I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1964: Destroy Tianlongren first!

Just when the Ming Concubine Pirate Group was about to land ashore, the Marshal Senguo and his army rushed over.

Almost all the elite of the Navy came out.

There are more than 300,000 navy soldiers alone!

The navy's strongest combat capabilities are all present.

The strongest combat power of the navy headquarters has almost come out of the navy headquarters, including steel skeleton air, warring states, kapu, crane, ain, yellow ape, vine tiger, green bull, etc.

Not only that, but also mobilized all the pacifists, that is, the robotic tyrant bear and various more powerful weapons that have been secretly researched and never released.

It can be said that this is the most exaggerated combat power ever deployed by the navy headquarters.

There are not even a few people left in the headquarters of Malin Vandor. This is a good example.

The entire sea area was almost completely surrounded.

Just to encircle and suppress 16 people.

"Husband, I'm afraid it's a little troublesome." The empress frowned.

Jiang Siming didn't expect so many people from the navy, but his expression didn't panic.

"Deal with the dragon people first, as long as the dragon people are wiped out, the navy will naturally not fight to death. I plan to keep them and be loyal to us."

Jiang Siming had no plans to destroy the navy now.

There is nothing wrong with the Navy. The fault lies with the people they are loyal to.

Just like the soldiers and generals in ancient times, they can't decide the overall situation, they can only follow the emperor's will.

The emperor is Mingjun, and the soldiers will definitely be the talents.

But if the emperor is a faint emperor, the soldiers will find it difficult to get out of the mud even if they want to protect themselves.

"But, will they let us land?" Robin worried.

They have never participated in the top war, and have never seen such a scene.

This is more than ten times larger than the scale of the war at the top.

The comparison between Tu Moling and this is simply a playoff.

Jiang Siming smiled lightly: "They will definitely not let us land, but they have nothing to do with us."

After all, Jiang Siming took several shots with both hands towards the void.

A huge enchantment began to extend from his body, forming a huge encirclement.

It didn't take long to enshroud the entire Mary Joa!

The small enchantment technique was released to the maximum range, which was also the maximum range that Jiang Siming could perform during the Yuan Ying period.

This also made Jiang Siming emptied all his true energy in an instant. In the early days of Yuan Ying, he wanted to create such a large enchantment, and the consumption was not ordinary.

But Jiang Siming didn't care at all, and threw a fairy bean into his mouth, filling up his qi again.

The navy outside has been blocked outside the barrier.

People outside can't get in, people inside can't get out.

Pig, shut up and kill!

"Let's go, work, my ladies." Jiang Siming waved his hand and led fifteen charming little ladies to land on Maria Island!

There is a small enchantment technique, you don't even need to control the ship, and all the crew disembark.

The navy outside was anxious, but could not help it.

"What's the matter? Why can't you make it?" Gang Bone said annoyed.

"Commander, there is an invisible barrier around here that hinders us!" The Warring States' expression was bad.

Although they don't know how this barrier came, they can be sure that Jiang Siming must have made it.

God knows how many unique skills this guy has.

"That's not easy. Let all the pacifists bombard the barrier and break the barrier." Karp said.

Everyone also agreed. Zhan Tao Maru immediately launched pacifists, and hundreds of tyrant bear robots aimed at the barrier that appeared in the void and launched shelling.


The pacifists’ lasers hit the barrier, and hundreds of laser cannons fired continuously.

Even the hard Hailou stone has to be blown into slag.

However, the shocking thing, the barrier remained intact, not even a crack.

"Impossible! Call up other weapons and attack together!" Ganggukong did not believe in this evil.

The navy is still struggling to break the barrier.

And Jiang Siming and the others have already begun to slaughter in Mariejoa!

Marijoa is the place where all the Tianlong people live. Jiang Siming started from the periphery, forming an encirclement with the Empress and them one by one, starting from the periphery and slaying inside.

To deal with the Tianlongren, there is no need for any pity at all.

Even the kind-hearted Keya and Konis had already hated the rule of the Dragonites, and they did not show mercy.

From this moment on, Mary Joa became the **** of the dragon people, the dragon people fleeing and screaming, at this moment there is no more arrogant disguise.

It is because being a ruler for too long makes them completely forget about cultivation, and the desire for power has dazzled their minds for years.

In their eyes, apart from themselves, other races are their puppets. As long as they control the navy and the world government, they are invincible.

This is also the reason why the Tianlong people are so weak, except for the five old stars and Yim, there is not even a decent opponent.

Nami and the others were killed effortlessly, crushing them all the way.

There were countless deaths and injuries among the Tianlong people, and those who escaped by chance ran desperately to the center of Mariejoa, seeking shelter from the five old stars.

Some Tianlong people wanted to leave Mary Joa in the chaos, but found that they couldn't get out.

This is really no way to the sky, no way down to the ground, despair, shrouded in each of them.

Finally, when advancing to the center position, the five old men of the Tianlongren appeared.

The five old stars are also the masters of the world government, they are only convinced by Yimu.

And their own strength is also extraordinary.

Jiang Siming could tell at a glance that each of these five old men had at least the strength of the four emperors.

Also, if the Tianlong people were really so vulnerable, how could the navy headquarters convince them for so many years.

Five figures with the strength of the Four Emperors plus one, no wonder the navy can only obey orders.

But Jiang Siming faced the five old stars, but he had no idea of ​​doing anything.

Just so, let them be Nami and their grindstones, and the five four emperors will cooperate in strength, and they will fight with all the crew of the Mingfei Pirate Group.

"Leave it to you." Jiang Siming smiled lightly.

"My husband, rest assured, we won't let you down."

The female emperor said grimly, taking the lead, and being the first to attack the five old stars!

The five old men were a little confused when they saw the empress disagree.

Sister, we actually didn't want to fight, we just wanted to negotiate with you, what do you mean by doing it?

"Emperor Jiang, let them stop first, we have something to say!" The old man with the original Ghost in his hand hurriedly shouted to Jiang Siming.

However, Jiang Siming was indifferent, and instead said leisurely: "There are farts waiting for you to survive."

"Damn, Jiang Siming, don't you have to die with us, don't be too proud, Master Yim hasn't left the customs, her horror is not what you can imagine!" The old man said angrily.

"Don't worry, wait for you to die, and then she will be her." Jiang Siming said that he even had time to smoke.

And here, the Empress and the others have all acted. Fifteen women, all of them, all shot together, all of them are killing moves!

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