I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1949: Self-defeating ice!

The breakfast went very harmoniously. The Bingmei finished eating early, and quietly waited for Jiang Siming to finish eating.

"Drink some water? I'll pour you some."

"Okay, thank you."

Jiang Siming continued to enjoy his food without raising his head.

Bingmei went to pour a cup of warm water and walked over. When she was about to hand it to Jiang Siming, suddenly her body seemed to be something wrong, and her whole body stopped.

But her hand holding the water glass started to freeze automatically, and then quickly spread across her arm.

Including the water glass in her hand, it was frozen into ice.

"You don't have to freeze yourself even if you want to play tricks?" Jiang Siming thought she was the one who avenged Huo Wu.

But Bingmei shook her head towards Jiang Siming in a daze. She didn't know how this happened. She obviously didn't release her internal strength.

Jiang Siming looked at her eyes, then took a closer look at her arm, and immediately put down the breakfast in his hand.

Reached out and grabbed the ice beauty's hand.

The originally frozen arm quickly melted and recovered.

"This is... what's wrong?" Bing Mei asked in astonishment.

Jiang Siming took the water cup in her hand and took a sip without incident, and said: "The cold attribute internal strength you cultivate has too much side effect, and you are already showing signs of distraction."

"Insane?" Bing Mei said suspiciously, "But many people have cultivated in this inner strength, and there is no such situation."

"Does the person who cultivates this inner strength cultivate to the earth level like you?"

Bingmei thought about it, shook her head, and said, "No."

"That's it, you don't have so many problems in the front of your practice, but the more you go to the back, the greater the side effects will be."

Jiang Siming pointed to the ice chips on the ground, and said: "You are still in this situation now. When your level is higher, this situation will occur more frequently, and it will definitely become more serious every time."

The ice beauty looked at the icy debris on the ground and then at her arm. After a few seconds, she asked for help from Jiang Siming.

"Then what should I do?"

This is the first time she has asked Jiang Siming for help.

"There is a way. First, give up this set of internal skills and practice others, but this means that you have to abolish all of your cultivation base and start over."

The ice beauty was stunned just hearing this first one.

Abolish the repair base? Start over?

No one can accept this change, after all, this is her cultivation base after so many years of hard training.

The prefecture level cultivation base, who can make a choice easily.

It's like you spent more than ten years playing games and practicing a profession, and you have become a top master.

Suddenly you deleted the account and re-trained, and it was a career change. Everything started from scratch.

It is estimated that everyone will be depressed and half to death.

"There is a first, is there a second?" Bing Meiren's eyes were hopeful.

"The second is to forcibly disperse half of your dantian and return your realm to the profound level, and you will never be able to break through for life. Once you have a breakthrough, you must go backwards again, so that you can also avoid confusion, just these two." Ming said.

Two choices, each of which is cruel.

Although the second one can retain the strength of the profound level, it also means that the ice beauty will stay at the profound level for a lifetime, and cannot advance half an inch in this life.

Even if you break through to the prefecture level, you must force your own realm down.

This seems more cruel.

Especially for young masters like Bingmei, no one wants his strength to stand still.

The ice beauty was silent, her head lowered was a battle between heaven and humans in her mind.

Jiang Siming had finished eating early at this time, and looking at the appearance of the ice beauty, he would inevitably feel a little soft.

"I have a suggestion you listen to?"

The ice beauty looked up and looked at Jiang Siming helplessly, as if a lost ship saw the lighthouse.

Jiang Siming said: "I suggest you choose the first type and start over again. Just find another cold attribute inner strength practice that has no side effects. Based on your understanding of the cold attribute, you will definitely get up to speed in your cultivation and you will be able to return soon. To the present state."

The ice beauty was first overjoyed after hearing this, but soon her eyes dimmed again, saying: "Our Heavenly Group, there is only one cold attribute inner strength, and this is the one I cultivated.

Jiang Siming felt helpless after hearing it.

"It doesn't matter, I will think of a way for you then and find a suitable cold attribute technique for you."

Before Bing Beauty felt that Liu Anhua was bright, she herself remembered what Li Shengxue had said to her at the beginning, that ‘excessive’ request for accepting disciples.

Bingmei's expression suddenly started to be wrong, Hongxia quickly climbed onto her cheek.

"What's the matter? There are side effects again?" Jiang Siming asked inexplicably, seeing her face suddenly flushed.

The ice beauty bit her red lips, her eyes dodged, and she said, "I heard Shengxue say that if you want to worship you as a teacher, there are conditions..."

Jiang Siming understood in an instant, and said with a smile: "If you don't tell me, I forgot, thank you for reminding me."

"Huh?" The ice beauty was stupid.

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "If you are making fun of you, you can also believe in making fun of you. Forget it, who makes us friends? I don't need you to complete this condition. I will still give you the exercises. I think about it."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and began to meditate, as if thinking about something.

In fact, he just ran to the Fragment Mall to see if there were any cold attribute techniques for sale.

He doesn't have cold attribute exercises either, only the water attribute [Bi Hai Chao Sheng Jue].

But there is a difference between water and cold, just like the difference between heavy armored fighters and armored fighters.

If Bingmei learns [Bi Hai Chao Sheng Jue], it is no different than starting again.

Jiang Siming planned to try his luck in the mall and searched for it.

But the ice beauty obviously didn't expect Jiang Siming to say that, she didn't need to fulfill the conditions, but also helped her re-practice.

Seeing Jiang Siming conscientiously meditating on the sofa, Bing Beauty was moved in her heart.

He is helping himself again, this is the first few times she owes him favor?

The ice beauty almost can't remember.

After waiting for a while, Bing Meiren thought she had nothing to do to persuade Jiang Siming to forget it.

Jiang Siming opened his eyes, with joy in his eyes.

"You are very lucky. I remember that I had received a very good exercise before. If you believe me, let's disperse the power now."

Bing Mei had no doubts, nodded, and immediately sat cross-legged on the carpet.

Within a few minutes of effort, Bing Beauty's face suddenly became extremely pale, as if she had suddenly suffered a serious illness.

Weak and fell directly to the ground.

Jiang Siming quickly pulled her into his arms with his eyesight, and passed Duan Zhenqi to help her quickly relieve the pain.

He was not reluctant to use Xiandou, but Xiandou was useless to her now.

If she ate the celestial beans, the infuriating qi lost in her dantian would be restored again, and she would have to waste it again...


The fourth one ~ one more chapter is left~

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