siming gave her a piece of green onion pancake: "Eat more, and you don't need to lose weight."

"no thanks."

"Order you to eat, I am Ke Qing, your boss." Jiang Siming said domineeringly.

Although it was the first time that Bingmei heard such a strange order, she obediently put down the apple, picked up the green onion pancake and ate it.

Jiang Siming was also eating his breakfast.

This was the first time that the two of them had breakfast alone, still in such a quiet room.

Bing Mei always felt that the atmosphere was a little weird, but she didn't say what was weird, it was purely her own imagination.


Third more~

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