I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1984: Downhill

In addition to Jiang Siming's Taoist look, the little girl next to her is also dressed in a small Taoist robe. The Taoist look is very cute.

The girl bounced on the stage by Jiang Siming holding hands.

The appearance of the two people is like a bright moonlight, lighting up the entire stadium, everyone's eyes are cast on it, reluctant to move.

When he stepped onto the stage, Jiang Siming lowered his head and said to the girl:

"Remember what I taught you just now, be bold, don't be afraid, and show it to everyone."

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded seriously, then walked to the center of the stage, facing the camera, and punched a set of Tai Chi.

Although the movements are very unfamiliar, they have different appearances, and the girl is wearing a little robes and playing Tai Chi, which is very cute.

At this time, the live accompaniment rang.

This prelude made people fall in love again. The piano is perfectly integrated with the melody of the ancient zheng.

The rhythm is light, and there is an urge to dance to the music.

"If you want to practice martial arts peerlessly."

"You have to endure the unbearable pain of ordinary people."

"The tea that the master likes to drink is called Oolong."

"Clothes love to wear Chinese red."


This passage is like RAP, but also like a cappella. The lyrics are quite simple, completely in vernacular, combined with the rap song proposed by Shang Wu Fan.

This paragraph actually fits perfectly.

After all, rap songs just need to be rapped, not the entire song needs rap.

Just like many rap songs cannot always be rap, then no one would like to listen to it.

But Jiang Siming just stopped here, and the little girl who was doing Tai Chi said: "Hey! Master~"

The voice of the little girl's milk suddenly came so that the whole song suddenly seemed to be filled with soul, cute!

Everyone is even wondering whether it was the girl who yelled unexpectedly, or the song was originally arranged like this, how could it be so natural.

"Whether it is hot summer or cold winter."

"I really want to go to the sky outside the mountain gate."

"Looking forward to the South waiting."

"A dream came true after going down the mountain."


After this paragraph, Jiang Siming actually modified it. The original singer of this song handled the lyrics of this paragraph badly.

The original word was ‘my person who is still waiting for me to go down the mountain is called Xiaoluo’. This time, Jiang Siming seriously suspected that he was purely rhyming and didn’t know how to break the sentence.

This is also a problem with many singers, Jiang Siming simply changed this paragraph.

The revised paragraph is in Cantonese. If you are interested, you can listen to it. The Cantonese version is even more amazing.

With the two lyrics down, together with the little Taoist boy who was still playing Tai Chi on the stage, the audience already had a martial arts scene in their minds.

Little Taoists practice martial arts in Wudang and are taught by their masters to practice martial arts diligently every day.

But the little Taoist wanted to go down the mountain to experience, yearning to get out of the mountain and be a little bird of freedom.

There is no MV, nor any dance. Jiang Siming asked a little girl to do Duan Tai Chi on the spot, which produced such subtle effects.

Better than MV.

Then, the chorus part came, making the song fuller and more brainwashed.

"I have a Tai Chi with my left hand."

"Sashimi with a sword in his right hand."

"Sweeping the legs is called Qingxue."

"Flying swallows with light work."

"My strange meridian has an extraordinary pulse force."

"All righteous in the world."

"I wish for peace of mind."

"Goodbye, master."



The chorus not only easily brainwashed the audience and became addicted to the song, but also showed everyone Taoist Kungfu.

Tai Chi, Tai Chi Sword, Sweeping Snow, Flying Swallows... These are all linked to Kung Fu and perfectly fulfill the requirements of Wu Fan.

Finally this ‘ha! "It was the little girl who screamed, making this song full of aura.

Jiang Siming was walking around the girl at this time, chanting like a guide as he walked: "Humans follow the law, the Tao follows the heavens, the heavens follow the natural..."

The girl heard it as ‘cumin’ and asked the master dumbly: "Cumin...Master, what is cumin..."

After speaking, Jiang Siming gave a bitter smile with a very cooperative expression.

The audience laughed and was amused by the cooperation of the two.

It's natural, not cumin, little guy~

Even Ren Tianwang, they all laughed the day after tomorrow, praising this little girl for being so cute.

When the song was over, the little girl made a lovely gesture for everyone.

The audience got up one after another, and they did not hesitate to applaud themselves, and the applause was thunderous!

He Jiu ran to the stage immediately, for fear that Jiang Siming would run away.

"Amin, this song is too fun and magical. May I ask, is the voice added to the song by this little cutie accidentally or deliberately arranged?"

Jiang Siming replied with a smile: "Of course it is well arranged."

He Jiu exclaimed, "This is so nice and natural, cow!"

Jiang Siming laughed, rubbed the head of the little girl next to him, and said, "It was her who performed well. I was very surprised."

"How do I feel that you guys know each other? It's a tacit understanding!" He Jiu smiled.

Jiang Siming did not deny it, and answered very honestly: "Yes, her name is Yu Guoer, a little girl adopted by my wife's parents in the orphanage before, and she is also my **** sister. I never expected such a coincidence. I was selected by you at once."

He Jiu happily said, "Why don't I know, I just looked at the cute little girl, so I chose her, is she also learning Tai Chi? I look very strange."

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "Just in the backstage, I taught her for half an hour, and barely remembered most of the movements. I was worried at first that I would play it, but I didn't expect Xiao Guoer to surprise me. "

"I think this little girl is very talented in acting and learning. Maybe she can develop into the film and television industry in the future." He Jiu said with a smile.

However, he didn't expect that one of his own words would come true, and Xiao Guoer really became a world-famous star.

Of course, this is a story.

"Well, let's not say much, let's enter today's last round of bounty pool!"

After He Jiu finished speaking, the three-minute reward time began.

After three minutes, the result came out, which is quite surprising. A rap song, it can even be said to be a song similar to a saliva song.

But won today's highest reward, 566w+!

Even Jiang Siming was surprised. He guessed that a large part of the audience might have gone to Xiao Guoer's performance.

It seems that Xiao Guoer really helped him a lot today.

He was ready to be eliminated.

In fact, if he sings dryly, he may not be able to surpass Wu Fan's nirvana "Wide Face" today.

But because of Xiao Guo'er's cute performance, the audience became cute, and they all happily chose to reward.

The first reward ranking was announced, and all three top-tier singers were eliminated!

This is also something that many people expected. The top class and strength are completely incomparable.

This episode ends.


First more~

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