I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1983: Taoist style

But whether he prepared it in advance or not, it is in compliance with the rules.

It's just that everyone is worried about whether Jiang Siming can make such a song.


After Wu Fan sang, it was the next top singer's turn. This time it was Lu Zihan.

If you want to say that Wu Fan still has a "Wide Face" to support the scene, then Lu Zihan really doesn't have a song that can be used.

He is a traffic star through and through, and his songs are basically all covers, and there are only a few singles that no one likes to listen to.

After that, Lu Zihan's team asked him to move to the film and television industry. He made a lot of movies and TV, but basically none of them can be remembered.

The acting is too awkward, and apart from being handsome, there is nothing dazzling.

Now coming to sing "Le", it is even more dead.

He was totally fancying the popularity of the "Le" program and wanted to take a look.

During the singing session, Lu Zihan, as expected, sang Lin's three-year-old "Soy Milk Fritters".

As soon as he opened his throat, everyone sang and laughed.

He is weak, has no special features, and his sound is not as good as an amateur singer.

It is almost a world apart from Lin's three-year-old original singer.

There was no surprise in the audience below, and all the comments were unpleasant.

Lu Zihan's fans were anxious but had nothing to do.

After the concert, even the applause was sparse.

At the end of the three-minute reward, Lu Zihan's performance fell below history.

66w+ bounty.

Good guys, it’s a great deal for everyone, 10% off?

Since the broadcast of "Le", the lowest bounty has not been one.

Seeing this bounty, Lu Zihan flushed and couldn't be embarrassed anymore.

I could only hold on to my face and explain that I had a severe cold and fever in the past two days and I didn't perform well.

This can only coax his fans, this singing has nothing to do with colds or not.

After He Jiu comforted a few words, Lu Zihan stepped down in a desperate manner.

Lu Zihan's fans wailed and couldn't believe this was the truth.

Next, Huang Yitao played.

I originally thought that the double-digit bounty should be unprecedented.

But never thought that Huang Yitao's bounty was lower than Lu Zihan.

The bounty number of 59w+.

Let the audience fall through again.

To be able to achieve such a low level is also acceptable.

Huang Yitao's face became purple directly.

On the contrary, Lu Zihan and his fans breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly feeling more relieved.

Of the three top singers, two of them are double-digit bounty.

All fans of the fan circle can only pin their hopes on Wu Fan.

It's up to him whether their favorite top-tier singer can make a profit on the show "Le".

He has just sent away Lu Zihan, He Jiu is planning to invite the next guest to appear.

At this time, the communication from the program group was received in the headset.

He Jiu listened and changed his words with a smile: "For the time being, there is a small matter to announce. The guest who is creating his own wants to choose an audience member to be his cooperating guest at the scene. Are there any audience members willing to come?"

Everyone was shocked, why did you invite the audience to sing together? Really, there is such a good thing!


"I will go!"

"I want to sing with Jiang Shen!"

"Choose me, choose me."


Everyone raised their hands because of their courage. After all, there is a chance to sing with Jiang Shen. This kind of opportunity is rare in a lifetime.

He Jiu asked, "The guest said, as long as children, boys and girls are fine."

At this time, many viewers were disappointed, but the viewers who brought their children to the game had their ideas and recommended their children.

Finally, He Jiu chose a little girl and asked her sister to take her backstage.

He felt that the little girl's sister was familiar, and he couldn't remember who it was.

Next, it is the official turn of all the old guests.

Zhou Dong, Lin Sansui, Han Lei, Ren Tianwang, Zheng Yuan.

Five super-strength singers have successively performed on stage.

Zhou Dong's "Seven Miles of Fragrance", 480w+ easily.

Han Lei won 401w+ with "Borrow from Heaven for Five Hundred Years".

Ren Tianwang sang "The End of the World", directly 472w+.

Zheng Yuan's "Tolerance" also won 405w+.

In the end, I don’t know if it was a coincidence. Lin Sansui also sang "Soy Milk Fritters" and crashed with Lu Zihan.

When the two sang the same song, the audience had two experiences. The first effect made people speechless, and the latter effect made people burst!

This is called "Soy Milk You Tiao", Lu Zihan sang it, and the bean dregs can't be counted. You tiao is still out of date.

It makes people not want to fall in love after hearing it, and they have no appetite to eat early.

And Lin's three-year-old bounty was seven or eight times that of Lu Zihan, 460w+.

Everyone's votes exceeded 400w+.

Throw away ten big roads of three top singers.

This made all the rice circle fans face pain.

They thought that even if their idols were a little bit close, they could at least break their wrists with these ‘old antiques’.

But reality taught them a lesson.

Sling, unilaterally.

For a time, the top singer became a joke.

But their fans have not given up, because there is still one person who has not sang.

As long as his bounty number does not exceed Wu Fan, then Wu Fan can advance.

The question Wu Fan gave Jiang Siming was very tricky. Everyone didn't think that Jiang Siming could write such a demanding song in such a short time.

"The last singer tonight, Jiang Siming, let us look forward to his new song tonight!"

After He Jiu finished speaking, he gave Jiang Siming a wave of oil before turning around and stepping down.

On the stage, the lights suddenly became bright, and a beam of light shone on the entrance of the stage.

Two figures, one large and one small, came out from the background.

This appearance made the audience shine.

Those who came out were naturally Jiang Siming and the little girl who was picked.

The reason why everyone feels bright is because Jiang Siming's costume this time is actually a Taoist costume.

A bit similar to Taoist Wudang clothes.

He was dressed in a blue robe and his hair was in a bun. Although it was a wig, Jiang Siming did not have such long hair.

But wearing it on his head, there is no sense of disobedience. On the contrary, Jiang Siming with this hairstyle looks like a fairy.

Especially with the floating dust in his hands and a sword behind him, his body is chic, like a Tianjun Taoist descending from the earth.

This set of dress, in line with the appearance of Jiang Siming, the female audience's heart beats violently.

"Well, why can't I resist Jiang Shen's male temptation every time! I'm too weak!"

"A lie, I've been to Wudang Mountain before. How can those Taoists be so handsome (cover their faces)!"

"Dad, look at me, do I have a nosebleed?"

"I love Ai, why always ignore Jiang Shen's appearance because of his talent."

"Hey! Mom, I'm in love, with whom? With a Taoist priest!"


Third update yesterday~

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