I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1963: Offensive Maria!

"Nonsense, I don't want to say more, now I'll give you a choice. First, obediently let go, and I will keep you okay if you don't participate in this war; second, continue to stop and become cannon fodder."

Jiang Siming was too lazy to grind, and declared war aggressively.

The green pheasant was sweating profusely. He knew that his strength, coupled with the tens of thousands of soldiers, was basically a man's arm as a car in Jiang Siming's eyes.

But as a navy admiral, let him grit his teeth and choose the second one.

Jiang Siming didn't mean to be indecisive. He waved his hand and opened the horn of war!

All of the thermal weapons on the ten treasure ships of Eve are turned on, and they do not require manual operation, and are fully automated to target the tens of thousands of navies.

Boom boom boom!

Tom Tom Tom!

The green pheasant looked up, and dense shells flew towards them.

I can see that the scalp of the green pheasant is numb, what kind of firepower is this? A hundred warships can't produce this kind of firepower!

Facing the cannonballs flying in the sky, the green pheasant gritted his teeth and used the technique of ice to form an ice wall to block the warship.

But his ability can only protect a few nearby warships, and warships in other places are miserable.

The sound of shells suddenly sounded at this moment!

One encounter, three warships were hit hard, and one of them had already begun to sink.

Thousands of soldiers aboard the warship were chaotic and could only choose to jump into the sea to escape.

The green pheasant has no choice but to drag it hard and drag it to other navy futures for support.

Soon, except for the remaining four warships near him, all other warships were scrapped and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Countless naval soldiers struggled desperately on the sea, screaming everywhere.

Although the green pheasant couldn't bear it, he didn't have time to look after him.

Because at this time, Xiao Baixing has flown out to deal with him!

Seeing that Bai Xing made the move, the green pheasant was a little relieved, he didn't think that Bai Xing was his opponent.

During the tournament, Bai Xing's strength was within twelve, but it was only the last of the twelve.

And he was ninth.

Ninth and twelfth, no suspense, right?

However, the green pheasant had no idea how terrifying Xiao Baixing's talent was. In the past year, Xiao Baixing's strength has grown to the same level as Nami.

This is when Nami and the others are also improving in cultivation.

After only a dozen moves, the green pheasant was defeated by Bai Xing and was seriously injured and unconscious.

As soon as the green pheasant fell, the other navy soldiers had no intention to fight anymore, and turned around and ran back.

"Husband, do you want to chase them?" The empress asked Jiang Siming across the boat.

Jiang Siming shook his head: "Don't worry about these salted fish, our purpose is Mary Joa, keep going."

After the girls listened, they set off again and headed for Maria.

At this time, the navy headquarters and the world government had already received news, and they were about to become a mess.

World government conference room.

"This man is so arrogant that he dared to attack Mary Joa and seek his own death!"

"Now is not the time to vent, we have to find a way to prevent him from getting close to Mary Joa."

"Yes, there are Tianlong people living above. If the Tianlong people make a mistake, Master Yim will definitely be furious this time."

"Immediately mobilize all the nearby navies, Commander-in-Chief Kongkong, you personally lead the army, even if you can't beat it, you must hold it back. I will let the Warring States army lead the army to support you."



Not only was the world government messed up, but other places were messed up because of the news.

Revolutionary Army headquarters.

"This kid is so kind, why didn't I see that this person has such potential back then." Father Lu Fei looked at the news, and now he can't believe it.

A few years ago, Jiang Siming asked him to challenge him, and he was in Luoge Town.

Jiang Siming couldn't even beat him at the time.

But now only in the past few years, Jiang Siming has become the world's strongest man, and he also leads the world's strongest pirate group.

The key is that this person's purpose is the same as him, and they all want to overthrow the rule of the Heavenly Dragons.

Father Lu Fei looked at Jiang Siming's picture, wishing his son was not Lu Fei but Jiang Siming.

Take a look at Jiang Siming, and think about how his son is still dreaming of being the One Piece every day. There is a gap, there is nothing!

Monkey D. Long, who thought his son was okay, instantly felt that Luffy was a jerk.

"According to my order, the entire revolutionary army must assemble and send troops, fisherman island!"


Four emperors.

White Beard: "Goo la la la... As expected, it is Jiang Xiao, there is nothing you dare not do, sons, please go down, today's banquet is cancelled, and you can enter a state of battle at any time!"

Red hair: "Oh, Lord Demon is going to attack Maria Gioria? Should I try to persuade me, I wonder if Lord Demon will give me this face."


Murloc Island.

King: "Ouuuuu, Lord Devil abducted my daughter and took her to do such a dangerous thing."

Grand Prince: "Father, what shall we do?"

King: "Also, raise up troops to support Lord Demon God!"


All parts of the world have been shaken by this battle.

But at this time, the Ming Concubine Pirate Group was getting closer and closer to Mary Joa.

Gang Gukong led tens of thousands of naval soldiers to stop, but suffered the same treatment as the green pheasant.

They were greeted by the sky cannonballs and Nami and their skill attacks.

Thunderstorm, hurricane, raging fire, sword rain...

Each skill was more terrifying than artillery fire, and the navy suffered a lot.

As the highest commander, Gang Gukong was powerless, because Jiang Siming was staring at him at this time.

This is the first time Gang Gukong has seen Jiang Siming. This rumor is that the demon **** who is the world's strongest man is standing opposite him.

To be honest, Ganggukong felt unprecedented pressure.

"Commander Gang Bone, I don't want to do anything to your navy, and I hope you don't force me." Jiang Siming stared at Gang Bone Kong's eyes and said slowly.

Steel bones are hollow and iron bones are clambering, and resolutely said: "I don't want to face you either, but your behavior is already rebellious, and I have to stop you!"

"The dynasty change is normal. The winner is the king. Don't you understand this truth? I ask you one last time, get out of the way, or die!"

Ganggukong was silent for a moment, then... got out of position and ordered the attack to stop.

Ganggukong said that he really wasn't counseling, but he knew that even if they fight to death, their navy will only be wiped out.

At the very least, they had to wait for the Warring States to lead their troops to come over before they could fight Jiang Siming.

Otherwise, if you fight hard now, you will be gradually defeated by Jiang Siming, right?

It's really not him! This is called tactics!

"Very well, Chief Steel, I believe this is the wisest decision you have made!"

Jiang Siming smiled with satisfaction, passing through the steel-bonded navy and their navy, and continued to drive towards Maria.

This time the Ming Consort Pirates successfully arrived at the landing port of Mary Joa.

Just kill all of Mary Joa's dragons, and then find Yimu to kill, and it's over.

Victory is close at hand!


Third more~

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