I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1962: Just be loyal to me from now on!

This time, Jiang Siming summoned all the remaining nine treasure ships of Eve, one for each main crew member.

The entire Ming Concubine Pirate Group plus Jiang Siming are only 16 people.

The pirate groups of the other four emperors all need so many ships for hundreds and thousands of people.

Jiang Siming has sixteen people and ten boats. Although there are a few people, he can stand up to thousands of troops.

The main reason is that this momentum cannot be lost.

Ten treasure ships of Eve, gradually approaching Mary Joa.

Mary Gioia is known as the Holy Land, and it is the place where the Denon people who claim to be the nobles of the world live.

Ever since Fisher Tiger sneaked into Mary Joa to rescue the slaves kidnapped by the Dracos, Mary Joa has become solid.

Not only are the nearby islands guarded by two admirals, tens of thousands of navies patrol the waters around Marigioa daily to prevent such incidents from happening again.

The empress was tied to Mariejoa as a slave before, when she was just a little girl.

This time, returning to this nightmare land again, the empress did not feel scared, on the contrary, she came with a flame of revenge.

As soon as it entered the waters of Marijoa, the Ming Concubine Pirate Group was discovered by the navy.

The admirals guarding here are the old acquaintances Green Pheasant and Green Bull.

"Green Pheasant General! It's not good! The Ming Concubine Pirate Group has appeared in the sea area of ​​the Holy Land!"

The green pheasant, who was lying on a chair wearing a blindfold and sleeping, was awakened by the men who rushed in.

Hearing the five words Mingfei Pirate Group, the green pheasant was awakened instantly, and his blindfold was also torn off.

"What you said is true?"

"It's true. There are ten ships in total, and each of them has the Mingfei Pirate Flag on the sails. The brothers dare not approach."

The green pheasant realized that something was wrong, and the concubine pirate group, who had disappeared for nearly a year, appeared again this time, it was actually in Maria!

What is Jiang Siming going to do?

As early as in the competition, the world government and navy headquarters listed the Ming Fei Pirate Group as the most dangerous enemy, none of them.

Even the menace of the Ming Concubine Pirate Group, even the merger of the Four Emperors, was not so great.

Jiang Siming's current strength is bottomless, and Kaido was seriously injured in a single move in the competition.

It is estimated that the Four Emperors plus one piece may not be able to beat him.

What's even more outrageous is that his crew is also very tough.

The top three of the competition are all his people, Weiwei, Empress, Nami, Taotu, Nuoqigao, and Baixing, each of them has the power of generals!

Many people even speculate that the empress and Weiwei already have the strength of the four emperors, but no one can confirm it.

Compared with the Ming Concubine Pirates, Luffy's father Monkey D. Long's revolutionary army can only be considered a family.

Even if it was the Rocks Pirates 40 years ago, it can't be compared with the Ming Fei Pirates now.

This era is destined to become the era of Jiang Siming!

The world government and navy headquarters have nothing to do with the current Ming Fei Pirate Group.

They still want to show all their cards in the plan to encircle the White Beard Pirates, how can they beat the Ming Fei Pirates?

Unless the Four Emperors are willing to cooperate with them, maybe there will be a chance.

They also tried this plan, but apart from the aunt's willingness, the other three did not agree at all.

Kaido was frightened by Jiang Siming, and he knew the horror of Jiang Siming.

The relationship between Baibei and Hongfa Shanks is so strong with Jiang Siming, how could they cooperate with the navy? It would be nice not to beat them with Jiang Siming.

Therefore, the navy headquarters and the world government have no way to deal with the Mingfei Pirates.

Fortunately, they think that although the Ming Concubine Pirate Group is very strong, their target should only be Ravdrew.

They think they should still have time to figure out how to deal with Jiang Siming.

But never expected that Jiang Siming came to Mary Joa at this time!

At this time, General Green Bull rushed into the command room of the green pheasant and said in a panic, "Green pheasant, Ming..."

"I already know." The green pheasant looked ugly.

"What the **** is he here? Isn't he trying to attack Mary Joa?" Green Bull asked.

"Impossible. He hasn't been so bold yet. He should just want to negotiate with the five old stars. Yes, it should be just a negotiation."

In the concept of the green pheasant, absolutely no one would dare to attack Mary Gioia so boldly, which is tantamount to a fantasy.

Tiger only sneaked in back then to release slaves.

Dare to fight Mary Joa, it is tantamount to forge feuds with the world government and the navy headquarters at the same time, or the kind of endless death.

Does Jiang Siming dare?

He must not dare!

"Then what shall we do now?" Green Bull asked with sweat.

"You immediately notify General Ganggukong and ask him to contact the Marshal of the Warring States Period immediately to figure out a countermeasure. I will go to see Jiang Siming and ask him what he wants." Qing Pheasant made a decision immediately.

The navy headquarters immediately rushed like ants on a hot pot.

The green pheasant immediately boarded the navy warship, scoring tens of thousands of naval soldiers, and came to the Ming Fei Pirate Group.

The two gangs stood apart tensely across the sea.

Of course, only the green pheasant was nervous.

The Concubine Ming Pirates are not nervous at all here.

The green pheasant took the lead to stand on the highest deck of the warship, and looked at Jiang Siming, who was also standing on the deck of the most central Eve treasure ship, and was in a moody mood.

"Emperor Jiang, is there something to come to Mary Joa this time?"

The green pheasant asked politely, and even used the word "Jiang Huang" to give Zujiang Siming face.

It is also convenient for subsequent negotiations.

However, Jiang Siming didn't give face at all.

"What else can I do here? Of course, I'm here to fight the Tianlongren."

"This..." The green pheasant was dumb, frowning and said: "Jiang Huang, I want to know why?"

Jiang Siming smiled lightly, and the cloak woven by the empress behind her fluttered in the wind, hunting.

"The reason is simple. My Hancock told me that she was kidnapped to Mary Joa as a slave when she was a child, so I plan to get justice for my Hancock. What's the problem?"

On the boat next to him, the empress was almost not moved to cry when she heard these words. If it wasn't for the time, she would have to fly to Jiang Siming's boat to hold him and cry hard~

The green pheasant is quite speechless, eldest brother, can such old sesame seeds and rotten grains be the reason?

You directly said that you were wanted by the navy when you first went to sea. Now that you don't think of opening Sen, you have to come and attack us!

"Emperor Jiang, please think twice. If you do it, the world government and navy headquarters will do it at the same time. It will definitely cause a big war. If you return now, my green pheasant swears that you will use your life to guarantee you will not Any trouble."

"Green Pheasant, you are a good navy, but it's a pity that you have allegiance to the wrong person. This time I will kill the Tianlong people. From now on, the navy headquarters will be loyal to me."

Jiang Siming said with a bright smile.

But this smile in the eyes of the green pheasant is like a madman, like a demon.

What a crazy person is this to have such a crazy idea?

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