I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1971: Scold you

The Star Master whose secret was punctured by a word.

First surprised, then smiled bitterly.

"You're "prying" my company, right?"

"Now that you know, then you should understand that I didn't lie to you, Mr. Jiang, I am honored that you came to me specifically for this matter, but I..."

Before Xingye finished speaking, Jiang Siming put a pill on the table.

"This medicine is designed to treat depression. It is invaluable. You will get better if you take it."

Master Xing smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, you don't need to comfort me in this way. Even if I am stupid, I know that there is no cure for depression."

Jiang Siming sat on the sofa of Xing Ye's house, and naturally chose a comfortable sitting position and leaned against the cushion.

"Mr. Zhou, maybe you still don't know me or my company. We can do all medicines like Qing Ai Pill. It seems that there is no need to make a fuss when a medicine for treating depression has been developed?"

Master Xing's eyes were dull for a second, igniting the light of hope, and then tentatively asked: "Mr. Jiang is serious?"

"Do I need to come all the way to lie to you? Or do you think I need to use this method to lie to you to participate in the small program of our company." Jiang Siming asked rhetorically.

Master Xing answered this letter, picked up the pill, and asked happily, "Mr. Jiang, how much is this pill? I bought it."

Of course, Lord Star is happy. No one spares his life. Depression is the most troublesome disease, because money can't be cured.

It will become more and more serious.

The generation of king Leslie Cheung did not jump off the building because of depression, but he still feels sorry to think about it.

He and Leslie Cheung are very good friends, and in 1992 they filmed "Happy Family" together.

"If you don't need money, if you give it to you, just be a friend. After all, I grew up watching your movies." Jiang Siming chuckled.

Master Xing was a little bit happy and very honored, the world's richest man is his fan!

"Mr. Jiang, do you want to use this pill to let me participate in the show?" Master Xing asked tentatively. In fact, if it was true, he would definitely agree.

Isn't it just to participate in a program? People have cured their incurable disease.

Jiang Siming shook his head and denied: "Healing you is a cure. Inviting you to participate in the show is another matter. Don't confuse it. When you get better, we will discuss the show."

Master Xing was silent for a few seconds, nodded, and swallowed the pill.

After taking the medicine, he immediately said to Jiang Siming: "Mr. Jiang, let's talk about the show."

"You don't have to wait to see if this medicine is effective?"

"No, I believe Mr. Jiang."

"That's fine, let's talk about the show."

Jiang Siming began to talk about the show with the star. When it heard that it was related to the actors' acting skills, the star immediately became interested.

He likes to specialize in everything around filming, and he can immediately turn it into his hobby.

After listening to the introduction of the show, Master Xing had agreed.

"I am willing to participate, but Mr. Jiang, I have two things and I have to tell you in advance."

"But it's okay to say." Jiang Siming raised his hand to signal.

Star Master said: "First, I am a person with a straightforward personality. If there are any guests who do not perform well and are murdered by me, it may affect the show."

After hearing this, Jiang Siming replied in seconds: "You are fierce, even if you scold, the shadow will not affect you, don't think about it, I hope you can take off the fig leaf of those guests who are embarrassed in acting."

Master Xing was relieved, and then said: "The last one, I have something to do these days. Maybe you said that the latest issue will not come, but I will definitely arrive in the next issue."

This made Jiang Siming think for a moment, but he agreed happily.

At this point, cooperation has been negotiated.

Xing Ye happily shook hands with Jiang Siming.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, I found that my illness seems to be getting better, and I am not depressed or depressed at all now."

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "Then wait for you to recover and make more good movies in the future. I look forward to watching."

Master Xing nodded his head again and again, and smiled likewise: "When I'm ready to take the photo, please watch it first!"

Filming is his favorite. He devoted his life to the film industry, and he is still single even now.

When the matter was settled, Jiang Siming didn't stay, and said goodbye to Master Xing, just in time for Li Cheng to send someone to pick him up.

Originally, Jiang Siming wanted to go back to Shanghai directly, but remembering the inexplicable words his father-in-law said, he got in the car and went to his father-in-law's house.

When I arrived at the Li's mansion, I found a car arrived earlier than them.

The car in front stopped first, the door was opened by the driver, and the girl who got in and out of the car was a girl who was dressed in ordinary clothes but looked amazing.

Following the girl out of the car, there was an old lady in a white coat.

When the girl got out of the car, she was stunned by the luxurious manor in front of her. She suddenly felt that she was out of step with the environment here.

Seeing the old lady getting off the car, she hurriedly asked quietly: "Dean, what are you taking me here for?"

The old lady chuckled and said, "Didn't you always wonder why your luck is so good lately? It's your father who got the investment from the boss, your mother who became the manager, and you became the assistant to the dean."

The girl nodded, her eyes filled with confusion.

Since the hospital accident that day, her life has changed drastically.

First, the rich second-generation people who had been coming to the hospital to pester her all disappeared. She was also stunned by the dean, so that she didn't need to be a nurse, and acted as an assistant to the dean.

And her parents also followed it as if they had some luck. First, Dad’s shop was bought by the mysterious owner, and he gave Dad a large share for free.

My mother works in a shopping mall and has always been a grassroots salesperson.

But suddenly the head office ran over and asked her mother to be the store manager.

During this period, the girl seemed to be dreaming, she didn't know why so many good things suddenly happened to her house.

Hearing what the dean said, the girl woke up in an instant, looked at this grand manor, and asked: "The dean, do you mean that the owner of this manor did all this for me?"

"Yes, there is a young guy in their family who likes you very much. Today I specially brought you to see him." The old lady said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, after the girl listened, instead of being moved, she refused.

"President, I don't accept this kind of favor, let alone the other party's purpose of doing something different. Thank him for me. I will return everything he gave me. I hope he will not pester me again."

After the girl finished speaking, she turned around and left, with no intention of staying.

Although she hopes to make more money, she just wants to rely on her own efforts instead of accepting...

The good tutoring from a young age made the girl not have that kind of money worshipping thoughts. Now she just wants to leave and escape here.

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