I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1986: Lively hospital

The family has never felt that the wait is so long.

The wives are all sitting on the sofa outside the operating room, saying two comforting words from time to time, but they have been staring at the lamp in the operating room.

Jiang Siming couldn't sit still at all, so he smoked cigarettes one by one at the window next to the door of the ward.

It's not that he is addicted to cigarettes, but at this time he really needs something to calm him down.

Maybe in a few hours, he will change from the Son of Man to the Father of Man.

When he was about to become a father, Jiang Siming felt like he had eaten a hundred boxes of explosive candy in his mouth, causing the adrenaline in his body to keep jumping up.

Before long, a nurse walked up and said to Jiang Siming: "Chairman, Mr. He Jiuhe has come to the hospital, and Dong Chou and Lin are three years old with him. Would you like to let them in?"

"Well, let them in." Jiang Siming nodded.

Before he entered the hospital, Zhang Chunlan was asked to close the hospital.

He is going to be a father, it is estimated that it will be spread out soon, and the media and those media will definitely come in at that time.

Jiang Siming doesn't want to see reporters and the media now.

It didn't take long for Hejiu to come up, along with Zhou Dong and Lin three years old.

As soon as the three of them came up, they saw Jiang Siming smoking a cigarette. Zhou Dong walked over with experience and patted Jiang Siming on the shoulder.

"Your state is exactly the same as my appearance when my wife gave birth, haha, don't worry."

Jiang Siming smiled bitterly: "I know, but I just want to calm down, I'm afraid I'm too excited."

"Haha, we thought you were melancholy. We didn't expect to be excited. Hehe, you're going to be a father soon. How do you feel?" He Jiu smirked.

"I don't know, I just want their mother and daughter to be safe." Jiang Siming shook his head, he really didn't know now.

"Envy and envy, you are all fathers, but I am still single, it seems that I have to think about my own happiness." Lin Sansui said enviously.

The three of them had a few words with Jiang Siming, and they chose to go downstairs to stand guard at the hospital door.

Help Jiang Siming block the upcoming reporters and media, it is not a problem for them to stay here.

Not long after He Jiu and the others went downstairs, one friend after another came over, and there were more media reporters.

The child of the world's richest man is about to be born. This news is enough to make all the news media today pounce like tigers smelling meat.

This child, from the moment he was born, had a superb status.

He was born with the richest man in the world as a father and accompanied by so many mothers. This child must have saved the universe in his previous life!

However, their ideas must be shattered, and the hospital would not let them in at all.

But Jiang Siming's friends came one after another, and they had good relationships, like Zhou Dong, and went up to congratulate Jiang Siming.

Those who have a normal relationship will also come to the hospital to stand guard with Jay Chou and the others, waiting for Jiang Siming to come downstairs and send another wave of blessings.

And reporters and media also flocked to it, but unfortunately they can't get in.

Even if some media have a good relationship with Hejiu, they still want him to let them in.

However, He Jiu was selfless this time, and he didn't say anything about his affection, so he let the security guard stop him outside.

On the Internet, news has spread madly.

The news that Jiang Siming is about to become a father and the child is about to be born is a hundred times more popular than Jiang Siming's "Down the Mountain" just now!

"Oh, Jiang Siming became the world's richest man and father at the age of 26. I am also 26 years old, but why am I still just a dick?"

"Similarly, I'm 35 and I still have no success in my career."

"I just want to envy Jiang Siming's child, who has the world's most wealth from the moment he was born. It is so popular."

"If I can be Jiang Siming's child, I will be willing to be a misbeing in all my life."

"I don't know if Jiang Siming's child is a boy or a girl. I hope it's a girl. The girl inherits Jiang Siming's genes and must be more beautiful than a fairy!"


Heng'ai Hospital tonight is the most lively one since its establishment.

How can there be so many people in this high-end private hospital?

Then, Xinyi's parents arrived first.

Then Jiang Siming's parents, grandparents, and younger sisters arrived.

"Er, Xinyi, this girl, is it really okay to be born so early? Mom, forget it, less than five months, this..."

Jiang's mother was worried all the way, and went to the hospital.

Jiang Siming calmed down and said: "Mom, just put your heart in your stomach, the child and mom will have no problems."

"That's good, that's good, I'm going to hold my granddaughter, and I'm going to be a grandmother."

Jiang Ma even wiped her tears with joy as she spoke.

"You are crying so much, what are you crying for when your granddaughter is about to be born, it's unlucky at all." Dad Jiang said to Jiang Ma with staring eyes.

Jiang's mother confessed for the first time, wiped her tears and stopped crying.

Grandparents were also extremely happy, but everyone knew that Jiang Siming wanted to be alone now, so they didn't bother too much, and they all sat in the waiting hall and waited quietly.

Only Jiang Siming was still at the door of the ward, smoking while waiting for the situation in the operating room.

Another hour passed, several heavyweights appeared.

The old man of the Tian Group, accompanied the elder, appeared in the hospital together.

This shocked the entire hospital.

The elder did not deliberately conceal his whereabouts, and strode directly to the front door of the meteor.

This scene let all media reporters see it right.

These reporters are all stupid.

Almost thought it was an illusion.

The elder came to the hospital to visit Jiang Siming and his unborn child.

Although the elder didn't say anything, the reporters thought with their butts and knew that they must have come to see Jiang Siming.

He Jiu and the others, who were originally the door gods, didn't dare to stop them when they saw these two people coming in, as they watched them as they got on the elevator all the way up.

Jiang Siming also didn't expect that the old man Tianzhu and the elders would come here specially, and both of them took every opportunity to make a special trip for the birth of his child.

"Good boy, you can harvest your peach blossom luck when you become a dad, and you have to be a good father's role model." The elder patted Jiang Siming on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Old Jiang Siming blushed and nodded awkwardly.

The two did not stay long, so they chatted with Jiang Siming for ten minutes and then went back.

Although the elders wanted to stay and hug Jiang Siming's daughter.

But they really don't have time, and they have been forced to squeeze out such a long time to go to Shanghai.

That's it, the elder specifically said that when there is time, he will definitely come to Shanghai again and hold Jiang Siming's daughter.

Jiang Siming agreed with a smile, and personally sent them away.

All the media reporters saw Jiang Siming and the elder talking and laughing at the gate of the hospital.

They sighed in their hearts that no one can offend Jiang Siming, behave, this guy's background is outrageous!

This is why no media dare to write about Jiang Siming's news at all.

Even his wife's family, absolutely no media dare to chew their tongues.

Can't afford to offend~


Third today~

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