I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1974: A performance that sucks

"Let us invite the first group of performers in this issue, Huang Yi will bring "Feng Yue"."

After Da Peng finished reading, the program officially began.

The actors outside were already in place. In order to restore the most realistic movie scenes, the program group restored the environment of the movie fragments one by one.

The props are exactly the same, the costumes of the actors are also perfectly reproduced, and even the accompaniment is not bad at all.

This is to allow actors to enter the show faster, but also to make it easier for the audience to bring in.

There were also programs similar to "Actors" before, but they couldn't do this. They just let the actors dry on the stage.

Not to mention that it is difficult for the audience to enter the play, it is also difficult for the actors to bring their emotions into it.

The performance starts outside, and there is a real-time live broadcast screen in the studio, which clearly captures every bit inside.

Not to mention, there is no difference from the original scene, only the actors have changed.

Huang Yi played the role of Gong Li in the original film. After a scene, many audiences applauded.

Huang Yi is worthy of being an old actor who has played for many years. Even if he challenged the role of Gong Li as a queen, he didn't lose much.

The acting skills are remarkable, and Jiang Siming nodded in recognition.

He is not a layman, the actor is proficient in his skills.

Huang Yi returned to the studio, and Da Peng smiled and said to Jiang Siming: "First, please comment on Mr. Jiang."

The lens and everyone's eyes are cast on Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming chuckled and pointed to the director Chen Kai next to him, and said to everyone: "The movie "Feng Yue" is the work of director Chen Kai. It stands to reason that he is the first person to comment. "

Chen Kai immediately smiled and waved his hand, saying: "This is not a problem, President Jiang, you can comment from the perspective of the producer and the actor."

"Okay, let me just say a few words. In my eyes, the performance of the yellow suit is very qualified. Although it does not surpass the original role, it also performs its own taste, and the performance is very level and emotional..."

Jiang Siming really started talking. Many people thought that Jiang Siming was a layman who didn't understand movies or acting at all.

Unexpectedly, between his words, Chen Kai and Director Erdong nod frequently.

When Jiang Siming finished speaking, Chen Kai immediately answered: "The evaluation of President Jiang is exactly the same as what I wanted to say, and it can also be seen that President Jiang is not a layman. He has a deep knowledge of acting and film. , I think it’s top-notch."

Erdong also agreed with Chen Kai's statement, that is to say, the three directors admired the performance of Huang Yi.

Yellow is also very happy.

But at this moment, Guo Si jumped out and said completely different opinions.

"I have different opinions from the three instructors. I think the performance of Huang Yi is not very good."

After Guo Si finished speaking, he began to talk loudly and explain his views.

But as long as it is a normal person, after listening to him for a long time, I don't know what he is talking about.

After a while, I said that this and this were not done well, and then I said that the mood was not right.

I used a lot of professional terms that I didn't know from which performance book I learned, and I said it all.

At the end, even Chen Kai didn't even know what he was talking about.

However, it is understandable for the instructor to express his own opinions, and now is not the time to score.

After Huang Yi left, the next group was followed by two traffic stars, who played "Chen Qing Ling".

It is the parting part between Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhanyu.

At the beginning of the performance, Jiang Siming had an urge to laugh.

As soon as the two opened the scene, they looked like two zombies, expressionless, and the dialogue was embarrassing to make people get goose bumps.

"Lan Zhan, forgive my waywardness, I'm sorry for this life, if there is another life, I will find a way to pay you back..."

Hearing this, Jiang Siming couldn't help laughing out loud.

Chen Kai and Erdong next to them were also holding back a smile, but they still had scruples and did not dare to laugh.

Jiang Siming doesn't care, this Nima performance really made him laugh, what can he do.

The audience also joined Jiang Siming for fun. It's not that you disrespect people, but you acted a tragic drama into a comedy, no wonder others laughed.

At the end of the performance, the two fresh meat actors came out very happily, probably feeling very good about their performance just now.

"This time, let Director Erdong comment first." Da Peng said.

Erdong didn't want to be this villain, so he quickly pushed the pot to Jiang Siming: "Mr. Jiang, you are here the first day today, so you should come and comment first."

"I think it can." Chen Kai also agreed immediately.

Jiang Siming asked him to comment at a glance. He shrugged and said: "Since the two directors are so'gentle', then I will come first."

After speaking, Jiang Siming directly addressed the two traffic actors: "Your performance just now is really..."

There was a long pause, and then the final word: "So bad that I want to vomit!"

The expressions of the two fresh meats immediately closed themselves.

"I'm thinking that the things you just performed didn't even reach the lowest threshold for acting. Compared with you, the two original characters in the original film who are not very good at acting can be regarded as movie kings!"

The scene was as quiet as death, and the needle drop could be heard.

The audience did not even dare to breathe too loudly.

This... is too fierce.

It's so bad that I want to vomit. I would definitely not dare to say it for other directors. At most, I can criticize a few words euphemistically.

Chen Kai and the others were also secretly afraid, and President Jiang was notoriously dare to speak.

At the beginning, the Kyoto Conference dared to stand up directly and stunned people, big bosses...

However, Jiang Siming did not end, and continued:

"You are not familiar with even the most basic lines. You have to blink ten times to say a sentence. There is no emotion at all. There is also a body language that is like a paralyzed patient. Let alone compare with a real actor, it is on the street. Any kid who has played in the school welcome party will perform better than you guys!"

"I don’t want to talk too much nonsense. Finally, let me say, don’t feel that you have a bit of traffic and a little fan to get involved in the film and television industry. Without this technology, you don’t have this talent. ,that's it."

As soon as Jiang Siming got off the phone, he was over, but the scene was still quiet like a library.

Until Da Peng reacted, he quickly eased a few sentences, and then let Chen Kai and Er Dong two directors shop.

Their comments are actually the same as those of Jiang Siming, except that the words used are not as direct and harsh as Jiang Siming, and are slightly more euphemistic.

"I think my point of view is still different from the three mentors."

At this time, Guo Si jumped out again and said to Jiang Siming with a smile: "Mr. Jiang may not know too much. One of them has never participated in acting. He has zero foundation and zero experience, so Mr. Jiang treats them. The requirements are a bit too high."

"Not demanding, why are they here? Play house?"

Jiang Siming asked back in seconds, and everyone clapped their hands in applause.

Why are you doing this show if you don’t have high expectations for the guests?

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