I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1972: Replace one period

Seeing the girl was about to leave, a gentle man came out and hurriedly called the girl.

"Miss Xie, do you remember me?"

The girl turned her head and glanced at the man, her eyes flashed with memories, and she immediately remembered.

"You are Lee..."

Not famous, just remember the last name.

Because when the girl came to Li's house to find Jiang Siming, she only communicated with Li Cheng.

"Just know my surname, it was my dad who invited you, didn't you always want to thank the man in person for saving you from the hospital?" Li Er Gongzi said with a smile.

The girl's eyes lit up and said, "Do you know where he is?"

The second young master of the Li Family smiled bitterly and pointed to the car behind him, and said, "It's on top."

The girl immediately looked at the car after listening.

Jiang Siming in the car was speechless for a while, what the affectionate father-in-law said was this.

What was this called? He had obviously dealt with Li, and sent her away.

Why did you bring it here? I don't know if I am a famous and honest person.

Now Jiang Siming can't get out of the car.

The door opened and Jiang Siming got out of the car.

The girl went to see Jiang Siming's body shape at first glance, and it was indeed the same as the tall man in the driver suit before.

The girl went to look at Jiang Siming's face, and her brain went down on the spot.

This face, even Xiangjiang, is a household name.

Of course she knows it too.

Did he save me? I was saved by the richest man in the world?

What kind of gift should I use to thank others, and what kind of gift he can appreciate, wait online, urgent~

"Your last name is Xie, right?" Jiang Siming walked up to the girl after getting out of the car and asked gently.

Even the voice was the same, the girl was completely convinced.

"Well, my name is Xie Weiyi... that day you..."

"It was a misunderstanding that day. I gave you flowers to chase you because I was undercover. The purpose was to sneak into the fifth floor and save my two wives."

Jiang Siming explained that there is nothing wrong with that, Bing and Huowu is his wife now.

When Xie Weiyi heard these words, somehow, her heart suddenly fell away, like a crowded but cozy cabin, suddenly evacuated, and nothing left.

But Xie Weiyi still endured her emotions and forced her smiley face and said, "It turns out that it is, but thank you for saving me. My parents have always wanted to thank you, and I will say thank you for them."

Jiang Siming waved his hand and said, "It's just a matter of effort to save you. Don't take it too seriously. Live well with your parents. You can see that your parents are good at nurturing children."

Xie Weiyi was a little happier and nodded: "Well, I will."

After speaking, he continued: "Then I will go back first."

The second young master of the Li family immediately gave Jiang Siming a wink and asked him to stay and tease his sister.

However, Jiang Siming was indifferent, and nodded cooperatively like an elm bump, and said: "Okay, I will let the car take you back."

After finishing speaking, he told the driver, Xie Weiyi thanked him again and sat back in the car.

The dean’s old lady was confused, and she was leaving when she came here. What kind of situation...

When the car left, Li Er Shao beat his chest and said, "Brother-in-law, what are you doing? The duck that you got is let go?"

Jiang Si took a look at him and said, "I still want to ask you, when did I say I'm going to soak in someone's house?"

"This is my dad's idea. He said that you have taken a fancy to them, and you have mobilized relationships to give them all kinds of benefits, and you are about to treat her as my daughter-in-law."

Young Master Li is also bitter. If Li Cheng really wants to find Xie Weiyi as his daughter-in-law, of course he is happy.

But the point is, Li Cheng was not looking for him at all, but for his son-in-law.

NND, the first time I heard that his father-in-law actively supported his son-in-law to cuckold his daughter, what a world!

Jiang Siming sighed, he knew it was Li Cheng's idea.

The key is not to blame Li Cheng, after all, it is his father-in-law and it is for his own good.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, it's almost time for dinner, have you prepared it? I have lunch and I have to go back."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he went inside easily, not treating himself as a guest at all.

In fact, he is more important in this home than the Second Young Master Li. As soon as he left, the butler and servants followed his ass. On the contrary, the Second Young Master was ignored by everyone.

At the dinner table, Jiang Siming implicitly stated to his father-in-law that he did not mean that.

But after listening to Li Cheng, he heard Jiang Siming send the girl away, and immediately felt that he was too abrupt.

After all, so many people in the family watched, Jiang Siming was embarrassed to tease his sister.

Li Cheng decided that after Jiang Siming returned, he would continue to be Xie Weiyi's backing.

When Jiang Siming comes next time, choose a night time, and then choose an empty villa for him.

Put the two together, so the son-in-law must be ready to start.

Well, that's it.

Thinking of this, Li Cheng had a lot more appetite than usual.

Jiang Siming didn't know that the old man hadn't given up, he returned to Shanghai after having lunch.

After reporting the situation to Liang Tian, ​​Liang Tian knew that Master Xing had agreed, and was very happy. He clapped his hands and said that the sisters had a good show.

But when Jiang Siming spoke out the request of Master Xing, Liang Tian was melancholy again.

"Can't the latest issue come? Xu Zhen also encountered some unexpected situations abroad. He said that there was a problem with the visa. It seemed that he couldn't come to the latest issue. Then who should I call for the latest issue? They will record one episode of Guo Sixiaoyan?" Liang Tian asked.

"Don't, the show has been greatly changed. These two people must go, otherwise everyone is still not satisfied with it." Jiang Siming said.

Liang Tian also felt that, he began to think about who to look for. This candidate was actually hard to find because it was not a long-term contract, but just let the family come over for a period.

No one likes to do this kind of work. Great directors want face. If you ask someone to come over and serve as a substitute, who would be happy to listen to it.

After thinking about it, Liang Tian suddenly turned his eyes on Jiang Siming.

"Husband, how about you, for the first issue!"

Jiang Siming picked up the billiard cue and hit the hole in one stroke, and said, "Don't make trouble, I will figure out what's going on, besides, I can't replace two people."

Liang Tian said with a smile: "I have a good idea. You replace Xiao Yanzi and let Guo Si continue to serve in the first period. If he continues to be like this in the next period, you will directly attack him."

Liang Tian felt that he must be old and ruthless to make his husband stubborn. This guy shouldn’t be too strong in stubborn skills.

It just so happened that the audience of this show had been resenting Guo Si for a long time, and they wanted to vent a bit, including her and her sisters at home.

If you can let your husband fulfill this wish for them in the show, the ratings of this show will definitely skyrocket.

Hee hee hee.

The more I think about Liang Tian, ​​the more he feels feasible, and he boasted that he is a little genius!

But Jiang Siming said: "I am such a civilized and polite person, it's okay to never stun others."

Just after speaking, a goal must be missed. Jiang Siming slapped the table and cursed: "WDNMD, this didn't make it!"

Liang Tian: "..."


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