I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1975: Are you here to find your boyfriend?

The rebellious Guo Si coughed embarrassingly, but still insisted on defending his opinions.

"Mr. Jiang, you have to know that the two of them are newcomers on such a big stage. There must be a lot of pressure. It is inevitable that they will be nervous in the performance."

Jiang Siming sneered and asked again: "Is this the reason? Is this the reason for the poor performance? Which actor has no pressure? How many times would it be NG if they were in this state during the formal filming? How much time wasted on the crew? , I think you are clear?"

Everyone nodded again and again, that is, who is not stressed, it is not an excuse.

Guo Si, who had never lost the original debate, had no words at all, and didn't know what to say.

I can only say something blushing: "Anyway, I think their performance is worthy of praise and encouragement."

Jiang Siming sneered and said, "No wonder I don't have any impression of your films. It turns out that your films are so tolerant and fraternal. What director produces and what film looks very right."

Guo Siyu was speechless, his heart was full of anger, but when he thought of Jiang Siming's identity, he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

Da Peng was afraid that Guo Si's emotional explosion would affect the filming, so he hurried out to be a peacemaker, said a few polite words, and continued to let the show go on.

The two traffic guests were scolded and left crying.

Another group of guests finished their performance. This time all three groups of guests stood on the stage, waiting for the ratings of the four instructors.

Jiang Siming, Erdong, and Chen Kai voted for the best performers.

However, Guo Si was surprised and voted for the traffic star who just played Wei Wuxian, and the most incredible thing is that.

Guo Si also gave this person an S card.

The S card is equal to one vote, and all directors only have two S cards.

Giving an S card means that the actor's acting performance exceeds the original role of the original film to be worthy of this S card.

But Guo Si gave a guest with the worst acting skills.

The audience was stunned by Guo Si's operation.

"Guo, you're not mistaken?" Erdong couldn't believe his eyes.

Chen Kai said in English: "It's incredible."

Guo Si raised his mouth and smiled confidently, and said: "No mistake, I made this decision very carefully. I am optimistic about him. It's as simple as that. I don't care what you think of me, just like I hate certain things. Words cannot stop its existence."

Just when everyone is speechless.

Jiang Siming suddenly came to the side: "Are you looking for an actor or a boyfriend?"


The scene was all amused by these words.

boyfriend? President Jiang's words are too bad, hahaha.

However, Guo Si’s dark history seems to have been exposed before that he is the same...

At the beginning, a fresh meat actor reported him that he was "Qin" by Guo Si and that he also caused this fresh meat actor to "crack".

The other party also took out hospital reports and chat records, which were basically 70% credible.

Because of this news, it was heated up.

But I don't know what method Guo Si did, and the heat soon disappeared, and then it was forgotten by everyone.

But Jiang Siming suddenly made such a cut, which reminded everyone of the incident instantly, and his laughter almost broke.

Guo Si stood up like a cat with its tail stomped on, and pointed at Jiang Siming angrily:

"President Jiang, I hope you will stop making such jokes! This will only show that you are very unqualified!"

Jiang Siming shrugged and said: "I remember someone who said just now that he doesn't care what other people think of him, just like he hates certain speech but can't stop it from existing."

"You..." Guo Si lost his voice again, blushing, but angry but unable to let go.

He was furious, but most of the audience felt very relieved.

President Jiang is really a little genius, this Guo Si is too outrageous, this kind of performance is given to S card, who is not fooling you.

No matter how stupid people are, they will think if Guo Si has anything to do with this little fresh meat, otherwise, how could he be so covered.

Or maybe Guo Si'covets' people's beauty and wants to use this method to win.

Guo Si tried his best to calm down his emotions and said forcefully: "No matter what you say, I have given this S card. This is my power!"

Jiang Siming still said nonchalantly: "Of course, this is your right, and I didn't say that you want to take back your S card. I just expressed my curiosity."

"Humph!" Guo Si snorted coldly, then sat back.

But he has completely become a joke, and the audience is still ‘recollecting’ Jiang Siming’s words, which are wonderful, hahaha.

It is estimated that this program will explode after it is broadcast.

Next, the guest performers will continue and the director will score.

Jiang Siming still doesn't change his poisonous tongue, and he does not hesitate to praise for his outstanding performance.

But I'm sorry for the performance of crotch pulling.

The guests who were scolded and cried one after another.

Even Chen Kai's son was one of the guests, but the performance was not good enough, and he burst into tears like Jiang Siming.

Instead of defending his son, Chen Kai completely took Jiang Siming's side and scolded his son.

Because his son's performance today really disappointed him.

In short, because of Jiang Siming's ‘heart-wrenching hand’, the guests felt nervous at every step.

But the audience was very enjoyable, watching President Jiang cursing, good fellow, it was a kind of enjoyment!

After the entire episode was recorded, Da Peng announced that this episode was over.

Jiang Siming also stood up and stretched, and finally completed the task entrusted by his wife. He went home to eat and never came again.

"Mr. Jiang, this show is really interesting to have you. The next show will continue to come." Chen Kai smiled and said to Jiang Siming.

"Yes, President Jiang, your research on acting and film is deeper than ours, and you are full of authority. You can continue to stay." Erdong also asked to stay.

Guo Si next to him secretly scolded two flatters in his heart, and he wished that Jiang Siming would disappear.

Jiang Siming shook his head and said, "No, I'm here to replace someone. He should come in the next issue."

"Who?" Erdong asked curiously.

Jiang Siming smiled mysteriously and said, "You will know when that happens, and you will never be disappointed."

"Will you not come back in the next few issues?" Erdong asked a little bit reluctantly.

Jiang Siming nodded affirmatively: "Yes."

Erdong and Chen Kailuo were disappointed.

Only Guo Si had fun in his heart, haha, it’s best not to come, if he leaves, he can continue to gain popularity in this show!

"Actor" was broadcast on Gulu Video within two days after the recording.

Because "Le" hasn't been updated yet, everyone ran to watch "Actor". This is amazing. The latest issue of "Actor" is completely popular!

Jiang Siming's harsh comments do not give any face and no room for nails to the point, and make the best use of his skills.

Across the screen, the audience was ‘heartache’ for these scolded guests, and they almost didn’t laugh.


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