I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1966: Are you teaching me to do things?

When Jiang Siming said this, no one objected.

All the navies bowed their heads in silence, which in fact also tacited the fact that Jiang Siming became the new master of the world.

This world is always respected by the strong, the five old stars and Yimu are too powerful, so the navy has to bow and obey.

Now, when a stronger person appears, he can naturally become the new boss.

"You are the king of the world and we have no objection, but you can't let our navy do damaging things for you." Karp said.

Jiang Siming raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Are you teaching me to do things?"

Karp blushed, but didn't dare to talk back.

Jiang Siming smiled again and said, "Don't worry, I'm not from the Sky Dragon, and I don't want to be a leader like the Sky Dragon."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and hoped that Jiang Siming's words were more than just a polite remark.

Since there was no more opinion, Ganggukong and Zeng Guo looked at each other, and then took the lead to bow down, leaving all the navy on their knees.

"Meet the king!"

At this moment, Jiang Siming completely became the master of the world of "One Piece".

It's not fragrant to dominate the world, and it is too low to have to fight with Luffy, a young addicted boy, about the One Piece.

However, Jiang Siming also knew that although he received the allegiance of the navy headquarters, the world is still not hiss.

At least the four emperors are the biggest trouble.

At exactly this time, the four emperors who rushed here appeared one after another.

Aunt, white beard, red hair, Kaido.

All four of them came here, and the purpose of the four came for different.

Baibeard is purely to support Jiang Siming.

The redhead wanted to persuade her.

Naturally, the aunt and Kaido wanted to come to the bottom.

But the goals of the four were defeated, because the battle was already over.

And seeing the bodies of Yimu and Wu Lao Xing, and when the navy surrendered to Jiang Siming, the four sea emperors were so shocked that they could not speak.

Ace stood behind the white beard, staring at Jiang Siming, who was above ten thousand people, and swallowed hard.

"Big Brother Jiang... good cow breaking..."

Only then did the Four Emperors understand.

No wonder Jiang Siming, the Five Emperors, was always interested in treasures and the like, and even more dismissed the title of One Piece.

It turns out that his goal is the whole world.

The aunt and Kaido began to tremble in their hearts, and they both planned to turn the bow and leave secretly.

"It's all here, so don't leave. I have to send someone to notify you if I save it."

Jiang Siming looked at the aunt and Kaido's Pirate Ship in the distance, and said coldly.

The two sea emperors who had always been arrogant and domineering, were stared at them with hairy and cold sweat.

"What's the matter?" Kaido asked bitterly.

Jiang Siming said indifferently: "Nothing else. Starting today, the Kaido Hundred Beasts and the BIGMOM Pirates will hand over all the islands and cities under their control, and the navy will send people to take over and re-manage them."

"Also, your two teams are the most powerful of the four emperors and the most restless. Therefore, I will select some members from your two teams to join the navy, and the number of personnel must not exceed 300. "

Kaido and the aunt almost didn't violently hear this request, which is equivalent to killing them half their lives.

Hand over the occupied territory, where will they stay?

The most terrible thing is to reduce the size of their members and recruit personnel to join the navy.

Doesn't this mean that they are forcibly slashing their strength.

Damn, Irelia didn't cut it like that, right?

"I don't agree! Go in your dreams!" The aunt objected first.

There is no need for Jiang Siming to do it, fifteen Ming concubines are dispatched at the same time!

The target is directed at the Aunt Pirates.

Even though the Aunt Pirates, which had a super strong lineup and troops, faced the siege of fifteen Ming concubines, it could only collapse in an instant.

The aunt, one of the four emperors, was severely injured.

Let alone those sons of the aunt.

The five old stars are not the opponents of the Ming concubines, let alone the four emperors.

When Weiwei's sword was resting on her neck, she was scared and chose to admit it.

"I agree! I promised it!"

In order to save her life, the aunt also chose to surrender.

But the aunt has been thinking hard about how to marry Jiang Siming.

As long as you marry him, Jiang Siming is the lord of the world, isn't she the queen of the world?

Think there is still a little longing.

"Very good, Kata Kuri, Smoky, Perot..."

Jiang Siming called seven or eight names in a row, and they were all her sons who were the most powerful warrior under the aunt.

The aunt didn't hear a name, her heart was bleeding once, Jiang Siming was about to break her wings completely.

"You guys, get out and go to the navy from now on."

Although Kata Kuri and the others were unwilling, they could only come out one by one.

A few people were thinking in their hearts, when you are a navy, you will be a navy, just as an undercover agent for your mother. When the time is right, you will come together with your mother and annihilate Jiang Siming!

However, their thoughts only existed for a few seconds before they all disappeared.

Not only this thought disappeared, but the memories of them and the aunt also disappeared.

Jiang Siming erased their memories, he didn't want to let restless people do things for him.

No one knew that Jiang Siming secretly deleted their amnestics.

Even the aunt didn't know, even she had an idea with her sons, waiting to find a chance to revenge.

Either get married or get revenge!

It's a pity that she didn't even know that her sons had completely forgotten her.

After the aunt has dealt with it, it's Kaido's turn.

Jiang Siming glanced at Kaido, Kaido's huge body visibly trembled.

Scared, scared, really scared.

"Master King, Kaido is willing to surrender and surrender the site, but can my people not join the navy?"

Kaido didn't bother to compete with Jiang Siming. Auntie was the best example. Why should he ask for trouble and fight this kind of frame without any suspense.

"No." Jiang Siming refused bluntly.

Kaido gritted his teeth and finally agreed.

In the same way, Kaido's strongest men were also incorporated into the navy.

The two four emperors simply surrendered.

This means of dominating the world, Jiang Siming is 10,000 times better than Im.

A ruler must never allow the existence of forces that threaten his status.

The Four Emperors are the biggest threat right now. Jiang Siming raised his sword and fell, and he was finished.

After the two four emperors were cut, their strength was greatly reduced, and the navy was strengthened.

One piece and one relaxation, one loses one's strength, and the other is power!

The two most powerful four emperors have stopped cooking, leaving only the white beard and red hair.

Jiang Siming looked at the red-haired Shanks first.

The red hair was first spotted by Jiang Siming, he coughed awkwardly, and said, "Can you...give me a face..."


Yesterday’s update has been completed, and today’s third watch is next, and I just made it!

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