I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1965: I am the king!

This battle, earth-shattering, destroyed more than half of Mariagioa's island.

This level and level of a deadly battle is the first time it has occurred.

The sea near Mariagioa soared, almost flooding the last remaining peninsula.

The five old stars were extremely frustrated, and each of these fifteen opponents was an existence that made them feel tricky.

If they don't panic one by one, these women don't talk about the rules of the world at all.

Group offense, three or three siege, and the tacit understanding of the actions, the coordination is perfect.

Every time this side just blocks the next wave of offense, there must be another trick that will kill you behind or sideways.

The five old men were frightened.

The most terrible thing is that even if they are fighting against them, they spend a lot of energy exchanging skills with them, intent on using attrition.

But these women threw a bean into their mouth while hitting, and then the state instantly returned to fullness, and then they continued to rush to hit.

It's so special... I'm still getting a hairy!

Just when Wu Lao Xing was a little desperate, these women stopped.

No, they did not stop, but sent the weakest members to continue fighting with them.

This made the five world lords quite annoyed. Even if they beat them up, if they are almost out of strength now, let them feed the weakest member?

Use them as sharpening stones? Is there anything like this?

"Damn it! I'm going to kill you!"

The five leaders were furious.

Regardless of whether you can win or not, go ahead and do it.

During the whole process, Jiang Siming really didn't make a move.

In this level of battle, the female emperors are growing rapidly, especially the weakest ones, and their strength and combat experience are rising rapidly.

Jiang Siming smiled with satisfaction. It seemed that he could really finish the task this time.

Although they chose to work hard, these five old men still couldn't beat them.

From the beginning, he could counterattack, but at the back he could only wear out defense.

Even if each of them is the strength of the Four Emperors, they still cannot escape the fate of being crushed by the Ming Concubine Pirate Group.

Seeing that they were about to run out of energy, they were killed one by one.

At this time, there was a vision in the sky at the center of Mary Gioia!

A female figure blinked from the sky like a ghost and appeared in front of the Ming Concubine Pirates.

Under this figure, there was an awkward and ugly woman.

When she saw this woman, the empress's expression clearly changed several times.

Because this woman is the culprit who once brought her nightmares.

When the five old stars saw this man, they were overjoyed, and they shouted respectfully in unison: "Meet Lord Yim!"

"She is Yim?" Jiang Siming muttered a little disappointed.

He thought that the legendary Yim was a terrific character, and his emotions were nothing special except ugliness.

The empress beside her nodded and said, "It is her. She controls the world government and navy headquarters. She is the highest commander in the world, and the five old stars are also directly under her jurisdiction."

At this time, Eam looked at the five old stars who were unable to resist by the arms.

She turned her head and threatened Jiang Siming, "If you dare to kill them, I will let you and your women be buried."

Jiang Siming didn't talk any nonsense, only one word: "Kill."

Just finished speaking, the women moved their hands without hesitation.

These five old men, pawns.

Eim almost didn't believe his eyes, looked at the five capable men who had lost their lives and fell to the ground for two seconds before he was sure that they were really dead.

"You! Unforgivable!"

Yim was angry and was about to tear Jiang Siming and his Ming Concubine Pirate Group to pieces.

For so many years, no one has dared to provoke her so much!

Im moved!

Her strength can also be regarded as the world's first besides Jiang Siming.

At least several grades better than the Four Emperors.

Unfortunately, she met Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming in the Yuan Ying period is already invincible in One Piece.

In just a few rounds, Yim was seriously injured.

Seeing that the enemy's strength was too strong, Yim immediately chose to surrender and said that he was willing to return to Jiang Siming.

He even said that he could join the Ming Concubine Pirate Group to warm Jiang Siming's bed.

It's a pity that Jiang Siming punched him to death before he finished speaking.

Damn, it's time to act faster. After hearing this, I can't eat today.

The fall of Yimu and the Five Old Stars also represents the end of this war.

So far, the highest leader and strongest of the Tianlong people have all fallen.

Mary Joa, there is no power to stop the pirates of the Ming concubine group, being bloodbathed!

The whole day passed, Mary Joa, there was no longer alive Draco.

Then, Jiang Siming opened the barrier of Mary Joa.

The navy who finally came in were all dumbfounded when they saw the status quo of Mary Joa, and even Gang Bing Kong and Warring States forgot to command.

Tianlongren, actually... was really killed...

Including Yim and the Five Old Stars, they all died.

My God, what happened to Mary Joa on this day?

Although they don't know, but they know a little, the sky has changed, and the sky has changed!

Jiang Siming stood on the top of the tallest clock tower that had not been destroyed, and looked down at the hundreds of thousands of navy below.

"From today, there will be no Tianlong people, and no world government. There is only one person, Jiang Siming."

Jiang Siming spoke to all the navy.

"Your navy, you no longer need to be loyal to the Tianlong people in the future. The goal of your loyalty is only me. Those who follow me will prosper against me and die. Are there any objections?"

All the navies were dumbfounded and speechless for a while.

At this time, Zhan Momomaru was the first to stand up and oppose: "I oppose! We are absolutely...er..."

Before Zhan Taowan finished speaking, his head left his body and flew out.

The presence was silent.

But there are still people who are not afraid of death.

Karp stood up and roared: "Our navy will not surrender to the pirates, you die!"

Jiang Siming didn't do anything to him, there was no way, after all, the grandfather of a good friend.

"Master Karp, then let me ask you, is there any difference between what the dragon people have done over the years and the pirates? Who is more hateful?"

Karp was stunned when asked about the pain.

Jiang Siming sneered: "You surrender to the Tianlong people because the power of the five old stars and the Eim is far greater than you, but now, I have solved them, and your subject of surrender should be replaced by me. Yes, you are looking for the owner anyway, so naturally you will find the strongest owner who can protect you, right?

These words made all the navy's faces flushed, but Jiang Siming said nothing wrong.

They had succumbed to the lewdness of Yim and the Five Old Stars.

It’s just that I’ve been accustomed to listening to commands for too long, too many years.

Suddenly the Tianlongren fell, and they were a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Siming continued: "From today, the Ming Concubine Pirate Group will be dissolved. My goal is to overthrow the Heavenly Dragon."

"From now on, I am the lord of the world, and I am the king!"

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