I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1987: Meng Po soup is filled with water!

Waiting for more than two hours.

The lights in the operating room finally went out!

Qin Yiyi walked out holding a baby blanket. In the baby blanket, a small figure was crying.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Siming, the big son, was relieved, followed by excitement and excitement.

"I have a younger sister! I have a younger sister!" Zhao Xiaoxiao jumped up on the spot dancing.

All the mothers immediately gathered around to see their daughters.

Only Jiang Siming walked into the operating room for the first time.

Looking at the weak Xinyi on the hospital bed, Jiang Siming felt distressed.


Seeing Jiang Siming coming, Xinyi propped up her tired face and smiled.

Jiang Siming walked up to her and quickly fed Xinyi a fairy bean.

Although the physical strength is restored, there is no way to recover the fatigue and emptiness in the body immediately.

Now Xinyi has been recuperating quietly, and she is used to the state of no longer bulging her baby.

"Thank you, Xinyi." Jiang Siming squeezed Xinyi's hand and said heavily.

A woman can concentrate on giving birth to you at home, and even Xinyi gave up her studies, interests and hobbies in order to raise a baby.

Jiang Siming thought about it for a long time with Xinyi's sacrifice and dedication. Only this thank you can make him feel better.

"What did the brother say? I am your wife. I shouldn’t have a baby for you. I’m already very lucky. I didn’t have any adverse reactions during the pregnancy. I only had five months of pregnancy, compared to other pregnant women. , I am already very happy."

Xinyi said with a smile.

What else could Jiang Siming say, he could only nod his head and swear that he must treat the person he loves better.

"Senior Brother, have you seen Wan Wan? She is so cute, especially like you."

Jiang Siming smiled, shook his head and said, "I haven't had time to watch."

As he finished speaking, Qin Yiyi returned to the operating room holding the baby, the baby still crying.

"My dear, this cry is too loud, we took turns holding a circle and coaxing it all around, it's useless, be a dad, you try."

Qin Yiyi handed the child to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming took it awkwardly, recalling how he held his sister before, and barely learned a seven-point image.

Holding Jiang Luoyu, Jiang Siming has time to see this child.

With this look, Jiang Siming couldn't remove his eyes.

Unlike children born in ordinary families, other children have wrinkled skin and can't open their eyes when they are just born. Some even have lines on their foreheads. They look like old men. They are basically ugly.

But Jiang Luoyu is completely different, not only the skin is delicate and tender, but also the eyes have been opened. Every inch of skin on his body seems to be full of collagen.

Although the immature facial features have just opened up, they are already angular and utterly cute.

Especially those eyes are vivid and vivid, like a pair of gems.

It's just that the owner with the big eyes of Ka Zilan is crying loudly at this time, and golden beans pop out of his eyes like a stream.

It seems that the little guy is not used to it just after leaving his mother's belly.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Dad is here." Jiang Siming soothed.

I thought I was definitely not playing, so many mothers coaxed it to be useless.

Who ever thought, just after he finished speaking, Xiao Luoyu's cries stopped abruptly, opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Siming.

The two father and daughter looked at each other for the first time. Xiao Luoyu was stunned and stopped crying. Then he giggled at Jiang Siming.

Qin Yiyi on the side was all surprised. They almost broke their mouths outside, and they could not do anything. The little guy still cried for her.

Jiang Siming gave a hug and said a word, all right?

Not only did he smile at Jiang Siming, but his little hands and feet flopped hard towards Jiang Siming, making a babble.

It seems to like Jiang Siming very much.

"Let me try again." Qin Yiyi didn't believe in this evil.

Jiang Siming was also curious, and handed Xiao Luoyu to Qin Yiyi.

The little guy saw that the person holding her had changed, and immediately began to cry again.

Qin Yiyi hurriedly returned her to Jiang Siming, crouching on her hips, angrily and amusingly vomiting: "This little conscience, I am also her mother, okay, so not giving face."

Xinyi smiled and said, "I'll try it."

Jiang Siming gave Xiao Luoyu to Xinyi again, but she didn't expect Xinyi to work well, so the little girl still cried.

Only in Jiang Siming's arms, she immediately stopped her tears and turned from crying to laughter.

Other mothers also walked in. After discovering this phenomenon, the whole family was dumbfounded.

"The little guy only recognizes his father, not his mother."

"It seems that we want to touch her again today. We cry as soon as we touch her."

"I just tried it, and it really is."

"It seems that she recognizes this dad. Sure enough, her daughter is her father's lover in the past life. This must be Meng Po's decoction."


The wives teased.

Jiang Siming is quite happy. His daughter kisses him the most, so don't be too proud.

"Wives, don't worry, I will be a good dad."

Jiang Siming said with a smile, the girls gave him a funny look, envious.

They also want to hug Xiao Luoyu, Xiao Luoyu looks so pretty~

Just like Xiao Luoyu, eighteen years later, you have to fascinate all men in the world.

With the excellent genes of Jiang Siming and Xinyi, it is impossible to do it if it is ugly.

"Don't chat in the operating room, let Xinyi transfer to the special ward to rest, she's already ready." Qin Yiyi said.

Everyone just wanted to nod, but Xinyi said, "I want to go home and stay here? I'm fine. Just go home and rest for a few days."

Jiang Siming happily agreed, saying that Xinyi was fine, but staying in the hospital would be depressing.

It's better to rest at home for a few days. Both he and Qin Yiyi are doctors and can take care of Xinyi.

But you have to say hello to your friends before you leave.

After all, they came to congratulate themselves, and they were still waiting downstairs.

In this way, Jiang Siming first held Xiao Luoyu downstairs.

Seeing Jiang Siming holding the child, He Jiu and the others immediately came to send blessings.

Everyone looked at Jiang Siming's child one after another, followed by a variety of surprises, this child is too good-looking, like a little angel.

However, everyone can understand Jiang Siming's genes. Such a handsome dad will definitely give birth to a daughter.

After greeting everyone, He Jiu and the others left in peace.

Jiang Siming returned home with his wife and his parents.

Today, parents and father-in-law must not be able to go back. It's better to stay at home for one night. Anyway, there are so many houses at home.

Both pairs of old men eagerly wanted to hug Xiao Luoyu for a while, but it was a pity that Xiao Luoyu didn't give face, so she cried when she hugged him.

They can only give up, and just look at it.

In their words, Xiao Luoyu definitely doesn't know them yet, so they have to brush up on their presence next to them, maybe they can hold them.

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